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Harry's Revenge

Guest Jamey-Maria

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Another great installment!!

I can't believe Jack just walked straight past Martha, he manages to notice another girl upset even though he didn't even know her! And he completely missed poor Martha bawling her eyes out (*growls*)

Damn you Jack lol

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O.k here it is. Sorry it took so long to update, enjoy!

Chapter Elleven

Harry was feeling mighty pleased with himself! Jack was in pain and he hadn't even begun to exact his plans. He watched from the other side of the beach as Martha was drowning in her tears outside the bar. He hadn't seen what had happened, but he guessed it had something to do with Jack. She was a very pretty girl he thought to himself. My daughter would be around her age if it wasn't for Jack. This thought continued to infuriate Harry every time it came into his head. He felt the anger rising to boiling point and then slowed it back down again! He couldn't lose control now, he had come too far. She looked devastated, as if she had no hope. Harry felt much sympathy towards her. Yet another life Jack had managed to screw up. He won't get away with it though, he told himself.


It was now three O'clock.

"Where the hell is he," Harry silently cursed as he waited. Just then a suspicious young man walked into the bushes where Harry was standing. They had agreed to meet there earlier that morning.

"Where have you been?" Harry all but yelled indignantly. The man shot him an icy stare, and Harry immedietly realised his mistake.

"Lucky for you i'm in a good mood then," The man said. Harry not dare say anything unless he made another mistake. "Got the cash?" he asked.

"Yeah," Harry reached in to his pocket and pulled out a bundle of cash.

"All of it?" he continued.

"All ten thousand," he replied, handing over the bundle. It was quickly taken out of his hands and being checked. "Don't go too far!"

"Do you want this done or not?"

"Yes!" Harry replied.

"Then let me do my job," the man replied. He walked off leaving Harry smiling to himself as he headed to the diner.


Tony and Lucas had decided to go to Yabbie creek to do some shopping after he had dropped Beth at the bar. When they had finished un packing the groceries they decided to go for a walk. They were ten minutes from there house when Tony's phone began to ring. He pulled it out of his pocket and pressed recieve.


"Hi Tony, it's Beth," Her voice sounded a little shaky and Tony could tell she was very worried.

"What's wrong....are you o.k?" Tony asked deeply concerned.

"Yes i'm fine," Beth said, and she paused as she heard Tony let out a massive sigh of relief.

"That's good, " He said after a moment.

"Ah, Tony it's Jack," The phone went silent and as Beth regretably went on. "I was working and he came in looking pretty upset. He drank quite a bit and then some incident happened and he walked out."

"What incident?"

"Dad what's going on?" Lucas asked seeing his fathers expression. Tony quickly raised a finger to his lips to shoosh Lucas.

"It's not important, I just think you should find Jack!"

"O.k thanks Beth,"

"Let me know when you find him," she said.

"I will, bye." Tony turned to Lucas and filled him in on the situation.

"O.k well maybe we should go to the beach," Lucas suggested.

"Yeah great place to start," Tony said encouragingly. They hurridly walked off as he dialled Jack's phone. It went straight to message bank.

"Damn!" Tony exclaimed clearly frustrated.

"Don't worry Dad we'll find him."

"Yeah mate I know, sorry!"


Jack was walking along the path that went past the school. It was getting dark and he didn't know why he was there but that's where his feet had led him. The more he tried to forget about Martha the more she stayed in his head. All he could think about was the display of affection that he had seen earlier on the beach. He wanted to go home so much but he couldn't bring himself to turn around. He didn't want to think, he didn't want to feel. It was just too painful. At this point in time Jack was just aimlessly walking around and not caring where on earth he ended up!


Tony and Lucas had been to the beach and were now looking up and down the road close to the school. They had now left three messages on Jack's phone but still no reply. They were both starting to really worry. They decided to check on the other side of the road.


The mysterious man that Harry had hired was now in his car. He was driving along the road to the school and could clearly see his target. He hed been staring at the picture of the man he was aiming for. Harry had given it to him earlier. He put his foot on the accelorater and he started to go so fast that his surroundings became a flash.

"Here we go," He said aloud before he casually tossed the photograph aside. The man in the photograph had brown hair and an athletic physique.

"Goodbye Holden!" He said evily as the force of his car impacted upon the man it had hit!


Omg!!! Jack!! Noooooooooo! Oh wait.. is it Jack, or Tony? :o I don't know, I won't guess. lol I'll just say 'Noooooooooooooo' :P

That was great! What was the incident? What did Jack do...!! :o Beth sounds a bit shakey doesn't she.. hmmm..

Great chapter! Please update soon!!!


OMG how can you leave it there?

It better not be Jack, noooooooooooooo

(For Nicole...Jack kissed that blonde girl who was crying her eyes out. No re-write: the blonde girl planted a huge kiss on Jack!!!) :o

Thats why Martha was upset and Beth saw the whole thing

Before that Jack thought he saw Martha and Corey displaying affection at the beach and thought they were still together, when they're not!

(Hope that was correct)

OMG please update, pretty please :D


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