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Everything posted by flora

  1. I love this one. Really nice colouring and cropping....perfect!!!!
  2. I made a few:
  3. These are amazing!! I love colouring and text
  4. Maybe you know number of the episode. And requested banner: They aren't very good. Maybe someone else will make better
  5. I will try to make some, Lily-G
  6. Wow...Bec, this one is gorgeous!! I love coloring, cropping and text is so...perfect
  7. WOW This colouring is gorgeous!! I love all avs with this colouring
  8. I love colouring in these!!!And cropping is amazing especially on 2 and 3.
  9. I love this coloring. You are really good at this...i'm jealous
  10. These are wow I love coloring and cropping but text is just amazing, so emotional... i am speechless
  11. Thank you!! Of course that's ok Wow, Barbara your avs are amazing
  12. but not reveal , but not neccessary. Another suggestion would have the two couples in sync for example both kissing... hugging..etc. Thanks in advance. Made some:
  13. but not reveal , but not neccessary. Another suggestion would have the two couples in sync for example both kissing... hugging..etc. Thanks in advance. I will make some for you
  14. I made some:
  15. I like cropping in the last ones. And these are really nice photos
  16. I love coloring in this one. Wow...
  17. X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009). I really like this movie!!!
  18. This one is my favorite too! Amazing!
  19. WOW These are absolutely amazing!!!! I want to save them all and use them!!! Really wow!! I will save them. Ok?
  20. This one is my favorite! That text ''Lasance, Tod Lasance'' made me smile
  21. This one is gorgeous. Nice photo
  22. Hot and sunny
  23. This one is my favorite Love that text:)
  24. Of course you can use it
  25. I have few:
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