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Guest -Emily-

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I go:Wow the blokes thread is really interesting *rolling of eyes*

You go:Or not. :P

I go:I was being sarcastic before ;)

You go:I know.


That the blokes thread was oh so interesting...NOT.You also gave a 12 year old a sex educastion lesson in there i see.


I wanna study languages at Uni and that is my biggest career fear - to end up as a teacher.

Well, I study languages as well - Dutch and Spanish - and yes, my fear is also to end up as a teacher. My parents both are teachers, and if you have lived in that world, you surely don't want to become one yourself! :P

But probably I'm going to study Culture Studies (it's called that way in here, but I don't know if it's a correct translation) after I finished my bachelor, and then I might be able to work in theatres and stuff like that. Or I can offcourse move to Spain or Latin America and find an interesting job there... :) But I think that will always remain a dream. :)


Dreams are good Maaike! I don't know what I'll do, maybe go into Law or translation....we'll see...


Yeah, I know, you never know if someday, one dream comes true...

But when I had to choose what I was going to study, I just picked the subject that I was most interested in. I never really thought: I would love to do that job, because I just didn't knew which job. I hated maths and my languages where always very good, so I picked two languages that I love the most. And I have to say, I still don't regret my decision, although, right now I've got exams, and I really hate that, and sometimes I can think like: what am I doing?

But that doesn't last long, luckily. :P

It's just important that you choose something you're really interested in, because Uni is hard, and if you have to study things you hate, it's just so much harder.


Girls! I miss you!

Here's something for you!

I started reading "****" last night because I was having trouble sleeping and all. It's a great abook, although she is a bit... too anti-male for me, but I recommend it.

Here is an excerpt from it, chapter called "Blood and ****s"

In the spring of 1995, I had the momentus honor of interviewing Barbara G. Walker at her home in New Jersey. Among many other things, she told me about menarche parties women in her community have for the newly mentruating. Ms. Walker described a menarche she attended a few months prior to our interview. The hnoree wore a red dress. Her mother made a beautiful, red cake for her. A bunch on women, young and old, brought her red gifts wrapped in red paper. The older women talked about symbolism of the moon and the miraculous joys of both bleeding and not bleeding anymore, while the younger women who hadn't yet started to bleed duly expressed reverence for the honoree, and enthusiasm about starting their periods.

I mean, wouldn't that be wonderful?

Wouldn't you feel like a total princess if your mom or whoever did that for you? Wouldn't that put a whole new slant on bleeding from the get go?

I was deeply moved by Ms. Walkre's account, but in all honesty I mucst ackowledge my bittersweet envy. My mom's a dang smart lady, and I admire her above all women on the planet, but it was a bummer to realize that if she hadn't been so busy dealing with the social constraints of single motherhood during the early 80's, sans the aid of a suppotive community of women, she might have had the inspiration to hostess a menarche for my sister and me. Wheupon, I sincerely doubt I would've spent almost a decade of my life teaching myself to love the blood that coursed out of my stunning **** every month.

Throwing menarche parties for our young sisters, nieces and daughters is a very simple and profound way of effecting positive change for the next generation. Get off your ass and do it.


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