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Peter Baker

Guest sxc_detective_baker

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Leah walks out of the house and smile at Peter who is looking sexy tonight. The driver goes to open the door for Leah but Pete says 'ill do it' Pete says to Leah(whilst opening the limo door) 'Here you go madam' Leah laughs and pulls her dress in to the limo. Pete walks round the other side of the car and gets in the car. When he gets in the car he tells leah that she is beautiful and kisses her on the cheek. Leah says to Pete ' I cannot belive this, Im going to a detectives ball' Pete laughs and says well if you better get used to me because im not going any where, Leah then has a massive smile on her face. (they arrive at the detectives ball) As Leah gets out of the car she finds that she is not at a detectives ball she is down at the lake which is covered in candle's and roses. Pete says i thought this would be better to start here then go later :P . Leah says 'sure why not' Leah and Pete have dinner and waiters serve them all night. (9:00) Pete says its time to go. They get back i the limo and drive to the ball. When they arives Pete spots Carl, Becks, Lisa and Claire who is amased at how well dressed he is. Leah gets to Know Becks, Lisa and Claire. Pete says to Leah 'i have just gotta talk to Claire, I'll be right back'. Pete says to Claire ' WHAt ARE YOU DOING HERE' Claire replies by saying im moving here, For good (Pete gets a worried look on his face. (he walks back over to leah and gets her another drink. the night goes well and Leah and Pete are in the limo chatting about the night when Pete says to Leah. 'Come here' just as they are about to kiss passionatly. Pete Phone rings Leah tells him to 'Leave it' but Pete says its Irene i have go to answer it. Irene tells Pete that Elle has gone. Pete tells the limo driver to stop the car and Pete runs as fast as he can to Irene(leah is just left in the limo) When Pete arrives Irene tells him that some one has taken Elle and they was wearing a black hoody. Pete phones Mangrove river to send them 20 npolice men and he rings Carl, Lisa and becks to help find Elle- May. Pete is going mad and Leah turns up at Irene to Find Pete starring at his Picture of Elle in his wallet, Leah goes over to comfort Pete.

1 day later

Still no sign of Elle-May. Leah is tring to keep Pete carm but he just cannot get his head around that Elle has gone. Dan arrives to try annd Speak to Pete but he just lashes out on him and punches him. Carl has to Drag Pete off him. Pete goes ut side for fresh air when he finds Elle teddy bear. Pete falls to the ground holding his head crying. Carl mobile rings they have found Elle-May. Pete jumps up off the ground.


How will Pete react to the news???

Will Dan forgive Peter

How will Leah react to Pete's decision?????

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Carl has a stunning look on his face as tells Pete to sit down. Pete says'Its bad aint it' Carl says im sorry mate she was found dead in the bush. Pete walks out of Irene house. Leah follows him but he drives off in his car. Pete goes back to his house and locks the door. Leah arrives at the house but Pete does'nt open the door. Dan tries to get Pete to Open the door but no answer so he uses his key and he finds Pete sitting on his bed holding Elle's Picture in his hand. Dan says to Pete aleast he has got Ryan (in a sarcastic voice). Pete gets up and says to dan, get out now!!! Dan is really nasty and pushes Pete to the ground and walks out whilst

grabbing his bags.

Next day....

Pete arrives at Irenes and tells him he has come to collect Elle-Mays stuff and he is Leaving town. Pete goes to get in his Car when he see's Leah and looks away. Leah tries to talk to Pete but he is'nt listening . Pete gets out of his car and kisses leah on the cheek and say'Im going away and i don't know how long im going to Be'. Pete touches leah's hand then lets go and gets in his car and drives off.


Where has Pete gone to!!!


Leah walks in to irene and tells her that Pete has gone and starts to cry saying she really likes him. Lisa goes to Irene house to see if Pete is ther but Irene explains that he is;nt and he just uped and left the bay. The news travels fast around the Police station that Pete has lefted.

(mangrove town)

Pete is sitting in his car when he relises what a complete T*** he has been and he has forgot something. As he is driving back to Summer bay he gets pulled over by the police

Mean while Leah decides to visit her family in Greece to get away from the bay.

Peter tries to tell the police officers that he is a detective but he has got no I.D on him. tThey take him back tomangrove river. Pete then see's Claire and she tells the officer that he is a detective. Pete heads back to the bay and drives to Leah house but no one is there so he goes to Noah bar and asks Alf where she has gone. Alf explains to Pete that she has gone... Pete trie her mobile but its off.

Pete asks Alf if he could ring him if Leah calls. Alf says sure.

