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McLeod's Daughters

Guest candyfloss

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  sevenpuddings said:
I only became addicted after Claire died. I would like to see the first seasons though. I think its a great Aussie drama.

Yeah, me too. I cried to bad when she died..

I have only seen one episode after her death.. And that When Tess gave Charlotte (?) to her father..


Well after six years, McLeod's Daughters has reached the 150th Episode milestone!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All I can say is it been one rollercoaster ride and I'm enjoying every moment of it. There have been times when some episodes weren't so good but at the end of the day, MD contiunes to do really well in the ratings (despite so far not being on for five weeks due to the Commonwealth Games, Easter Break & the State of Origin.)

Now with new characters joining the cast and with rumours taken over websites and forums, fans of this great drama series still enjoy watching the many adventures at Drover's Run.



  • 2 weeks later...

HELETIA'S MCLEOD'S DAUGHTERS FORUM has been given a new makeover and its now bigger and better than before.

Don't worry MD fans, old posts/threads haven't been deleted as they were all moved in the new forum and also there is a JUST FOR FUN section which includes guessing what the characters in the pictures are saying.

Here is the link for MCLEOD'S DAUGHTERS DOMAIN:


I also have great news but some of you may already know by reading Tv Week - Rachel will NOT be leaving this year as she has signed on for Series 7.




I absolutely love McLeod's Daughters-its brilliant. They do it so well, and when Claire died was so sad.

A tip for UK fans - you can buy DVD Box Sets of Series 1-5 on HMV Au or all good websites, and even though on the box it says they are Region 4 encoded, they work fine on a UK Region 2 DVD player :)

  • 3 weeks later...


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