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  • Favourite Soap Opera
    Home and Away

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    South Australia
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    My favourite pairings on Home and Away ever are<br />Leah/Charlie (in my dreams), Tracey/Eve, Amanda/Peter and Belle/Drew.<br /><br />I don't like Tachel and I don't like Adelle, so there goes being friends with most of the members here haha. jks.<br /><br />My favourite shows other than Home and Away are The Biggest Loser and Criminal Minds.

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  1. Hi nice profile and I totally agree with you-Leah and Charlie would be a hott couple... Maybe one day :) xx Paris

    Read more  
  2. Angelo 20 Charlie 12 Jack 62 Martha 34 Ollie 10
  3. Wow! I missed alot of updates Cant wait for the next chapter! Cant believe Eve was so cruel to Tracey and Eve
  4. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  5. When can I expect my daily Tracey, Rachel, Peter and Claire and maybe Eve (hint) dosage next?
  6. How soon I miss my alter ego.
  7. I dont need to say anything, really Traceve said it all for me. But, when will we see Eve or is she really dead? Lotsa lov Eve.
  8. omfg! Thanks for updating!! Please let Peter and Claire stay together Lotsa Lov Eve.
  9. Wow, that was so sad Please post more soonish
  10. Thank you so much for the teaser But, Claire
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  12. Wow. I just read from the start of your fic till now, and wow *speechless* It was ****en awesome! But my poor Tracey is in a bit of a dilema, I hope she tells Peter whats going in. I cant wait till the Rachel and Tracey heart to heart
  13. The Amittyville Horror, I didnt sleep afterwards
  14. I just read all of what you have put up so far, and it was awesome not having to wait for updates Please update soon! But, Indianna Why?!?! *cries*
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