1 week later

Pete is about to go work when he see's Becks and lisa walking down the road. Pete wolf wistles and stops the car. He offers them a lift to work. Pete arrives ast work when he recives a message from Leah saying ' Hope your ok now and Im missing you, Should be back tomorrow'. This puts Pete in the best mood ever until he realises that Ryan will be coming to see him tomorrow aswell. Pete decides that he will see Ryan in the morning then Leah in the after noon. Carl walks in the office saying 3 cars have colileded near the end of Turner's Lane. Carl, Pete, Lisa and Becks rush to the scene. When they arrive Pete notices that he knows one of the car's, His sister Hayley. Pete runs towards the car and see's Hayley in the front seats in pain. Becks draggs Pete back but he maneges to get Becks to let go and he runs towards the car. Claire is in one of the other cars and is seriuosly injured. They manege to get Claire free and she is taken to hospital. Eventually they get Hayley free and she is taken to hospital as well. The other 3 people wjho was in the 3rd car all did'nt make it through. Pete goes in the ambulance with Hayley. When they arrive at the hospital Peter finds out that Claire did'nt make it through she died in the Ambulance.

What will Leah say to Pete?????


The airport

Pete arrives to collect Ryan off the plane but is greeted with Amanda aswell. Ryan still thinks Dan is his dad not Pete. Pete gives Ryan $10 to go and get some food whist he talks to amanda. Pete says to Amanda that 'How could you lie to me for so long and after all what we have been through and why are you here' Amanda replies by saying' Ther one thing i have learn't and that is I want one thing, whats best for Ryan so i had to tell Dan the truth. By the way Pete nice black eye. (ryan walks back over) Pete grins slightly at Amanda. Ryan runs over to the window where the plans are flying off.

Pete bends down and picks up his bag whilst Amanda pinches his Ass. Pete just laughs it off and goes to his car. Amanda and ryan follow. Amanda says to Pete 'Wow summer bay is cool' Ryan says 'Uncle Pete can we go for a surf once ive seen dad. Pete looks at Amanda and says' yeah sure'. They arrive at Noah's and head in side when they see Dan. Ryan runs up to Dan and shouts Dad. Pete kinda looks jealous. Amanda tells Dan they need to talk. Pete amanda and dan all have a chat and they decide they should tell Ryan who the dad is. Pete agree's that they will do it tomorrow.

Amanda asks Dan if he wants to spend all after noon swith Ryan after Pete takes him for a surf. Dan says yes. Pete takes Ryan for a surf then takes him back to Noah's so Dan can spend the after noon with him. Amanda asks to talk with Pete about where Ryan will be staying, Pete offers to Pay for a hotel but Amanda says i have got the cash dont worry about money. Pete says to Amanda that he has got plans for this afternoon so he will see her later. Pete heads over to Leah's house to find her home with V.j who are both asleep on the sofa. Pete walks in because the front door is open.

Pete just sits on the oppisite sofa looking at both of them. After about 20 minutes Leah wakres up and grins at Pete who is still looking at Leah. Leah gets up and kisses Pete on the cheek and moves on to the lips but stops and says hello. Pete lauhs and they kiss more. Pete pulls away from leah and gets up. Pete heads towards the front door. (Leah get confused, thinks she has done some thing wrong) As Pete walks towards the door he locks it and walks over to the phone and puts if off the hook. Pete then goes back over to leah and passionatly kisses he on the lips.

they head for the bedroom.

After about 5 minutes Petes rushes out of Leahs bedroom and walks out aswell and kisses Pete on the cheek, Pete says 'im sorry' and grins at her. Leah walks in the living room smiling at her self


Why did Pete walk out so fast

how Will react when he finds out

Will Pete fall for Leah or Amanda?


Police station

Peter has been told that Vinnie has been seriously hurt by a group of thugs.

Peter says to Lisa and Becks that he has got to go and see if Vinnie is ok.


Vinnie has gone in to a coma. Flynn walks in and asks Pete should they be expecting a 24hr policce guard watching Vinnie room. Pete say's I think they will be an undercover cop in his room 24/7. But there will be 4 differnt people. I will let you have picture of them so you know who they are.

Out side the hospital.

Pete gets on his phone and text's Leah saying 'Gorjus im sorry but i will be back'

Leah replies by saying 'well you worth the wait'

Pete gets in his car and drives over to Dan place to try and sort things out. When he arrives the front door is open Pete walks in to Dans room to find him with Colette Pete first ever girlfriend. Pete walks in ad says 'Sorry mate and walks back out' Pete gets back in his car and he is realy jealous that he brother has been with his first girlfriend (pete gets this evil look on his face)

Leah place

When Pete arrives he seems really wierd towards Leah(because of the whole Vinnie thing). Pete recives at text from ? saying 'You think he is safe' but he doesnt read it because he is too busy with Leah. Leah house phone rings and Pete says' come on babes leave it' Leah says 'it might be important' Pete replies by saying 'everytime we go in the bedrrom something interupts up maybe this aint mean't to be' (Pete walks out) Leah is on the phone to ric because he is telling her that Sally has been took it to hospitl (the next room to Vinnie) Pete goes in to yabbie creek and gets a bit drunk . He is sitting all alone when he see's Becks coming in the bar and shouts her over. Becks and Pete talk for ages and relises how much she likes her Boss!!!. Pete later Leaves the bar alone. he gets a cab back home.

