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Everything posted by zzazzb

  1. about 33 at the moment, i expect it will hit 38ish in a few hours and then thunderstorms.. ah the beauty of Melbourne weather..
  2. i share your pain SAB
  3. pfft, i wish we were getting warm sunny spells, just stupid freezing cold, not much rain even, just cold air *hmmph*
  4. Bruno. and it was the biggest waste of my life.
  5. Yeah! and can i just say. Uh. May. Zing!

    sooo incredible :P = favourite stage show with the lion king. seriously great.

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  6. [got cut off too :)]

    we're just gonna prove them wrong :P good luck with the move! Xox Lily

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  7. Oh! No way, you moving from the GC! :( near to Palm Beach?? :P no more frolicking in the waves.... but congrats on the good job, if it's as good as it seems i'm sure the move will be worth it.

    this year, Annie and I are in some different classes and people are always like, 'now your gonna fail cause you cant cheat off your sister', well we're just gonna prove

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  8. :D thats cool, i love new friends :)

    do your friends get annoyed at you for quoteing everything, mine do :P but they get used to it! Friends is such a great show, and it's so hard NOT to quote it :P



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  9. Maldives! wow. that was a great choice cute chapter to, i liked that playfullness of it very cute. good luck with the essay and i'm sure the next chap will be amazing wether you update tonight tomorrow or next week (but hopefully not next week..)
  10. that was beautiful i want to get married on a beach i'm really looking forward to the enxt chapter, how much more is there left?
  11. aden's gonna be there *dances* now, thats one of my reqirements. secondly - Belle has to be there - the priest guy has to be there - all other important people have to be there - all important things have to be there (ie, dress, RINGS etc.) -and no UNwanted people can be there ( like i dunnno, people with bombs eh.) think you can handle that Taniya? good. update soon
  12. that was a cute chap, it showed how caring and sweet Aden is, and Belle calling him 'Daddy'. and my first thoughts were the same as wrongturntaken's - that she is hesitant to leave the beach house because it is somewhere she felt like home and felt safe. 'as long as you come back to me' ..... he bloody better Taniya. or there will be a hell of a lot of angry Adelle fans wainting... on a lighter note, great update and looking forward to more
  13. That Chap was good as Taniya so very Aussie great updates, looking forward to the wedding, and the mention of Cassie was a nice touch. Belle doesn't really have that many friends after all
  14. oh god. he better not miss the wedding. Youu wouldn't do that to us, would you Taniya..? great chapter, looking forward to the next chap.
  15. that was so sweet, i got so mad at Annie and the others though Aden's little outburst was cute great fic
  16. definatly like purple better than murkey green but yeah, i really like it, it's sort of like, Oh! Taniya's updated, it purple! it's great. keep it purple. looking forward to the update (and i think if Aden took any longer to accept it i would have got annoyed with him...which would have been not good. so it was a good length, well for me..)
  17. that was a great chapter, you have a nice balance with the drama-y bits and the cutesy bits.... and the bits. poor Aden's phone.. i'm glad Aden let them take the house, them making the nursery is a cute image ok, and something that i've been wondering about since the first chapter of 'Unlucky'... why purple?? i love it, but why purple?? update soon =]
  18. Jeez Taniya, way to spam your own thread i'll read anything you write, whether its another sequel or a new fic
  19. i missed so much. those chaps were so sweet i wonder what amandas up to... update soon
  20. that was a great chapter! I love Nicole her scenes with aden were great, they have such a fun friendship and you have everyone craving chocolate cake. no so much me, i want the ice cream. your fics like the opposite of a diet. update soon
  21. Fullf's always fun to read that was cute Aden's adorable! I love Annie too, not so much on the show, but she's cute in this update soon
  22. aww *tear* that was sad Taniya!
  23. zzazzb

    All Saints

    thanks so much for the scans Julie, i guess that confirmes when Jolenes contract ends. it's gonna be a sad episode Is Jack leaving for good?
  24. zzazzb

    All Saints

    yeah, thanks Julie
  25. I thought NY aswell. looking forward for the next update Taniya, and i just saw the ring, it's gorgeouss.
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