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Everything posted by zzazzb

  1. I haven't said it in so many words, because I wanted you to make the connection. It was going to be addressed once again in the story, but if you want to know then it's: i had a feeling thats what it was. LOVED that line so very Nicole. and i definatly don't think your writings getting sloppy, and i'm loving the long chaps update soon (btw, did you realise your already up to page 32 )
  2. this happened to someone else, and i think they got someone else to post it for them and it worked... EDIT: it was Aden+Belle forever who had to e-mail it to someone
  3. that was god, i bet Romans not very pleased, i just have to ask from the chapter from before... did Nicole walk into the wall?!!? i hope so... but yeah, loving the updates, reading that makes me miss Ric on the show and Poor Larry *tear* update soon
  4. i agree with everyone! this is really really good and i hope you can update soon
  5. gosh your a killer with cliffhangers but excelent chapter, never apologise for long updates i love them. and what was that you said at the end, you want us to hurt you for leaving it there?! if thats the case.. *joins MissOlivia22* update soon (and seriously, TELL US WHAT ADEN'S BEEN UP TO!...please?)
  6. AOL i wonder what the stamp was for, knowing you your not going to tell us next chapter are you Taniya?? i hoope you do though... i really hope Ruby doesn't have something evil planned... cause i like her. hm. update soond
  7. i cant wait for part three i love that Ruby got Aden, though i hope she is nice to him, but not too nice, if ya catch my drift.... but Colleen and Roman would be hilarious, and i hate to think of Nicole and Drew together,, hmm update soon (is Aden being late relevent to anything??)
  8. great update, bugga you cant post the next chap hope it works for you soon
  9. me too! i hope Belle doesn't get Drew, cause wouldn't she have to willingly bid on him? like she wanted to get him?? i'm loving the filler chapters, cause they are full of fluff update soon!
  10. the twilight series can never be classified as spam. *sighs* Edward but yeah, the story, i think Belles being a chickennnnn, TALK TO HIM. and then you can do the charity event update soon, i'm going to the beach tomorrow till thursday, so i'll comment thenn
  11. have you been reading the twilight series! yay for so many updates! like i've said before, Annie/Aden relationships are my favourite! that was so cute, he handled that situation very well great updates, all however many i've missed (sorry about the lack of comments, i promise i wont abandon you, just verrryyyy busy atm ) btw, your at uni yeah i think you've mentioned that before, but what are you studying?? hmm update soon
  12. Hello :) How are you? sorry, i was bord, and you only joined today so, welcome to the forum :)

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  13. cute chapters, i'm glad they've stopped fighting Adens so cute, with the charms and i'm real exited for Belles charity thiing update soon!
  14. No, not Taniya's idea!! i don't want it to be that! (unless yours is even sadder ) how abouts next fic is a happy one *Zetti* !? lol great chapter, it was so sad i hope the secret isn't so sad update soon
  15. yeahh massive Rent fan :P it's the best, though i do love most musicals, my friends search my iPod and 90% of it is a broadway song :D i take it your a broadway fan too?! lol.

    have you seen Wicked yet? best :)


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  16. well i know the victorian way, we have VCE, so i'm no help sorry btw, Taniya, i have two other friends one called Tania and one Tanya, you're like a combination
  17. poor Aden. update soon
  18. ooooh ita Alf eyy, well he's all about family, so i say he'll keep it, for now... update soon that was good. i wonder what the argument was about, maybe druunk Martha called Roman Jack or something,.
  19. yaayyyy sequel! great start Taniya_K still with the purple i see loving it i hope Belle is how old are they? still same as on the show?? hmm/ update soon !
  20. could there have even been a better ending for that fic! it was adorable, and you made it the whole 44 pages i feel slightly guilty, i've commented ever chapter, i think. and then i missed the final one by days i hope you didn't think i'd abandond you! don't worry, i'm off to read what you've written of the sequel now congrats on an awesome fic
  21. not Dom! \Clever Belle get help! update soon
  22. ooooh, he's too smart not to realise... thatwas cute i loved that Martha was sarcastically nice to Sam, its soo annoying when people you hate are nice to you update soon!
  23. that chapter was so good i even forgot about Alec until Barbara mentioned him gosh, if he comes home while their in bed... (or at all for that matter) great update! More soon please
  24. well that was totally and completely unexpected. I wonder what happened. but so sad i loved that Aden was all willing to give Belle joint custody update asap
  25. great update, they both need some sense slapped into them update soon
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