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Everything posted by -Laura-

  1. Love them all esp the first Lucas/Ric one! Great stuff Jen!
  2. Aww that was really good! Poor Martha! Great writing!
  3. Love all the new work! My two faves are the last Drew and Belle one and the third Belle one! And im sorry to hear about your cat but 20 years is a good run!
  4. Awesome chapter Amber! Love Lucas hes so adorable but poor little Jack bless! Can't wait for the next chapter to see how closely to the rules him and Martha will be able to stay! lol So update when you can!
  5. All your recent avs are absolutely stunning and your cat is so cute! Reminds me of mine! lol Great work!
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  7. Awww that was such an awesome chapter Nicole! Jack and Martha are soooo cute! And i loved the whole fishing thing! I also second the idea that Alf can't get away from what ever he is doing so it will be a dinner for two with some JaMarthaness! lol Please update soon! Can't wait to see what happens!
  8. Aww those two are gorgeous Jen! Indianna is so pretty! Great work!
  9. Those are really good! The 2nd and 4th are my favourites! Great work Jen!
  10. Great chapter! Loved the Martha and Jack fishing scene! They are so cute and made for each other they just need to open there eyes to each other and see that! lol And if it wasn't a kiss then what did you delete?! Please update soon Nicole!
  11. Aww Martha was very cute looking at the photos and watching the video! Bless! And its good shes moving in but something tells me its not going to be smooth sailing! Esp for Jack! lol Can't wait for the next chapter! Update soon! lol
  12. Aww that was really good! Great writing and great story!
  13. I like them both! Great work Jen!
  14. Well just read the whole of this fic and it was awesome Nicole! Martha and Jack were so cute at the end! And as much as i really want to get started on the sequel i am going to have to wait because i have work all day tomorow so need to go to bed now so i will be able to get out of bed early in the morning! lol Great writing though and can't wait to read!
  15. Happy New Year to you too! All your latest work is great esp love these two and the OC ones esp the very last one Ryan and Marissa! Great work Jen!
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  17. Aww poor Jack he just wants his family back together but Martha isn't even giving it a chance! Grr! lol Hopefully they will do some bonding over Alex! Great chapter and update soon!
  18. Aw that was an awesome update Nic! So cute and adorable and funny! I love the way you wrote Jack and Martha! And poor little Jack still worried about the Henry situation! Maybe he can open up to Martha about it while they are fishing and she can open up about Eamon and then.....! lol And i like Jack and Martha fishing! lol Well awesome stuff and update soon!
  19. Argh i keep thinking theres been an update! lol Cant wait!
  20. Wow those three are absolutely stunning! Jodi, Indianna and Isabel are so pretty! My personal fave is the black and white one with the border and i agree i think it looks gorgeous without any text! Awesome work Jen! Hope you had a good christmas!
  21. Great chapter! Been looking forward to an update for ages and we get one just in time for christmas! Fantabulous! lol Feel sorry for poor Cassie, hopefully she'll open up to Martha and let her help her through it! Damn Jack still kissing Gypsy! How could he let Martha go! And even though i dont really like Halyley i wouldnt wish upon her what Kane is possibly about to do! Awesome work from both of you and hope for an update soon! Oh and Merry Christmas!
  22. They are all really really good and i have lots of favourites but my ultimate fave is the fifth Robbie and Tasha one! Its absolutely stunning! Great work Jen and Merry Christmas!
  23. Awesome chapter Nicole! And i knew it! I knew Eamon and Richard were gay lovers! lol And now hopefully Jack and Martha can grow closer and bond over their rough times! I mean Eamon did say Martha deserves abit of love and im sure Jack would be more than willing to give it to her! lol Love poor Tonys worriedness but unsubtlessness! Hes such an adorable dad! lol Hope Henry doesnt rear his head soon though and wreck how things are going.....! lol Keep us happy and the updates regular! lol And happy christmas eve!
  24. Well because i am enjoying returning emotions so much thought id have a dig around in the library and came across this little jem and just read it all! It was awesome! Poor Martha and Jack and what an ending! Absolutely despise Jenny and where is Dave as all this is happening?! lol I really want to start the sequel but i have work tomorrow so i need to go to bed and so will have to stop myself until tomorrow night or sunday when i can sit down and read it all in one go again because i know once i start im not going to be able to stop until i finish! lol Great writing Nicole!
  25. Aww they are so cute together! They are meant to be! Why won't they just see that! lol Have a feeling Richard and Eamon are definitely more than just friends and this wedding could be something of a convenience for the sake of the posh parents...! Hmmm....! Guess il just have to wait and see.... Update soon Nicole, its awesome!
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