I actually don't like Indi's character that much when she isn't with Romeo. I just find her bland when she's by herself. Lets face it though- if they weren't together who has she got? She hasn't really got any proper friends in the bay anymore male or female. Romeos the only male she's ever been close too, she has no female friends left in the bay now Nics gone, and although she's made her peace with Ruby they're hardly friends. She's a bit ostracised from the rest of the teen group owing to them being at school whilst she is at uni I think. The writers don't tend to give her many scenes with them. Romeos the only other teen not in school so I think they need each other really. Without him she would literally only have Sid and Dex.
Her character has seemed a bit annoying since they returned from Hawaii I think. She's been very childish since they got back and I don't know why. I couldn't blame it on Romeo though as he seems to be the person who wants to talk some sense into her. Initially I thought perhaps she was subconsciously paranoid about Romeo being faithful because in her eyes Sid and Dex have both done the dirty recently, thus as far as she is concerned every male she trusts in her life has done so in the last 6 months. I don't think this is the case now though as they seem fine together so I really can't understand where her attitude is coming from.