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Butterfly on a Wheel - Starring: Pierce Brosnan and Gerard Butler

For a DVD that only cost me £2.99 it has got to be one of the best films I have watched. There were so many twists and turns that shocked me so much. Seriously, if you get a chance to purchase/watch this film, do so.


  sharksarecute said:
The Kite Runner. I cried all the way through it. I bawled through the book too :(

Thats a great movie! I havent read the book yet.....I'm currently reading Khaled Hosseini's other book A Thousand Splendid Suns, Its amazing.

Last movie I watched would be The Secret Life of Bees.


  Izzy H said:
Butterfly on a Wheel - Starring: Pierce Brosnan and Gerard Butler

For a DVD that only cost me £2.99 it has got to be one of the best films I have watched. There were so many twists and turns that shocked me so much. Seriously, if you get a chance to purchase/watch this film, do so.

Oh yes I totally loved that film :D

Posted (edited)

Star. Trek.

Better than every single Kirk movie. And all of the Picard movies except maybe First Contact.

The highlights: pretty much every scene and every performance was flawless (although Karl took me a minute to convince as McCoy. Just wasn't sure he had the accent right). All the in-jokes and references to later episodes and films. Kirk's reaction to Future Spock's introduction.

Most of the deviations from established canon didn't bother me after I thought about it. There were only three things I couldn't get past:

* Chekov should not have even been out of Starfleet Academy, let alone on the bridge. I think they screwed up a lot of birthdates and academy enrollment dates, but this was the worst.

* Sulu does not carry a katana, he carries a foil. I mention this because when he filmed The Naked Time, George Takei originally wanted to avoid the stereotype of samurai swords and suggested a foil.

* Uhura ordering a Cardassian sunrise. I'm pretty sure the Federation hadn't encountered the Cardassians at this point and they certainly weren't at peace with them.

Edited by Formerly Known as FKAJ

Oh two other things. The Kelvin should not have had 800 crewmembers. The original Enterprise had 400 something.

And where the hell was Robert April? The captain of the Enterprise before Christopher Pike who originally secured Spock his place at the Academy before he asked for it? Although he was only mentioned in the Animated Series which Gene Roddenberry non-canon.


X-Men Origins: Woverine. Better than I expected, after all the two star reviews I've been seeing. But it's the weakest of the series and it doesn't give us much that was new or unexpected, except maybe the cameos by Scott and

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. The performances were mostly fine (except Danny Huston, who in no way matched Brian Cox), but the script was generic and not up to the standard of the first two. The stunts were nothing we hadn't seen before and the fight scenes, at least until Deadpool appeared, were repetitive and lacking in dramatic tension for anyone who had seen the original X-Men. And also, Liev Schreiber looks nothing like Tyler Mane.


Factory Girl, still trying to decide whether or not I liked it. It was all a bit shallow I think, which I'm not sure it necessarily was back then. I don't know, it was good, it just sort of lacked depth.

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