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Guest Jacksthehottest

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Chapter 15:

Martha had waited over half an hour at Noah’s; Jack had said he would pick her up so she sat on the couch waiting for him.

After half an hour passed and she had given up, he wasn’t going to come and pick her up, something must have come up.

She stood up grabbing her bag and was heading over to the Holden’s she was pretty sure she was already late, she wondered why Jack hadn’t come, or called her.

She entered the Holden residents realizing everyone was already at the table. Beth was sitting next to Tony and Robbie and Tash were sitting next to each other. Lucas and Matilda were sitting opposite to them. And Jack was sitting next to his dad, who was now at the kitchen.

“Hey Martha come in” Beth said standing up and opening the door. “The food is almost ready” she added. Martha took her seat, she looked at Jack who didn’t even bother to look back at her, he didn’t even say a simple “hello”.

She turned to talk to him

“Jac-“she began but was cut off.

“Dad I’ll help you out with that” Jack offered as he stood up from his seat and headed for the kitchen. Martha let out a loud sigh, what was wrong? This morning when she had left everything was fine. And now he looked annoyed, Martha couldn’t help but think about his job, he was probably annoyed for being stuck doing paper work, it was all her fault, maybe that’s why he wasn’t talking to her.

“Mac” Tash said from beside her distracting her form her thoughts.

“Yeah” she replied focusing her attention on Rob and Tash.


Martha was now standing and talking to Beth, she was full, and dinner was delicious. She still hadn’t talked to Jack yet, but she could see him over in the kitchen talking to Lucas about something.

“What’s up Jack?” Lucas asked as he saw Jack stare of into nothing.

“Nothing” Jack replied snapping out of his thoughts.

“You seem quiet, everything ok?” Lucas questioned him.

“Yeah everything’s fine, I just need to get some air” Jack said as he pushed past Lucas. He didn’t know why he was acting this way, Martha hadn’t done anything wrong, but the thought of Corey’s hands touching her, he couldn’t handle and he couldn’t get the image out of his head. He wondered if Martha had noticed how he had been acting towards her.

“Hey guys, do you know where Jack is?” Martha asked, Tash and Robbie. She had seen him 2minutes ago and when she turned around he was gone.

“What can’t stay away from each other for more than 5minutes” Robbie joked, Martha smiled back.

“He’s outside” Lucas told her.

Martha slowly made her way outside, she saw Jack standing up looking out. He hadn’t noticed she was there. She moved forward placing her hands around his waist pulling him closer.

“Hey” she whispered in his ear. Jack turned around smiling at her.

“Have I done something wrong?” Martha asked him. Of course you have done something wrong, you ruined his career and he may never be able to hear on one ear, what are you thinking asking that question, Martha thought to herself.

“No you haven’t” Jack replied as he pulled her closer.

“I thought you were picking me up after you finished work” Martha asked, looking up at him.

“Yeah I got home late and I thought you were already going to be here, sorry” he replied.

“That’s ok, I juts felt like you were ignoring me before and I didn’t even get my kiss” she smiled at him.

“Nah I wasn’t, but as for the kiss…” he said leaning forward, Martha smiled as she also leaned forward it was only a matter of seconds before their lips met. Jack hands moved around her back, as Martha placed her hands around his neck.

“That better?” he asked pulling her over to the chair outside, he sat down pulling her on his lap.

“Much” she replied snuggling up to his chest. Jack smiled, he couldn’t be angry with her that wasn’t possible. He felt as Martha shivered she was cold.

“So is everything ok between us now?” Martha asked hopeful. Jack took of his jacket placing it around Martha.

“Yeah why wouldn’t be?” he replied kissing her on the cheek. Martha tightened her grip around him, she could fall sleep in his arms.


“And here they come” Lucas laughed form the couch as he watched Martha and Jack come in. Martha was wearing his jacket and it was obvious to anyone that it was way too big for her, but she didn’t care.

“We were just talking about you” Matilda replied as both Jack and Martha sat down on the couch next to each other. Martha placed her head on his shoulder, she was tired.

“You were why?” Jack asked the 4 of them.

“You guys can’t keep your hands away from each other, your always attached” Robbie joked.

“We aren’t that bed are we?” Martha asked smiling at them.

“No absolutely not” Lucas replied sarcastically. “Just try living with Jack, all he ever talks about is Martha” Lucas added joking around.

“Hey” Jack picked up the pillow and threw it at him, everyone laughed. “And what about you and Matilda” Jack joked looking at Matilda then back at Lucas he could see as both of their faces turned red.

Martha gave Jack a kiss on the neck, Jack turned around pulling her closer to him. Lucas was about to say something, but Beth interrupted.

