I think what they are trying to do with all the aden/voilent scenes is to show that he is still a loose canon to keep the character "edgy" and interesting. I agree they are pushing it a bit and it wouldn't hurt to have Charlie give him a good stern warning about his aggression.(I know there was a bit of a one when he attacked Belle's dealer but that was only related to the immediate incident).
Have to admit I wish they would distingush him a bit more from Ric's character i.e. responds badly to male agression (even Romans' who was the only man he was close to) and defender of women (the whole Axel/Melody thing and protector of Joey. They should have had a scene with him discussing his experiences with Joey - it would have made her decision to report Robbo much more believable than his " you have no idea what i have been through in my life" quote. Cant imagine his agressive behaviour and one-line would be realistically enough to get her to open up th the police, more likely to frighten her in the vunerable state she appeared to be in...
The past incident with trying to seduce a drunken Tam was a huge mistake given his later revolations in regard to his abuse and subsequent intimacy issues - clearly Aden was not intended to be a long term complex character.
I agree with other posters - just dropping the whole abuse storyline is a mistake as it shapes who he is to an extent, Im not saying it should be used as justification for bad behaviour but rather justification for his sensitive side. Maybe have him loose his job on the boat and go to college to become school counceller or something (maybe pushing it a bit?)
only reason I like his character is because I find Todd's ability to portray a variety of emotions extremely well and convincingly has me glued to the screen. I think if i knew a person like Aden in real life Id be running the other way, hot or not
The brother that was in it was pretty ugly dont want him back.
Hehe kinda what my stand-alone scene for the comp was: that Aden's sister who he thought had died in a car crash with his mother was actually alive.his mother had kidnapped his sister to protect (thinking she was the only one at risk) her after she witnessed his grandfather abusing her and the father didnt believe her.