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Summer Bay!

Guest sxc_detective_baker

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Leah house 9.00am

Pete walks in kitchen and tells Jesse he is going for break fast at the dinner.

(Pete leaves the house)

Leah walks in the kitchen

Leah: Jesse where's Pete?

Jesse: He headed out to dinner about 5 minutes ago!

Leah goes over to her mobile and texts Pete 'Im sorry about last night i fell straight sleep :('


Pete's mobile phone bleeps and he reads the text from Leah

he replies by saying 'Its ok meet me in 10 at the Gym'

A car pulls up outside the surf club then someone steps out the car.

As Matilda is walking out of Noah's she spots the person and looks at them 2x.

She runs over saying Omg josie how are you

Josie: Im fine

Matilda: Tasha will be so pleased when she gets back.

Josie: when is she back.

Matilda: Later today she is in the city with robbie.

Josie: thanks and I will catch you later.

Jossie enter Noah's bar and is greeted by Beth and Tony.

Beth introduces Tony to Josie.

Josie: I hear that Jesse is back do you know where i can find him?

Beth: he is stauing at Leah's

Josie: Thanks i better go, I owe you a drink.

Josie exits noah's

Leah walks in to the Gym to find Pete working out and Leah goes up behind and says

Leah: I not seen you hear before especially with your top off!

Pete: I wonder who you are (laughing)

Leah:Where do you want to go?

Pete: let me go and get a shower and Ill meet u outside.

Pete goes to get a shower and Leah goes outside.


Pete: Leah over here.

(they walk towards the beach.

Pete: Leah you know how we have kissed?

Leah: Yeah.

Pete: Well how we talked about how we had feeling for each other?

Leah: Pete what is going on...

Pete: ok.... I think that we should put our feeling aside.

Leah holds pete arm and makes him face her.

Leah: look Pete I really like you I can't stop thinking about you when you fell to the ground after the explotion I was really scared of the thought of losing you.

Pete and Leah glaze in to each others eyes.

Leah leans in for a kiss

Pete and Leah are kissing.

They stop kissing.

Pete: I have got to think about things

Leah:What things?

Pete: Dan and Im moving in to the caravan house today to look after Ric.

Leah: Yes I no that but I want you to know if you will go on a date with me, start again fresh after you and Dan have sorted things.

Pete: yeah sure.

Pete kissees Leah then heads off to the hospital.


Pete enters the hospital to find Sally crying in Matilda arms.

Pete walks towards Sally and she looks at him and walks over to him.

Sally: How am i going to tell Ric that Cassie is dead?

(ric walks out of his room hearing what Sally said)

Matilda comforts Ric who is really upset.

Ric, Sally, Peter, Matilda go and say there goodbye to Cassie.

Noah bar.

Robbie and Tasha are driving down the road when they spot Martha and Jack.

They tell Martha and Jack to meet them at theirs, they have a surprise.

All 4 of them get there and walk through the door.

Tasha goes to put her bags in her bedroom when she hears a 'bleep'

The bedroom explodes and the house is on fire?

Promo for the next 7 episodes

Who tries to kill Lucas?

Will Sally go in to a breakdown?

Will Pete and Leah start a relationship despite Pete not making up with his brother?

Who survives the explosion?

Is there a stalker in the Bay?

Will Maddie get away from her attacker?

Wedding bells are in the air for a summer bay couple?

A old Detective will cause trouple for a summer bay couple?

Who is pregnant in the bay?

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(Palm beach houses)

Kim and racheal are walking to their new house when they get a knock on the door.

A bunch of flowers arrive for rachael from a unknown person. Rachael has no idea except it could be Kim but he denys it to rachael. When Rachael turns around Kim smiles.



Kim notices Tasha house is on fire and Tasha, jack and martha all laying outside on the ground uncouncious.

Rachael runs over to try and save them. Rachael manages to save them but there is still no sign of Robbie.

the fire engine arrives and Puts the fire out and Robbie is found badly hurt in the front badroom, (the only place there wasnt an explosiom).

Tasha is devestated that someone has delibrutly put 'bombs' in her house she decides to Leave summer bay once Cassie funeral is over and robbie is better.

the next day

Sally is geting ready in her room to go to Cassie funeral

Pete knocks on the door

Pete: Sally are you ready, the car is here.

