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When Suckiness Strikes

Guest Ryan

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^ Lol, Ryan is the answer to that one methinks!

The thing with Amanda is that she's more annoying than evil. I think we can safely say that she isn't truly evil or psychotic like Angie was, she's just an incredibly selfish and manipulative woman who hasn't grown up enough to realise that she can't always have her own way. She acts like a petulant child. Which all leads me to feel that she isn't really a 'villain', just a crap (and badly acted) character. She's almost like a cartoon character or something, she's so bad. The way she goes "Oh, Graham!" is almost funny.

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I agree with every word Loz...on paper she sounds awesome...in reality it falls flat. I do think another actress might have pulled it off. Some one of Laurie's caliber for example would have hammed it up and made her so camp and OTT that we loved it...unfortunately Holly is not in that league, so it just does not work at all on any level whatsoever. I find I start channel hopping when she is on too..or if it's a tape I am watching I fast forward. They have overused her, and her current absences from the Australian episodes is quite a welcome relief....:P

God I completely agree, I am LOVING the Amanda free Home & Away at the moment. It's so disappointing, Amanda is normally the type of character I'd love but Holly is just not up to it. I've lost count of the number of times I've cringed during her scenes. She is totally over used, which is another reason I hate her, I'm just sick of her (also the main reason I didn't like Kane & Kirsty). As someone said I don't love to hate her (like Angie) I just hate her.

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Yeah, the way she talks to Graham is awful! I've seen some of the later episodes, she stops calling him Graham I think, she just says "Oh, Gray" which is even worse!

Why has nobody thrown her off a cliff yet?

I'd rather chuck the person who hired her off a cliff.

No offence, though

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Yeah, the way she talks to Graham is awful! I've seen some of the later episodes, she stops calling him Graham I think, she just says "Oh, Gray" which is even worse!

Why has nobody thrown her off a cliff yet?

I'd rather chuck the person who hired her off a cliff.

No offence, though

I suspect the person who hired her wants to throw himself...and her...off a cliff!.....:P

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I couldn't agree more with what everyone has said. Amanda calling Graham "Grey" had me reaching for a bucket. He was such a stupid, old fool.

I know i'm gonna sound like an idiot because of my name and current avatar, but Martha regularly makes me cringe. Don't get me wrong, i love Jodi and i love Martha and Jack as a couple but her yelling abuse (which she does so naturally all the time) makes me want to change the channel, especially when she does it to Jack. The girl is so stubborn and needs a good slap.

I absolutley can't stand Josh West. Every thing about him makes me sick. He can't even play an evil guy wel, just a really annoying mean preson.

Going back a bit though. The top of my hate list though would have to be Rhys and Shelly Sutherland and their daughters Dani, Jade and Kirsty. The whole family infuriated me with their stupidity and me, me. me attidute. Especially Rhys, the way he told Beth he would always love her and then went running back to his ex made me want to reach into the t.v and strangle him. He was such a coward. Also every thing that has been said about Leah, without Vinnie she's no good. I fell sorry for little V.J. He's got a new dad every week. Anyway i could go on for pages so rant over.

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