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Guest Jacksthehottest

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Chapter 13:

“Finally we’re here” Jack said as he fell onto the sand pulling Martha down beside him.

“It was only a 5minute walk” Martha replied.

“Yeah but those 5 minutes could have been wasted on something better, like this” he said leaning down and kissing her. He adjusted himself so that he was on top of her.

“I see where you’re coming from” she smiled back, before kissing him. Jack rolled over so that he was lying next to her.

“Did you ever picture us two being here together” Martha asked him, turning around so that she could look at him.

“Yeah I did, from the first time I saw you” Jack replied. Martha moved her head so that it was lying on his chest. Jack wrapped his hands around her and gave her a quick kiss on the head.

He was so lucky to have her, after everything that had happened. He was grateful for coming to Summer Bay in the first place if he didn’t he would have never met Martha. Jack was in love with her from the first moment he had seen her.

Martha’s thoughts at the moment were only focused on Jack ; they weren’t like an ordinary couple. Most people meet and then start getting along and by the end they end up together. This wasn’t the case with her and Jack. She couldn’t stand the sight of him at the start and she barely knew anything about him, but she was glad they had ended up here now.

“You know it’s pretty funny how we met at Tash and Robbie’s house warming party” Martha said, just remembering the memories made her smile.

“Yeah you called me a jerk” Jack pointed out laughing.

“Yeah well do you blame me and then the next day you gave me a speeding ticket, of course I would think you’re a jerk” Martha replied. Jack couldn’t help but laugh.

“But you still thought I was hot in my uniform” Jack asked smiling at her. He was right Martha thought, she loved a man in uniform, not that she would have admitted it to Jack when she saw him. Martha shook her head, unable to speak.

“Admit it Martha” Jack said as he began to tickle her. Martha couldn’t contain her laughter anymore.

“Fine, I admit it , you looked hot” she answered back, trying to get his hands away from her.

“That’s better” Jack replied moving closer to her. He was just about to lean in for a kiss, when Martha moved away.

“We have company” she said as she saw Tash and Robbie heading towards them. Jack sat up smiling sweetly at them.


“So what movie are we watching?” Jack said as he pulled her down on the couch next to him, he was beaming with happiness, she was his and no one could take her away. He laid her down on the couch, while placing himself behind her. He wrapped his hands around, pulling her close to him, slowly kissing her neck. She turned around to face him, giving him a long passionate kiss.

“Well we’re watching “How to Loose A Guy in 10 days” Martha replied, she couldn’t help but laugh at Jack’s reaction.

“Oh god, don’t tell me it’s one of those where they don’t like each other and by the end they fall in love” Jack asked, rolling his eyes.

“No it’s not one of those” Martha replied, she tried to hide her smile.

“Yeah right, well is there any action in it, like shooting, car chasing something extreme” Jack asked hopeful.

“Nope, nothing like that” she replied resting her head on his chest. She was glad to have him, she didn’t know why she hadn’t realized him before, he was perfect.

“Well then why are we watching it?” Jack questioned her confused.

“Because I like the movie” Martha answered simply, looking up at him.

“But you have seen it like 5 times right?” Jack asked.

“Yeah something like that” Martha admitted.

“Then let’s change movies, something like Mission impossible?” Jack asked, hoping Martha would agree.

“No” she replied quickly. “There is no way I’m watching that, you’re just going to have to watch this one” she added.

But-“Jack began but Martha cut him of. She leant forward giving him a kiss.

“Please” Martha said.

“Don’t give me that look” Jack replied laughing at her..

“Is it working?” she asked.

“Fine, fine we will watch this movie but next time I’m picking” Jack answered.

“So there is going to be a next time?” she questioned him, with a huge smile on her face.

“You bet” he replied.

“Good” she said giving him a quick kiss, “Now let’s watch this” she replied as Jack once again wrapped his hands around her, she made her self comfy. Looking up at him, with a smile, she leant in for a kiss, she couldn’t resist. He looked down at her smiling.

She focused herself back on the movie, if she didn’t she would miss it.


“Aww that was so sweet” Martha sighed, she had seen it so many times but it always touched her heart, it was one of her favorite movies.

“Sweet?” Jack said as he sat up on the couch. “You call that sweet?, he used her to prove that he could fall in love with a girl, and she used him to write an article, how’s that sweet?” he questioned confused.