On the way home he relises he has left his phone at Leah so he goes back to tell her he loves her but she is not that but Amanda is and she comes on to him. They leaves Leah's and head over to Amanda hotel.


Pete walks out of Amanda hotel at 7:30 am. Then he walks back to his house to get changed and have a shower. As he walked him his Flat he see's Dan acting very wierd but Pete just thinks 'He is wierd any way' Pete goes in the shower and decides that he wants to go for a run before he picks up his car. Pete goes for a run topless. As he is running he see's a very destressed girl sitting near the bush. As he gets closer to the girl he relises that it is Colette looking very upset. Pete goes over to comfort her but she pushes him off her and runs down the side of the bush towards her house. Pete cannot figure out why she is acting wierd so he decides tht he will talk to her later.

Pete arrives at work to find no one there because it is Claires funeral so he decides not to go because what happened between them. Pete stays at work until he has to get his car. Pete gets a cab to where he left his car. Pete heads back to summer bay. Pete decides to go and see Leah. He arrives at Leah to remeber that she is at work. He heads over to the diner to see her. When Pete walks in she asks to see him outside. Leah asks if Pete was serious about her and he says ' I have real strong feeling for you and i think im falling for you' Leah says 'im glad because i feel the same'. Pete and Leah hug and Leah returns to work.

Pete decides to go to Colette house to see if she is ok. When he arrives he see's her front door open. Pete walks through her door. As Pete walks in he see's her in the shower Pete shouts that he is there and he see's her scrubbing herself really hard all over he body. Pete starts to get suspicious after about 5 minutes she relises that he is there. She asks him to Leave and he does. He returns back home to find All of Dans things gone and relises that he was in his bedrrom with Colette last night. And she looked a bit distressed last night. Pete starts to wonder if Dan has raped Colette?????????


As Pete sits on the bonnet of his car, Colette comes out and walks over to Pete and Pete hugs her tightly. Pete and Colette walk inside. Just as Colette goes to sit down in the living room she collapses. Pete rushes over to Colette who isn’t breathing. Pete gives Colette mouth to mouth. (Ring ambulance) Pete tries over and over again to try and bring her back but it isn’t working. Pete goes to stop but then thinks that he cannot give up on her and he tries once more and it works Colette comes round. Pete and Colette go to the hospital. Colette is told she is going to be ok but has to stop in over night. Pete goes to say goodbye. When he walks in the room he sees Dan standing in the corner with a gun.

Peter: Dan put it down please bro

Dan: why should I??

Peter: please…

Dan: you have taken everything away from me.

Pete: you still have the rest of your life ahead of you!!!

Colette: Pete do something!!!

Dan: do you think he will help you!!!

Pete: don’t do this bro

Dan: why the **** should I listen to you!!!!

Pete: do this for Colette!!!!

Dan: why should I not end it now!!!

Pete: PLEASE!!!!!

Pete: do it for mum and dad sake

Dan looks at Pete and goes to sit down

Pete takes a chance to grab the gun but Dan throws him to the floor.

Dan aims the gun at Pete, Just as he is about to put the gun down.

Lisa, Carl, Beck’s, Flynn enter the room.

Dan fires the gun 3 times.

Jack Holden (new cop) and ken are standing out side the hospital room when 2 bodies are carried out.

Leah runs down the corridor saying where's Pete. Sally walks over and says im ever so sorry but he's gone. Leah collapses in Sally arms. Dan is carried out with handcuffs on by Carl and is taking out of the hospital. Lisa's is also pronounced dead after being shot trying to protect Pete.

Operating theatre

Flynn is trying to remove the bullet that has gone in to Beck’s lung.

Leah is devastated.

The whole town are in shock. Colette is just lying on her hospital bed when Leah comes in with Sally to comfort her.

Flynn comes out of theatre and tells everyone that Beck’s didn’t make it.

3 weeks later.

The whole town is in turmoil thy still cannot get over what has happened.

I don't think the bay will ever get over it.

Colette moves out of summer bay with Carl to start a new life.

Leah goes in to depression and nearly commits suicide but is stopped by Vinnie!!!!!

Dan is sent to prison for life!!!!!

Peter family cut Dan out of their life.

To show their respect for Pete they have named a new road called Pete’s street.



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