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Martha and Jack Appreciation

Guest jack&martha

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Nicole, they are talking about the average age Australian women have their first child. Mercury_Girl commented that the Summer Bay women seem to start familes young. Burr then replied saying that isn't the case for most Australian women.

Hope that helps you!

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I hope they wait a bit with the babies.. Martha is a little young. The women of Summer Bay, or should I say girls, have babies really soon/at a young age, it seems. Anyone know if it's that for the rest of Australia ?

I'll say it's so unrealistic I hate it. The average age in Aus for having a kid is a think something like 30 and we are an aging population with fewer people getting married and having kids (thank god).

I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you're talking about. lol. I didn't get Mercury Girl's last sentence of her post anyway, and yours has totally sent me flying into the world of clueless! Lol.

What MG was saying is that the impression youcould get from watchcing Home and Away is that Australian girls get married very young and have babies very young. She wanted to know if that was true for Australia as a whole, or just in the land Of Summer Bay. ...at least I think that is what she was saying. .......anyway the answer is that no, its not true for Australia as a whole. There are of course girls who get pregant and /or marry while in their teens but most are in their late 20's or early 30's.

I hope they wait with the babies too...there have been far to many pregnancy saga's in the last couple of years...:P...getting pregnant in Summer Bay is a risky business. It is always fraught with medical emergencies, accidents, risks to the baby, doubts about paternity, babies are snatched or switched at birth...hell anything could happen...:P...it amazes me that anyone ever survives a pregnacy in that place...hell... that they survive at all..it's the disaster capital of the world...:P


Ahh thanks! I understand now! Lol.

You're right though, I'd like it if Jack & Martha waited a while for the babies, and maybe the marriage.


Haha, it was funny tonight when Martha went round to see Jack and was complaining about the mess and then found his sock in the fridge!!!


Whatever happened to the sexy guy that could cook, clean and fold laundry lol. I want him back!

Hahaa. My sister & I recon that Jack has some infatuation with ironing. He is like always ironing. No one else ever irons but him. He irons & folds watching. lol :P hmm I think I know alot of women who would like him. Even if he has lost his cooking skills, which he obviously has because of the Haggis thing.


Yer I know ay. I was thinking about that last night, He has completly lost his domestic skill, bar a few. I mean when are we gonna se some japanese cuisine again??


Hi guys, new member on board, all the way from Doncaster, England! Love Jack and Martha. Got to see Martha finding Jack's sock in the fridge thanks to Des's update (thankyou Des!). Otherwise, we're so behind in the uk. Next week Martha and Jack finally get back together!


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