Martha pushed him in the chest. “You’re missing the point” she replied. “They fell in love” she added, with a smile.

“Exciting” Jack replied sarcastically.

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Thanx for all the comments heres the next chapter

Chapter 14:

Jack and Martha emerged from their bedroom. Jack had his hands around Martha’s waist as they both made their way over to the couch.

“Morning you two” Tony said from the table.

“Morning” they both replied, as Martha placed her head on Jack’s chest. They both had work today and Martha wasn’t looking forward to it, she knew Jack wasn’t either. He was stuck doing paper work all day because of her.

“Martha, we’re having a dinner at our house, we would love you to come and join us we have also invited Beth and her family” Tony said turning to face her.

“Sounds great I’ll be there” Martha said giving him a smile.

“Well I better get to work, or I’ll be late” Tony said as he grabbed his keys and left. Once Tony was out of sight Martha turned around to face Jack.

“I wish I didn’t have to go to work” she sighed as she snuggled up to him.

“Me too, especially now that I have nothing to do there it sucks” Jack told her. Martha couldn’t help but feel bad, she knew how much Jack loved his job. Even though Jack had told her it wasn’t her fault and that he doesn’t blame her, she couldn’t help but still feel responsible.

“What time do you finish work?” Jack asked her.

“Around 6” Martha replied.

“Alright, I’ll come and pick you up before you come over” Jack told her.

“Ok” she replied. “Now shouldn’t you be getting changed for work” Martha asked him.

“Where would I be without you” he said giving her a kiss before heading of to the bedroom.


Corey entered Jack’s office, he was eager to know how things were going with him and Martha. Now that Jack and he weren’t partners because of Jack’s injury, they didn’t have to go anywhere together, Corey was going to try and talk to Martha later on.

“Oh my god, can this get any more boring?” Jack complained. There was a huge pile of files on his desk and time seemed to go so slowly.

“You’ll finish it eventually” Corey replied sitting opposite to him.

“I hope so, because I have better things to do” Jack replied.

“So I take it things with you and Martha are going well” Corey asked him.

“Yeah they are I just wish I could be out there doing the real police business not this” Jack sighed resting his head on the table.

“Cheer up” he said patting his shoulder before leaving the room


Things were going slow for Martha, every time she looked at the clock it had only been an extra minute, she never actually realized how boring her work was, when she had other places to go to. She couldn’t help but think of Jack right now and what he was doing. She could just imagine him with all that paper work. She tried not to think about it, it only made her feel worse. She snapped out of her thoughts when she saw Corey coming.

“Hey” he said.

“Hey” she replied. “Shouldn’t you be at work?” she added.

“Nope I finished my shift, you look bored” he laughed.

“Hmmm, tell me about it, I have feeling my shift will never end” Martha replied giving him a smile.

“Jack is exactly the same” Corey told her as Martha handed him a beer. “What about you come join me for a dink?” he added.

“I don’t know” she replied.

“It’s better than doing work” Corey told her with a smile.

“I guess you’re right” she replied


“I can’t help it but feel bad, I know he told me that none of this is my fault, but still I don’t know” Martha told him. Her and Corey had been sitting together for the past half and hour. Granddad had given her a brake from work and it actually felt good to talk to someone about it, she knew she couldn’t talk to Jack she couldn’t help but worry bout him.

“But Jack doesn’t blame you Martha, so you don’t have to blame yourself” Corey replied, he didn’t care what they were talking about, he was just glad that he was talking to her.

“I can’t help it, every time someone mentions his work it’s all I can think about, he must hate it been stuck there” Martha sighed.

Jack had just finished work finally, he thought it would never ended and what was even better was that he was heading for Noah’s to pick up Martha.

He entered the surf club, spotting her sitting with Corey. Why? He didn’t know, Martha had never talked to Corey before why would she be sitting with him. From what he could see Martha was upset. He was just about to go up to them when he saw Martha stand up and Corey reached out to hug her.

Jack’s heart stopped, what was going on, were they even friends?. He knew he shouldn’t be getting ahead of himself. So he decided to go home and he would meet Martha there it was for the best.

“Thankyou for everything, sorry I dumped all that on you, I barely even know you and yet I’m already telling you my problems” Martha said as she pulled away.

“Don’t worry about it” Corey smiled back.

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