Sally exits the room holding Petes arm.

Ric is waiting for Pete to come down stairs when he says

Ric: Pete can I have a word

Pete: Sally ill be right back

Sally heads to the car where Leah and Alf are waiting.

Ric: Have you got the ring Pete?

Pete: Yeah ill just go get it.

Pete runs up stairs and retuns to Ric with the ring.

They both head the car out side.

Everyone arrives at the church to say goodbye.

The service is very moving especially When Martha makes a Poem for Cassie

and Matilda and Lucas say a few words.

Cassie is crumated and everyone goes back to the dinner for some food and drink.

Ric is quiet through most of the service and reception but Sally is running round doing

everything she can to keep busy.

Pete: Sally I need you a minute!

Pete takes Sally outside.

Sally: Make it quick Pete people need food and drinks.

Pete: SALLY stop it now.

Sally looks at Pete wierd and says

Sally: Why you saying that?

Pete: you need to grieve Sally don't do this to yourself!

Sally: im not doing anything, But Pete can I have a hug?

Pete hugs Sally and she still doesnt cry.

Everyone is so quiet in the room when Pete and Sally re enter.

Everyone is saying there goodbyes to Ric and Sally when Ric remembers he still has the ring.

Ric: Pete I have got an idea tell Sally and grandad to meet me near the clif in half hour.

Pete loks confused while he waches Ric run upstairs then comes down with a bag.

20 minutes later.

Sally and Pete and Pippa walk up to the clif where they see Ric sitting next to a hole in the ground.

As they get near they see that there is a picture of sally,Flynn,Ric,pippa and Cassie on top of a box.

Ric: I thought i would do something to say goodbye in our own way.

Sally: Ric thats beautiful.

the four of them say goodbye but just as Pete is going to cover hte hole up Ric gets down on one knee and says 'I no its too late but I was going to give you this' Ric puts the ring in the hole.

Ric: you will allways be my girl!

Pete covers up the hole and all for of them walk slowly back home.

next day

Kim is making breakfast for Rachael and he is acting nervous.

Rachael: KIm are you ok?

Kim: yeah sure.

Kim: meet me for lunch I have go to go work 1:00pm on the beach

Noah's bar/Gym

A silver car pulls up out side the gym when someone gets out of ther car and turns around to spot Leah walking past.

Leah walks up to the car to have a closer look and finds detective claire brody standing by her car boot.

Leah looks a bit worried that she has come back for Pete.

Claire: Leah how are you?

Leah: (fake smile) Im great!, What do we owe the pleasure to see you in smmer bay?

Claire: work mainly!

Leah: sorry mate I have got to go, come round later about 3 and we can chat then.

Leah gets her mobile phone out and txts Pete saying 'I think you ex is back for you'


Kim is sitting on the beach with a picnic when he see's Rachael coming in her bikini.

Kim: wow you look fabulas.

Kim kisses Racael and she sits down.

Kim gives rachael a present and she opens it,

Its a box she opens the box to find another box

she opens that box to find a small box.

Kim let me open that one.

Kim gets down on one knee and says

Kim: Sexy atmstrong will you do me the greatest honour and becoming my wife.

Rachael looks shocked!!!!!


Will Rachael say yes?

Will Dan finally know why Pete left the city?

Why is Lucas being watched when he is walking home?

Someone finds a shock when they have a rutine check up at the hospital!


Rachael smiles

Rachael: of course i will

Kim and Rachael start hugging.

Kim and Rachael eat the rest of their picnic and head off to Noah's bar to celebrate.

Dan is walking towards the beach when he see's claire driving past him.

Claire pulls over to say hi to Dan but he is'nt very welcoming

(he still thinks she cheated on Pete)

Claire: hi Dan hows it going?

Dan: good

Claire: you want to go for a chat?

Dan: not really!!

Claire: Why not?

Dan: Maybe me and Pete don't like each other, you still cheated on him!!!!

(Claire looks gobsmacked)

Claire: I cheated on him.

Dan: dont deny it

Claire: DAN im telling you I did'nt cheat on Pete!!!!

Dan: So why did Pete come back then?