“C’mon Matilda we better get going, it’s getting late” Beth said from the table, where she was sitting next to Tony.

“Yeah we should be heading of as well” Robbie said as he stood up, pulling Tash up.

“Bye guys” Tash waved as they walked to the door. Martha was tired and wanted to get some sleep she also needed to get home. She was about to stand up, when Jack pulled her back down.

“Where do you think your going?” Jack asked placing his arms around her again.

“Home” Martha replied simply.

“I’m not going to let you” Jack replied picking her up, Martha couldn’t help but laugh. “You’re staying with me tonight” he added, giving her a kiss.

“Get a room” Lucas called out as he entered the house.

“We are just about to” Jack smiled at Lucas. He opened the door of his bedroom and placed Martha down on the bed. He hovered above her so that he was on top. He began placing kisses over her neck. Martha got hold of his shirt and took it off.

“Now isn’t this much better than being at home?” Jack said in between kisses.

“Definitely” she kissed him back.

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Chapter 16:

Jack was sitting in his office. It was one of those days again, his hearing hadn’t got any better and nothing changed. He was glad that him and Martha didn’t end up fighting about the whole Corey thing. He had made the right decision to not ask her what was happening between her and Corey.

It was a one off, Martha and Corey were just talking, they hardly knew each other. Jack had nothing to worry about Martha loved him. But another thought came in. Martha hadn’t actually told Jack that she was in love with him. Maybe it was soon to say it or maybe she wasn’t serious about this relationship.

Jack knew how he felt about her, he clearly loved her and he was going to tell her. He had no reason to be jealous he trusted Martha around other guys.

But that thought soon changed when he watched as Corey walked in with a smile on his face, looking happy with him self. Jack couldn’t help but feel anger towards him, yet he had done nothing wrong.

“Hey mate how’s work?” Corey asked him, taking a seat across the table.

“Fine” Jack replied, looking back down. Why was he acting like this? Corey was just asking him a question and here he is snapping at him. “Sorry, I’m just not having a good day” Jack apologized.

“That’s fine” Corey replied.

Jack really wanted to know what he and Martha had been discussing last night when they hugged, but how would he bring it up, would it be too obvious that he was jealous.

“So when are you getting your hearing checked again, I bet your sick of all this work” Corey asked him

“Actually I’m going tomorrow and Martha is coming with me” Jack replied, he watched as Corey’s smile got even bigger when he mentioned her name. “You seem happy” Jack added.

“Yeah it’s one of those days” Corey replied smiling at him.

“So anything happen last night that was exciting” Jack asked, hoping to get some answers.

“Nope why you ask?” Corey answered back, curious to know.

“Don’t worry about it” Jack replied picking up his pen again.


“Hey Mac, what are you doing here” Tash called out from inside the diner. Martha walked up to her and sat beside her.

“Nothing I’m waiting for Jack, he wanted to meet up” she smiled back. Martha looked at Tash, who had a huge smile on her face. “What?” Martha asked.

“Nothing” Tash replied. “I’m so glad you and Jack are together, it’s good to see you so happy” she added.

“Yeah me too” Martha replied. She was about to say something when she felt a kiss on her cheek. She knew who it was; she didn’t even have to turn around.

“Hey” he whispered in her ear. She turned around to face him giving him a quick kiss. He sat down beside her and gave Tash a smile.

“Well I better get going, Robbie will be waiting” Tash said standing up as she left. Martha leaned onto Jack, she was tired, she had stayed over Jack’s last night and they didn’t get to sleep till 1. And this morning she was woken up at 7 because Jack had to go to work.

“I’m tired” Martha told him.

“Me Too, but I finished work so I’m taking you home now” Jack said as he stood up pulling her up with him. Martha grabbed his hand as they walked out the diner.

They entered Martha’s apartment, walking in still connected, they both fell on the couch. Martha adjusted herself so that her head was placed on his chest.

“I’m getting my hearing checked again” Jack told her. “And I want you to come with me” he added.

“Um….” Martha didn’t know what to say, she would love to go with Jack. But what if his hearing hadn’t improved yet, she couldn’t watch Jack get disappointed when she knew it was her fault he was in this mess.

“Martha?” Jack asked, distracting her from her thoughts.

“Yeah I’d love to go with you” she smiled up at him, giving him a quick kiss. She wanted to be there for Jack.

“Alright I’ll pick you up tomorrow at 9 if that’s ok?” he asked her.

“Yeah that’s fine” she replied.

“I might leave you now, you look tired and you need rest, having me here isn’t going to help” he smiled.

“No stay, you only just got here” she said as she stopped him from getting up. She wrapped her hands around Jack and soon fell asleep.

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