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Angels Don't JUST Live in Heaven

Guest AngelRose

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I hope your muses are shaken soon AngelRose....I just want to echo what Nicole (I think) said - I don't read many J&M FanFics, but yours is one I could read forever and ever and ever! I'd hazard a guess and say it was the best J&M FanFic here at the moment :D


A snippet to kickstart us all!

“Mac, you can't give Tasha’s money back!” Jack pled. “Quite apart from the fact that we REALLY need it, you’d only make things worse!”

“Oh for God’s Sake Jack; where do you get off being so damn NOBLE about this all the time? ! You SAY it’s OUR problem but that’s easily said when it’s MY name on the cheques; my body up for AUCTION!”

Jack’s blood turned to ice at Martha’s words: “Mac don’t!”

“Don’t what Jack? Don’t tell the truth? Don’t face facts? You’re the one who remembered that little nugget, not me! I still get to call the shots here Jack! I may as well give Tasha her money back; better in the bank helping her and Robbie out than me pouring it down the drain on some plan Morag’s going to destroy whatever I do! Who made my personal watch-dog anyway?!”

“I’m not, I’m, I’m the man who…who thought he was your best friend!” Jack’s voice shook. He’d just caught himself just in time.

By now though Mac was far too angry, at Morag, at Tasha, at Jack, at the world and mostly at herself to see the tears of pain glistening in his eyes. Instead she stormed on:

“Jack, if you can’t support me no matter what, GO! JUST GO!”

Without a word Jack put down his tool belt and walked out. Tony followed but silently made it clear he would return. Tony knew that whatever had happened his eldest son wouldn’t want Martha to be alone on a broken-down old property.

That left Corey to turn to Martha as he was leaving and comment:

“I’d better go make sure he doesn’t drive; nice work genius!”


YAY!!!!!!!!! You've written more! Thank You!!!! That was great, I just hope that Martha doesn't stay mad at Jack for long! Aww poor Jack!


You so should have seen my face when I saw you'd updated! Lol.

Actually, if you're having trouble imagining it, just look at this...



That was great! I'm so happy! :D Thanks for updating! I love it!! I can't actually believe I remember what's going on, all I had to do was read a couple of sentences from the last chapter and my brain clicked! Lol. *strokes head* well done. :)

Please update soon! :D I'm very happy now!


lovely face nicole

YAY you updated, its really good

so to keep me in the happy mood you have put me in please update soon?


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