Claire: S.I Murphy came back to the bay to ask why Pete had come back to Summer Bay?, but he was'nt inn and he spoke to Leah who he told why Me and him was going through a rough patch!

Dan: Why was you and Pete on a rocky patch?

Claire: look Dan it's hard enough having to come back and having to talk to Pete let alone me telling you!

Dan: Well I don't understand!!!

Claire: I'm going round to Leah at 3 but I think you need to know before I tell Leah meet in 45 minutes on the beach.

Dan: OK

(the school)

Lucas, Maddie are walking from school when maddie spots henry getting off the bus. Maddie is so happy that her brother is back in town for a couple of weeks.

Lucas remembers he has left his book at school so he goes back to school to collect it.

As Lucas is walking to school he spots someone shadow behind him, as he turns around no one is there.

he walks faster towards the school. When he arrives he bumps in to mr hyde and Lucas tells him that some one was following him.

Barry gives Lucas a life home. As Barry drives out the car park you see a brown hair man, 20-30 years old standing in the bushes watching the car drive out the school.

(beach side house)

Tasha collects Robbie from hospital and they are just about to head off to city when Tasha says she is feeling unwell. Beth takes Tasha to the doctos.

When they arrive the doctors asks Tasha how long has she been feeling unwell

She replies

Tasha: I have been sick today and yesterday!

I think we need to do a scan!

Robbie and tasha are in the room when the nurse enters to start the scan.

The screen comes up and the nurse says

Your pregnant

Robbie laughs and goes really

yes she is

Tasha grins whilst holding Robbie hand. Robbie and Tasha walk out the room grinning and they go over to Beth and tell her the good news.

Beth is estatic for them.

Dan is walking along the Beach when he see's Claire sitting down drinking water.

Dan: hi!

Claire: Hi Dan

Dan: so what going on.

Claire: I'm going to tell you what happened but you have got to promise me not to stop me and go mad!

Dan looks confused

Dan: yeah ok

Claire: It was 3 months ago when Pete and me was going home from work. I had been feeling ill all day and I was off with Pete.

Pete kept asking me if I was ok but I said yeah I am.

Even though i was'nt i did'nt want to worry him.

Well we went home and he wanted to go straight bed because he had a long day.

I stayed up all that night worrying that I could be pregnant because I was late!

I dropped a cup as I walked to the bathroom with a test in my hand.

Then Pete came out and seen it in my hand.

I could'nt tell what he was thinking at the time but he just looked wierd.

well I told him that i thought i was and i did the test.

It turned out to be negative and I was glad

The next day Pete was so supportive but he kept dropping hints that he would love kids.

About a week later he sat me down and said that he wanted to start a family

but i did'nt thats when our relationship started to go down hill.

I tried to avoid the subject but he kept bringing children up and it was doing my head inn well a week later I found out that I was pregnant but when I got home to tell him he said it was over and he was leaving to live in summer bay i was shocked and he did'nt even give me chance to explain that I was pregnant. Thats why super intedent murphey came to summer bay to talk some sense in to Pete but he was'nt there.

Dan: how far gone are you?

Claire: nearly 4 months.

Dan hugs claire.


(caravan park)

Ric and Pete are playing video games when their is a knock at the door.

Pete goes over to answer the door to see Dan standing their.

Dan: you lier!!!!!

Dan pushes pete back.

Ric jumps up and tells Dan to carm down.

Pete: what you going on about?

Dan: why did you say claire cheated on you?

Pete: she did!!!!!!

Dan: you........ Dan swings for Pete.

Ric drags Dan off Pete.

Pete: look Dan it had nothing to do with you why i left claire.

Dan: well it does......

Pete: why?

Dan: because.......

Pete: well?

Dan: because...... you will find out soon enough.....

Dan leaves

Ric: Pete wat was that about?

Pete opens his heart up to Ric and tellls him everything.

Ric: well why should dan be so bothered if you loved Leah you should'nt stay with Claire if you did'nt love her!

Pete: excactly.

Pete: fancy going for a beer?

Ric: yeah sure.

they both head down to Noah's for a drink.


Maddie is attacked!

What will Pete do when he learns that he is going to be a dad?

How will Leah react to Claire's news?

Sally keeps finding things that remind her of Flynn everywhere, Will she breakdown?


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