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Everything posted by -Laura-

  1. I love those Belle ones Jen! They are awesome! She seems to be my favourite character at the moment i dont know why but Jessica is such a good actress i think! I love the first one thats such a classic Belle facial expression and you've captured it really well. I also really like the second, seventh and eighth but they are all great! The cropping and colouring are really nice! The Drelle ones are good too but i prefer her with Lucas! lol Fantabulous work Jen!
  2. Awww that was such a good chapter Amber! I think its my favourite so far! The memory was so well written! And i love the fact that she remembered a good memory about Jack even if it wasnt such a good memory of Corey! Cant wait to see what happens next and whos pregnant, so looking forward to the next chapter!
  3. I love both the Mattie/Ric sigs they are gorgeous and all the Ashley sigs are stunning too but the first is my favourite! Great work!
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  5. Oooh the colouring on all those is stunning! Really like the cropping on them all aswell but my faves are the third and fourth Matilda ones!
  6. Aww that was a cute chapter and not boring atall! Poor Jack! I wish Martha would just let him in abit more even though i know it must be hard for her! Hmmm wonder who she remembers?! Cant wait to find out so update when you can!
  7. Oooh i bought season 1 of supernatural on DVD but havnt watched it yet! May try and fit it in before season 2 starts!
  8. Ooooh those are good! 4,5 and 7 are my faves but they are all gorgeous!
  9. Those are all really good! The colourings really nice! Hard to pick a fave but i think the one your using at the moment would be it! Great work!
  10. Aww that was a cute update! Martha and Jack are so meant to be! Damn this Richard! At least Eamon is trying to think of Marthas happiness too but he is still a total coward! Grrr! lol Hope Jack wises up to this Richard guy and him and Martha get together and be happy! Well great chapter Nicole and update when you can!
  11. Happy Birthday Becky! Have a great 18th and don't drink too much! lol x x x

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  12. Aww all those Robbie and Tash ones are really cute! They look so young in their school uniforms! lol Great colouring and cropping esp on the fourth thats my favourite one!
  13. I absolutely love 'father'/'daughter' scenes between Martha and Tony! I think they are so cute! You can just see he loves her like a real daughter! Bless! And his fatherly scenes with Jack too! Absolutely loved drunk Jack! I loved it when he was in the bar and was like 'act natural'! Hehe! But am sad they have split up! They both need to be more understanding of each others feelings and go back to the way they were before with each other!
  14. Oooh im doing Criminology with Criminal Justice studies as my major and Psychology as my minor! Ive just started my second term! lol Just thought id randomly throw that in there lol but now i feel i must go to bed because i did not realise how late it has got and i have to make the effort to get up for my lectures in the morning! grr! lol And i think the TV thread/Sub forum thing was made earlier! How do you find it? Is it as interesting as it sounds? Lol! I made the mistake of picking Sociology last semester, thinking that it would be good and interestnig .. but no, lol. Yer it seems good! Only had one term of it so far so we are still getting into it but the stuff we have done already is quite interesting! And i agree i have to do some complusory social science modules and they are majority sociology based and it doesnt interest me all that much either! Well at least the bits we have done! lol
  15. This is me crying! That was so sad but so beautifully written! I didnt see the ending coming atall! It was so different to the usual Jack and Martha fics! Im still in shock! lol Awesome writing again Jade!
  16. Well after being so impressed by your writing in your fic trapped i thought i would have a nose at some of your others and this was absolutely fantastic! It was so well written! Everything about it was just perfect! The emotion, the descriptions, everything! It brought a tear to my eye! lol Great writing Jade!
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  18. Oooh im doing Criminology with Criminal Justice studies as my major and Psychology as my minor! Ive just started my second term! lol Just thought id randomly throw that in there lol but now i feel i must go to bed because i did not realise how late it has got and i have to make the effort to get up for my lectures in the morning! grr! lol And i think the TV thread/Sub forum thing was made earlier!
  19. All great as usual but the second Robbie one is my fave! He looks so adorable and cute!
  20. Oooh that was good! As Adia said i could really see it playing out in my head too! Im also really intrigued to find out what happens next and also what happened to the little boy who liked to go to the shops and have dinner with his mum and dad on a friday to where hes at now! Great start Eli! Update soon!
  21. Awww that was so cute! Jack and Martha are so meant to be! Eamon, Eamon, Eamon indeed! Why dont you listen to Richard and toddle off to France so Jack and Martha can get back together! Awesome update Nicole! Great writing! Am much looking forward to the next when you have time to write it!
  22. The new credit avs are good Jen although im still not sure about them either! I feel they move to fast for me! lol And the Belle banners are cool! Great work!
  23. Great Mattie avs Jen! The 2nd and 5th are my faves but they are all gorgeous!
  24. Awww I love them. Especially the first. I totally agree! They are gorgeous!
  25. Those four are really great! The Indiana ones are gorgeous! Awesome stuff!
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