So i just finished watching todays episode like 2 seconds ago. My eyes are completely red and my face is wet from crying so much. I knew it was gonna be sad, but oh my freakin god.
I cant describe how much i love this couple, and how much they mean to me.
I've been watching this show for years, ever since i was a kid, but it wasnt until Adelle that i completely fell in love with a couple. It all just felt so real to me, and i've been laughing, crying and caring so much for them.
Sally and Flynn were a brilliant couple. Matilda and Ric were a brilliant couple. Noah and Hayley were a brilliant couple. But i couldnt actually FEEL the spirit and epicness from them, as i can with Adelle. Im having a hard time to put words to how amazing these two are, and how much i actually liked them.
I have loved them as a couple ever since the beginning, even when everyone else said they werent gonna happen, work out or become anything other than a short term thing. But i could see more.
Jess and Todd have been so incredibly brilliant, and i love them both so much. Their chemistry is so pure and real, and it never seemed forced between them.
I just feel so lucky that i've actually got to watch these two make this beautiful love story, and it sure has been a fantastic ride for me.
Thank you Adelle for creating magic. It was a pleasure to watch. I'll miss you.
The end