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Everything posted by ~Dom~

  1. Hey. Why was kirsty in hospital for a long time and she had that operation?
  2. Happy Birthday Kate Ritchie!! Have an awesome day!
  3. Ahhhh! I love that film. Very good. And funny!
  4. Great colouring. Simply stunning!
  5. Love the JnM ones!
  6. This one is pure awesomeness! The texture usage is great!! And so is the blending!
  7. More Aden crying. I shouldn't even be replying, I have died sever times! Amazing.
  8. More crying Aden! God, you've killed me
  9. :o Ahh, they are lovely. I want to eat them! Especially the colouring!
  10. I love them all! Great work.
  11. Love the Miles ones!
  12. I love them great colouring, the blue makes them stand out!
  13. Ahhhhh! I have just died. Aden And the colouring is just... just... well, amazing. Make more artwork soon please!
  14. St Trinians.
  15. ~Dom~

    Suggestions Thread

    Umm.. Does anyone like the sound of this game. What Would You Say. Basically. The aim of the game is to name a character, and then the next person would pretend they were in Home & Away, and type the first thing which you would say to them. e.g I would say ummm... Geoff Then the next person would say .... Go make love with Aden (I know there are alot of Gaden fans) Then the same person would say another character (old or new) ---------------------------------------- Does anyone like the idea?
  16. More Jannie! Love them!
  17. Wow, love the B&W sally av, its really good! Great work!
  18. Great chapter! Update soon!
  19. Snow! 6 inches deep!
  20. I'll third that!!! Happy B-day Cornelia!!
  21. Oh I love #11! Great cropping.
  22. Sally avs! My fave is the first Sally and Miles one! Great job!
  23. It was so funny with Jazz and Amanda. And the bit with Sally, Miles and Leah, was so funny, it made me cry because I know Sally has left now. Jazz: I'll go put the kettle on then, make some tea. Amanda: Umm... I'll go with you Jazz: Why? Amanda: Well, I need to show you how.
  24. Oh god! That one of Sally smiling is amazing! Everything about it is awesome!
  25. Wow. I love your coloring, it's really bright and vibrant. I can't pick a fave, because they are all so good!
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