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Hold My Hand Part II

Guest xGlowingAngelx

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thanks for the comments heres the next part:

Beth looked into Tony's eyes. They had been together for just under two years, yet she knew him inside out. She could see how much he wanted her to say yes and she could see how hurt he would be if she said no. "I need time to think. Alone" began Beth. "You go for a walk or something, give me time to think about it and when you get back I'll give you my answer" Beth smiled weakly. Tony nodded in agreement, picked up his coat and headed for the door. Turning his head to Beth, he softly called, "No matter what you decide, I'll always love you" and walked out of the door, closing it behind him.

"Gday Tony" A voice called from nearby. "Hello??" A hand waved infront of Tony's face quickly distracted him from the thoughts that were taking over his mind. The move. Telling his sons. Beth. "Oh sorry Alf. Hi mate" Tony smiled. "You OK Tony. You seem distacted"

"No. Ive got things on my mind thats all"

"You want to talk about it?" Alf asked, nodding his head towards a nearby bench. Tony smiled gratefully, as they sat on the bench. "Thanks Alf. I suppose I should just be grateful she's considering it" he began, as Alf listened carefully.

Meanwhile Beth was sat at the kitchen table, cradling a cup of coffee in her hands. Thoughts going round in her head. Moving away was a big step. She wasn't sure if she wanted that right now. She was happy the way things were. She didn't want to go changing everyything. Her job at Noah's Bar was one she was enjoying and she had loads of friends in Summer Bay. Friends she couldn't possibly imagine leaving behind. She went over and over things in her mind, Until she eventually came to her conclusion.

"Wow" said Alf, leaning back on the bench. Tony had filled him in on what had been happening, and he himself was shocked. "Are you sure you want to move away. I mean, I know you had a hard time when you moved here, but you're part of this town now. You, Jack and Lucas."

"I know. But this would be so good for me. I've always wanted new challenges. Fresh starts. Moving to Summer Bay made me feel like I had to settle down. But, as time went on. I missed the excitement."

"Look, mate. You need to tell Beth this. Because it's you two that are affected by this in the long term. I mean, either Beth goes with you. Which is a big step. Or she doesn't which could have setbacks in the relationship"

Tony took in what Alf was saying. He looked at his watch. "I really got to be going now. Beth and I have a lot of talking to do. But thanks for the advice Alf. I really appreciate it"

Alf shook Tony's hand. "No problem. I want you to know that if you do decide to go, you'll be dearly missed. You've become a well respected member of this town and we'll never forget that". Tony smiled, turned his back and began to walk away.

Beth, meanwhile, was sat at home when Tony walked in through the door. He placed his key down on the table and sat next to her. Silence fell between them. An awkward silence. Each praying for the other to begin talking. Eventually, Beth spoke. "I've made up my mind" she said, looking at Tony, who's heart was now beating so loud and fast, he was sure it was going to burst from his chest. "And...."

Beth shook her head. "I'm sorry Tony. I can't go with you." Tony felt his knees go weak. Gentle tears began to well up in his eyes. Beth felt exactly the same but she was determined to stay strong. Did this mean the end of their relationship?

what do you think? The next chapter will be up soon, and could possibly be the last, but please let me know what you think. Thanks x x x x


Thanks for the replies, here's the next part:

"Dad, where did you put the boxes?" Jack called to his Father. It was the day before Tony was due to leave, and he was doing his last minute packing, with the help of Jack, Lucas, Martha, Matilda and Beth. "They're in the hall mate" Tony called back.

Beth stood by the door, clearing off the cabinet. She stumbled across a framed photograph of herself and Tony, taken at Scott and Hayley's farewell party. She gently stroked it with her thumb. Tony walked behind her. "I really appreciate you being here Beth" he smiled. Beth kissed him softly. "I didn't want you to leave hating me for not going with you. I really love you, and I want to spend as much time with you as I can before you leave." she said. Tony wrapped his arms around her as Matilda walked in, her hand gently coiled with Lucas'. "Get a room" she laughed. Tony and Beth seperated and continued packing.

