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Everything posted by xMissxKeatzx

  1. Awwww chris and kate so cute! poor nic grrr that clare is mean! love the mask thingy idea! update soon please!
  2. Oh My Goodness!!! BADDDDD CHRIS!!!! stay away from the silly stalker lady who is so weird she tries on other people's clothes without asking! What a goon! loved the updates! just angry at chris! GRRR
  3. Awww bless Paul being such a good friend! Kate shouldn't let what they say in papers get her down everyone knows they don't care as long as they sell the things and make a profit! This story is great!
  4. Awww! Kate and Chris! Amy and Nic! Love is all around! lol Great updates! Update soon please!
  5. Just read i think 4 or maybe 5 I don't know lol and I loved them all! You are a great writer Kyle and I love the think between Kate and Chris S it's so cute!
  6. Awwww loved the last two updates! Jodi and Paul Poor Kate she's so confused! Loving this fic!
  7. Just caught up loving it! aww Chris S and Kate so cute! Paul and Jodi too! It's great update asap plz!
  8. i have just read everything! it took me so long! lol i'm TOTALLY hooked! aww chris s and kate are so sweet! paul and jodi too yay! poor jodi though not being able to have kids. I'm thinking ADOPTION! lol great fic update asap plz!!!
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