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Everything posted by crunchie_lover

  1. What and episode. I felt so sorry for Ric, especially at the end when he was sayin how he felt sick! Can't wait for the Mattie love to grow lol! Jack and Martha were so cute for a moment 2day n then they started argueing again and yes I blame Macca for it to! Did anyone notice Jack's amazing attempt at drying the dishes? Burst out laughin...so cute! xx
  2. I couldn't believe it when Ric walked in. I like Cassie and Ric, but Im gonna have to side with Ric on this one. Can't wait to see what happens 2nite. I felt really sorry for Kim as well. I forgot until she said he was 19 just how young he actually is and it made the whole "not wanting kids soon" thing make so much more sense. It was so sad when he was holding baby Ella. Looking fwd to 2nites
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