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Everything posted by zzazzb

  1. i vote Aden and Belle live, and aren't hurt.. or involved. please?! but yeah, well worth the wait, as long as you keep going with your 3 part too update soon! i agree with solaris, stress is bad!
  2. *sighs* don't we all? brilliant fic it even might keep you off the hook for having writers block... if you update soon (both )
  3. i love your cheese ! there's no words to describe how much i want that to happen on H&A updates soon? i want the questions in the spoiler answered!!
  4. i'm thinking a sequel would be lovely!
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  6. ohhh, and the plot thickens
  7. meh, so i over analyse things... my engligh teacher hates me for it cutie update though Adens such a sweetheart. belle, buy him a gift updates soon please? if you can i'll bake you something! cookies, cake, fudge, Your choice!!
  8. Gosh, Adens the ultimate package ey! Any chance of Belle being replace with Lily? No?, oh well, worth a try.. but yeah, loveeeeddd it Are the american couple sugnificant in any way, like why they up and left so suddenly, or once again am i reading to far into things?? it happenes. updatess updates?? *remembers manners* please and Thankyou?
  9. Aww, that was a perfect ending, maybe even more so because it's not the type of ending you would expect, if you get what i mean? but really well done, it was an amazing story. congrats
  10. Hmmmm Aden why did you get a Lawyer, at least it's not bad, if he got money out of it and a lawyers are expensive. Speaking of Lawyers, i'm commenting this when i should be studying for a legal studies test! oops.. Exactly Drew. NO-ONE CARES! Hmph. anywhoo, great update! I'm deff not getting sick of it Keep the updates roling in .... Quickly
  11. zzazzb

    All Saints

    ^ i know, poor thing, he really did look like he was trying hard, but imagine less than a week after your friend died you had to tell the rest of the country what happened, i know i couldn't do it.
  12. Aww that was so sad, i love Irene, well written too, i loved it
  13. No kidding you like torturing us!! How can you possibly leave it there *joins jack+martha+trooluvv and begins tapping foot*
  14. yay you made Belle wake up! Yeah Aden, Belle being in hospital isn't going to save you from this one awesome chap. Stupid Amanda Poor Aden though, *hugs* don't be angry at yourself update soon!
  15. well thats pretty sucky. get better soon
  16. This is looking really good! As if you thought we would hate it! *sings* Belle loves Aden, Aden loves Belle I think it needs an update
  17. naww. I love Aden, that flashback was gorgeous and the very end was amazingly written too. I hope Belle chooses right. update asap ... please
  18. If it's written by mattiecus01 its good for me.. or you could just post it anyways, even if the writers block does go away
  19. damn that writers block i'd try and help. but i suck. and i trust you to think of something awesome but don't worry, i wont run away, i'll be here rain and shine
  20. jeez, you like the cliffhangers aww, thats sad.. update soon, with an ending like that, you can't force us to wait tooo long, can you?!
  21. somethings not right indeed, and i think we need a chapter to fix things. but any chapter of yours is worth the wait missy but that doesn't mean i like waiting.. so.. update soon? thank youu.
  22. zzazzb

    All Saints

    I was thinking about that too, both parts of it. but apparently he's going to be on air for the next 11 eps. so maybe even both?
  23. What! Bad Belle! Be okay She better not miss anything important with Aden. and Drew better call him and tell him I thought for a minute Drew was going to give her mouth to mouth and Aden was going to see. So that was a releif. but yeha, update soon
  24. Hmmmm, you have more faith than me mk1diva ... i'm not banking on Adelle being perfect just yet. but i suppose we'll see soon.. more please?
  25. NO JACK! Don't leave loved that, i'v had so many of them... i'm still waiting for a J&M kiss and for Alec to jump off a cliff, or be pushed, eithers good. update soon, another monster long chapter perhaps? they're my favourite
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