Jack walked in, closely followed by Martha. "Sorry we're so late Dad. Martha wouldn't leave the house until she had changed her outfit at leat three times" he said. Tony laughed as Martha elbowed Jack softly in the ribs. "Anyway, how's the packing going?" Martha asked, looking around. "Oh I see you're nearly done" she smiled. Tony nodded. "Yeh, pretty much. Just a few bits and bobs, but Jack's going to send them down in a few weeks when I'm settled down there."

Beth burst into tears. "I'm sorry" she cried, exiting the house. Matilda went after her. "Mum!" she called. "No, I'll go" Tony said, and ran after Beth. "It's going to be alright you know" he told her, his hand gently reaching towards her shoulder. Beth nodded. "I know, I just can't believe it's the end"

"It's not to late to come with me you know"

"We've been through this. I can't leave the kids. They need me" Beth cried. Tony nodded. "I understand. I'm gonna miss you though". Beth wiped a falling tear from her cheek. "Me too"


That night, the Hunter-Holden family, and Martha of course, had sat down for the last dinner together as a family. "I want to make a toast" said Jack, standing up and banging his spoon on the side of glass. Careful, as to not drop it. The five sets of eyes turned to face Jack. "I've been through so much in my life" Jack began. "I've had my good moments and my bad moments. And through all of them, Dad's been the one who's been there for me. He's encouraged me to never give up, and to follow my dreams. He's taught me to never let go of something you love so much" his eyes turned to Martha. "But most of all he's taught me what a real family is all about. He's given me so much and I hope one day I can return the favour. But until then, I want you to know that, you're my Dad, and I'll always love you, no matter where you are" Jack finished. Tony stood up and Father and son embraced into a warm and loving hug. Lucas stood up and went and joined them, as the three people who had stook by one another come what may, contemplated the end of an era.


Tony had awoke early the next morning and had begun to load some of his packed boxes into his car. Beth walked into the living room and stood infront of him. "Hey, why you up so early. Go back to bed" Tony said. Beth shook her head. She slowly removed the engagement ring from her left hand, and placed it in Tony's. "I wanted to give this to you before the kids got up, didn't want them to see us like this" she said, as they both broke into tears. Tony held the ring tight in his hand. Beth looked at it. "give it to someone who deserves it. Not someone who'll just leave you." Without saying a word, Tony placed the ring in his pocket. Lucas emerged from his bedroom. "Blimey, and you aswell, if only we could get you up this early on a school day" Tony laughed. Lucas walked over to his Dad and hugged him tightly. "Well" said Tony. "I might aswell get going once Jack, Martha and Matilda get up"

"So soon?" Lucas cried. "Yes I don't want to drag things out, I want to make it as quick and painless as possible" Tony said. Lucas let a soft tear fall from his eyes, but quickly wiped it away.


"Right, I better go then" said Tony. Everybody else had lined up outside, waiting to say their goodbyes. Tony moved down the line. Martha first "You've made Jack so happy, and I won't forget that. You're a member of this family now and I hope that you'll stay that way. Take care of yourself" Tony said, hugging Martha tight. Next was Matilda. "Maddie, I've come to love you as one of my own, and I'm going to miss you. Although I will be able to get into the bathroom in the mornings!" Matilda laughed. "I'm sixteen what do you expect?" she laughed. Tony pulled her into a hug. "Take care of youself"

Lucas:"Son," Tony began."I'm so proud of you. You've made youself into a real man. I'm gonna miss our Man to Man chats. I love you son"

"I love you too, Dad!" Lucas cried, hugging his Father tightly. Then Jack: "I'm so proud of you too. You've had so much to deal with, but you picked youself back up. I'm gonna miss you Mate"

Beth had walked to the car to say her goodbyes. Tony walked towards her, and they stood face to face. "I love you Beth. You made me so happy when you agreed to marry me, and I hope that one day, you might become Mrs Holden" Tony cried. Beth hugged him tight. "I will" she promised. "I love you"

"I love you too" Tony replied as he climbed into the car. Beth joined the others, wrapping her arms around Lucas and Matilda. The family waved goodbye to Tony as they watched the car drive into the distance, as it eventually became invisible.............

Will Beth let Tony go?

What life changing question does Jack ask Martha? and

Can Lucas get over his Dad leaving?

All will be revealed in the next part of Hold My Hand.

What do you think?


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