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Pretty mediocre ep....

Was too busy being reminded of Play School and the Mel rip-off in Comedy Inc to pay attention to that couple...

Rhiannion's news was handled crap by Charlotte...umm Hello? She was gay once too....<_< Before seemingly abandoning her sexuality so Peter Phelps could have a guest role..who coincidentally directed H&A tonight. Maybe a "I know what you are going through...No you don't. ow could you understand..Cause I was/is/am whatever Gay as well...

Steve/Jack - pfft. But I love Gabby

And looking forward to meeting Dan's parents next week - Luke hasn't interested me that much yet.


I thought that chick had her eye on Charlotte weeks ago. In a rather creepy way... The first time I remember seeing her, she was showing Charlotte a drawing that the kid had made. I was half expecting it to have two mummies in it... She just seems... odd.

It was a boring episode tonight though. I don't remember anything that happened, other than Jack punching the Russel Crowe wannabe (who can kiss Linc's Most Popular New Talent Logie). I haven't liked him from day one. And Jack is everso pretty. Not a stand out character for me, but he has a nice quiet class about him that I like. He even looks dignified whilst engaged in fisticuffs. That's a skill.

Did anyone watch the "classic" All Saints today? I missed it. I was asleep...


I never warmed to Steve either...even his voice just annoys me. The fight did remind me of Jack vs. Nelson a few ears back though...


I didn't see the ep today Jem, though I do vaugely remember it from the DVD's. The one where Connor's mum comes in and she has HIV or Hep C or something like that?


I couldn't stop thinking about Comedy Inc while watching it, remembering all the funny skits that woman was in. I kept forgetting it was All Saints and was waiting for every scene she was in to have some sort of punch line. :lol:


Well, I suppose it's worth registering my distress while I'm thinking of it... Dan :(. He was... screaming... That's not good :( :(

I liked how he was still ready to defend Ricky against his mother in the midst of his father apparently dying lol. He's such a good boy... I'm concerned about him driving in that state, but I trust that the promos would have told me if he was about to run off the road and die... They would have, right? Even though his sweet goodbye to Ricky seemed like it could have been so tragically final...? They would have said...

I've forgotten RCW (Russel Crowe Wannabe)'s name again... is it Steve? Oh who cares... he was being annoying. He just IS annoying. I'm so glad that whatever issues he and Jack had last week didn't get dragged over to this week - that could have been veeeery unfortunate given the circumstances. Unfortunate for RCW. Jack would have gladly snapped him in half for presuming to know everything ever about male rape, I'm sure.

I don't like you RCW -__-

I don't think I ever bothered to learn the gay girl's name, but she was being a bit of a nutcase tonight. Which conveniently supports my theory that she will continue to insinuate herself into the other one's life until she's printing up wedding invites before the other one even knows what's going on (as you can see, I've forgotten her name too. I want to say Charlotte...?) She seems crazy to me. Stalker crazy. Should be fun :)


Well, I suppose it's worth registering my distress while I'm thinking of it... Dan :(. He was... screaming... That's not good :( :(

I liked how he was still ready to defend Ricky against his mother in the midst of his father apparently dying lol. He's such a good boy... I'm concerned about him driving in that state, but I trust that the promos would have told me if he was about to run off the road and die... They would have, right? Even though his sweet goodbye to Ricky seemed like it could have been so tragically final...? They would have said...

I've forgotten RCW (Russel Crowe Wannabe)'s name again... is it Steve? Oh who cares... he was being annoying. He just IS annoying. I'm so glad that whatever issues he and Jack had last week didn't get dragged over to this week - that could have been veeeery unfortunate given the circumstances. Unfortunate for RCW. Jack would have gladly snapped him in half for presuming to know everything ever about male rape, I'm sure.

I don't like you RCW -__-

I don't think I ever bothered to learn the gay girl's name, but she was being a bit of a nutcase tonight. Which conveniently supports my theory that she will continue to insinuate herself into the other one's life until she's printing up wedding invites before the other one even knows what's going on (as you can see, I've forgotten her name too. I want to say Charlotte...?) She seems crazy to me. Stalker crazy. Should be fun :)

i was thinking that when i saw it, they're so cute but that was a very 'something bad is about to happen' type of goodbye. hmm <_<

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