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The Random Artwork Thread

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Amazing work, everyone!

And I'd just thought I'd let you know. Some girl has beeen taking avatars from LJ, adding text, and making it look like hers. On this thread, she has taken an avatar by Sevenpuddings, and PrincessJessik.


Amazing work, everyone!

And I'd just thought I'd let you know. Some girl has beeen taking avatars from LJ, adding text, and making it look like hers. On this thread, she has taken an avatar by Sevenpuddings, and PrincessJessik.

*Sighs* That was a non-shareable birthday present for you too Cat. People are so strange. Heh, a girl asked where it was from - I was so tempted to join, just to post a reply with a link to my LJ post with the original avatar, saying "Its from here" - But then I realised that was pety and mean. I know its kinda of, defeatest of me, but what can I really do, she's obviously going to continue doing it.

On a happier note, Merc, the photographs are stunning - They make me want to write a technicolour story about a lone shack that no one can ever reach. And the colouring is amazing. Your talent always managed to surprise me!


Thanks, Jess, that means a lot!

I've posted this /somewhere/ on the board, but I might as well do it here as well.... I'm having a photo-exhibition in March :)


Thats amazing! Great news! You must be so excited about it - even though its like, two months away - but hey, its still so great! And well deserved. I'm sure everyone will love the photographs, because they are all so stunning! Congrats!



I was asked if I could be ready till February, but I have no money at all to get the photos printed :P I have app. NOK100 (US$16) in my bank account :P

[shamless promotion of self] If anyone want some of my photos, they're very buyable from drinking-mercury.deviantart.com[/shameless promotion of self]


Amazing work, everyone!

And I'd just thought I'd let you know. Some girl has beeen taking avatars from LJ, adding text, and making it look like hers. On this thread, she has taken an avatar by Sevenpuddings, and PrincessJessik.

*Sighs* That was a non-shareable birthday present for you too Cat. People are so strange. Heh, a girl asked where it was from - I was so tempted to join, just to post a reply with a link to my LJ post with the original avatar, saying "Its from here" - But then I realised that was pety and mean. I know its kinda of, defeatest of me, but what can I really do, she's obviously going to continue doing it.

On a happier note, Merc, the photographs are stunning - They make me want to write a technicolour story about a lone shack that no one can ever reach. And the colouring is amazing. Your talent always managed to surprise me!

I think who ever is stealing this icons likes you Cat. Because the icons of mine which are on that site, were also presents, Secret Santa, gifts to you. Wow ... no one has ever stolen my stuff before. I'm abit shocked. And mad. :angry: But like Jess, I don't really think there is anything I can do about it. Though there is a report button on that site. Except then I would have to join up ... in future, and I know this probably won't stop people doing it, but I'm going to have to ensure I put that textless icons are not bases. Thank-you for letting as know Cat. :)

xGlowingAngelx: What program do you use? This isn't ment to be mean or anything but to me they sorta just look like cropped pictures. However, I do like your use of cropping in both the pictures, especially the second.

Mercury_Girl: Wow those photographs are stunning. You have an amazing talent for capturing gorgeous images. And congratulations about having a show for your photographs. That's great news! :D


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