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Everything posted by -Laura-

  1. They are all fabulous! I like the first 'red' Mattie av best, the second sig and the second and last out of those last set but they are all awesome as usual Jen!
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  3. Aw fabulous as always Nicole and im loving the regular updates they are great and am also very much looking forward to the next chapter for some JaMarthaness! Yay! Don't leave us waiting too long! lol
  4. Whoah! Everythings awesome! Love all the avs esp the Belle and Lucas ones! The sigs are awesome and fantabulous choice of song! And that Indianna wallpaper is stunning! Wonderful work Jen!
  5. Aww the Martha and Alex bonding is so unbelievably cute but poor Jack hes out of the loop a little bless him! But small steps are the key and im just glad she bonded with Alex! Jack will come later! Hopefully! lol Awesome chapter! Can't wait for the next! Also just wanted to say that Taylor quote in your sig me and my friend were just discussing it earlier! It was so funny! We love Taylor and season four! Its absolutely fantabulous! lol
  6. Wow! Two updates to read! Fantabulous! This is so good even though there is a lack of JaMarthaness! lol Loved the names you picked for the parents! They really suited the characters! And poor Jack in the chapter before! I just wanted to hug him! I can't wait for him to finally break down even though its going to be sad i think it will be good to read! And maybe Martha can find him and comfort him and start to realise just how much hes been/is still going through and realise all her feelings of love are still there! Aww! Great writing Nicole and update soon!
  7. Ooh those blends are gorgeous and all the Kit avs are fab but my favourites are the first row! Awesome work Jen!
  8. Awesome stuff Nicole! Love the Jack and Martha sarcasm! And poor Jack at the end! Bless him! When are we going to find out what happened to the poor little soul! lol Can't wait for the next update!
  9. Everything is fantabulous as usual but my faves are the Jodi and Indiana ones! They are stunning! Jodi looks like shes been topping up her tan! lol Awesome stuff Jen!
  10. They are all really good except i think i prefer her with Lucas! But great work anyway Jen!
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  12. Love them all esp that Indianna one and the Jack and Martha ones! Great work again Jen!
  13. They are all really really good Jen! Fantabulous work!
  14. Take your time on the update! When you can! Im sure it will be worth it! Hope the mocks went ok! And your newly decorated room looks fab!
  15. Aw i really like those ones! I love Irene shes so funny! Great work as always Jen!
  16. Nicole i hope your proud! After talking on MSN and i said i was gona wait until the fic was finished to read because there were so many pages to read through and you said i wouldn't worry its just aload of ramble i had to check it out because i love ramble! But then you go and write an amazing fic which i could not by the way tear myself away from and now have completey read the story so far instead of writing my essay (grr) lol but it was just so amazing i couldnt stop! lol And although i can't wait for the next update revision takes priority! So revise first, fan fic second even if it will kill us all waiting for the next chapter! lol I have so many comments i want to make from each chapter but now they would probably seem a tad random and also i would write alot more of an essay rambling on than i already have done! lol Ramble indeed..... lol This fic is certainly not ramble! It's awesome! lol What i would write if i wrote a fic would be ramble! lol But seriously great writing and now im probably gona get peoples hopes up because they will see a new post and think you have updated and someone has reviewed and then get angry when its just me rambling on here! lol So now i shall stop and go to bed so i can get up early in the morning and do the essay i was meant to have done this evening! lol
  17. The Rocco ones are good but i especially love the Matilda ones! They are gorgeous! And great song the words are from too! They fit really well!
  18. Argh! Bay Girl how could you leave it there?! I know cliffhangers are a good thing but really...... Can't wait to find out what happens! I hope you get the chance to update soon! Oh fantastic chapter by the way! Your writing is so good! But poor Jack and Poor Martha! Look forward to the next update!
  19. Aw those Tasha ones are absolutely stunning Jen! Great work!
  20. Aww thankyou both of you! They are all great! And those 3 new ones are so cute Eli! Now which variations to chose is gona be hard! lol
  21. Aww they are all really cute! Thankyou so much aswell! I am going out now but is it ok if when i get back later i upload some of them into my photobucket to use! I will rotate them round along with the ones of Jack and Martha Angelgirl made me and i will make sure i credit the right people for the right avs! lol If thats ok?!
  22. Ah those are great thankyou so much!
  23. Ah cool thankyou! I no how annoying computers can be! Sometimes i dont feel technology is all its cracked up to be! lol
  24. Thankyou! No rush atall and whichever ones you can and if you do im sure they will be fab just like all your other work is!
  25. Would anybody please be able to make me an av of Rory from this screencap (credit to Kareena who capped it!) No worries if you cant as i know hes quite small in the pic and there is also a random man positioned in the most awkward place behind his head! lol Also would anybody please be able to make me an av of Rhys from this pic! Again no worries if you cant and there is no rush on time atall for either if someone can do them! Or an av from either of these two pics! Thanks in advance if anyone can and no worries atall if they cant!
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