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A slight mix up Slade with Spencer for brother Chris. I do it all the time with names.

Yeah sorry, got to stop doing that. Yes I meant that Chris is a tool, although I'm sure most people know that already. The only saving grace for me is Denny. If he wasn't with her, I would have no time for him whatsoever. Yesterday's episode proved it. especially the way she was there for him.

I do find Phoebe a pleasant character. You only have to look at Kyle when he is with her to see how happy she makes him, as in today's episode. He was never like that with Tamara. I don't blame her wanting to take him away from that crazy brotherhood. I don't know how any gal could put up with it, but Bianca and Ricky do. As Bianca said to Ricky in London, "whatever they throw at us, we still love them". Phoebe asked Bianca a few weeks ago how she squares being a school principal with the talk of killing and she said that she makes a compromise. Perhaps Phoebe isn't prepared to and I can't blame her for that.

Once again am in complete agreement with you. I really like Phoebe. Have to agree what person in their right mind would want to get involved with the Braxton's. A family that's been involved in armed robbery, drug dealing, attempted murder, ABH, GBH, petty crime etc. I definitely wouldn't want anything to do with them and it's completely understandable that she would have reservations. And to me it says a lot how she feels about Kyle now that she's come back to the bay and prepared to give things another shot.

Must be tough on Nate Ricki wanting to finish things given that he's never really liked Summer Bay and the only reason he stuck around was because of her. Or perhaps he's gotten fond of the community spirit...

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I think I know which pub you were thinking of Brian - Marquis of Grandby.

For all her whinging about trekking all the way from Melbourne to see Kyle I'm glad Tam called Pheobe out on it as in why did she come back when she could have just called him? I still find her annoying but to give her her due she is willing to wait until the boys come back so Kyle can say a proper goodbye (or will he)? Can really understand his annoyance at not being told Brax was in hospital, true he couldn't have done anything, but that's beside the point, he is supposed to be their brother. Poor Ricky just happened to be one to have to tell him and of course she gets shouted at.

Talking of whom not surprising Nate wasn't returning her calls, (1) he didn't know she was back and (2) he did have other things on his mind, like seemingly running the hospital single handed. Glad she was honest with him at the end and told him face to face about finishing with him until she decides who she wants to be with. She may partly have been a reason why he stayed in the bay, but he did get to like the people and he was really moved by the number of people who turned up to help Leah.

Chris is doing all he can to make up for one (foolish) mistake and did well to get so many townsfolk to the Diner. I'm glad Denny didn't get on his case he has enough people doing that. She's seen another side to him and that may help their relationship. His immediate offer to be a (part) liver donor for Leah shows how remorseful he is.

I liked that visit from Alf to Leah, they've known each other a long time and nice to see the softer side of Alf. His growing annoyance with Maz was a nice contrast and his pleading with John to stop her, but he should know her better than that. We've been talking about the no show of VJ but what about Leah's parents, where are they, do they even know?

As we haven't seen any school scenes I can only think school is out at the moment and TPTB are just making plans in case Bianca doesn't come back in time.

I'm assuming (I know you should never assume) but it looked like Leah and Alf were on an upstairs level at the hospital because we saw Irene and Chris get out of a lift which to my recollection we have never seen before. In fact we have only seen the ground floor before.

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My finding Phoebe unpleasant has very little to do with her attitude towards the Braxtons, although that does add to the feeling that she doesn't get Kyle at all and my inability to believe they were ever as close as is claimed.(Which adds to my feeling that presenting her as a "lost love" was a mistake:Some girl he's just met being put off by his family is believable but we've been told in the past that Kyle always wanted to be accepted by his family and the girl who's supposed to know more about him than anyone else is all "Stuff that lot, what about me?"?)I find her unpleasant because she sexually harrassed Kyle after he turned her down, acted like a jealous ex towards Tamara and, in contrast with Tam who seems to want Kyle to be happy for his own sake, generally comes across as selfish and self-absorbed, sneering and sniping at him and acting like she's god's gift and he should be lucky to even have the option of being in a relationship that's entirely on her terms.(She practically assaults him when he's already said no, then tells him to get lost when he's interested.)I really can't think of a scene where he's come across as genuinely happy in her presence, a couple of scenes of them rolling around on the sofa half-naked just doesn't cut it.(And yes, I accept he never had those scenes with Tamara either, which just adds to my frustration at them never being given a chance and her being cast aside for this crazy stalker.)

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Yes, I noticed the lift the other day. No doubt Nate and Hannah will be downstairs again next time there's an emergency. Whilst the lift suits the establishing shot, it does seem a lot less like the country hospital it was up to at least 10 years ago.

I suppose the change is in keeping with the rest of the town and local area, but every now and then we get a hicksville comment to suggest it's the sleepy backwater it was in 1988.

Who is the little blond boy in the wooden photo frame by the desk in Summer Bay House? The desk they use to do the park books, not the one by the fireplace.

It's Ollie Phillips.

Edit: And whilst we've already reached Page 1000, this post is actually the 10,000th. And what a profound one it was :P

Thanks, I just caught a quick glimpse of the blonde hair and hoped it was Sam.

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Wow! We soon got off page 1000. Posts are coming in thick and fast. Phoebe seems to be coming in for a lot of comment ; Slade and H&Alover like her, Red doesn't. I know why Red, you still have the hots for Tamara. I once thought she was the best in town, but then Phoebe came along and now Tamara doesn't stand a chance.

But I've got to take back what I said about Phoebe yesterday. She has done an about turn, which I never thought she would and has decided to stay in Summer Bay despite everything. Even had Cheryl apologising to her. Good, That means we see Kyle staying, happy and smiling a lot, maybe even playing and singing in a band with her. What's not to like?? Suck it up Red.

Nice reopening to the school with the exam cheating. Poor Zac being in charge with a stroppy niece

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Wow! We soon got off page 1000. Posts are coming in thick and fast. Phoebe seems to be coming in for a lot of comment ; Slade and H&Alover like her, Red doesn't. I know why Red, you still have the hots for Tamara. I once thought she was the best in town, but then Phoebe came along and now Tamara doesn't stand a chance.

But I've got to take back what I said about Phoebe yesterday. She has done an about turn, which I never thought she would and has decided to stay in Summer Bay despite everything. Even had Cheryl apologising to her. Good, That means we see Kyle staying, happy and smiling a lot, maybe even playing and singing in a band with her. What's not to like?? Suck it up Red.

It's got nothing to do with having the hots for Tamara. I personally feel it's purely because Phoebe acts as a hindrance for a possible Kyle/Tamara reunion. The same way April/Dex screwed Xavier over and stopped an April/Xavier reunion and the same way Romeo/Indy served as a permanent obstacle for a relationship re Romeo/Ruby. Once you read the posts in question, although they differ depending on the storylines there's generally a pattern.

Even though she was blunt, have to admit I found it really funny the way Cheryl spoke to Phoebe. But what I found even funnier was the way Cheryl later on apologised to her and Casey had a look that said "Hang on, wait a minute, what's going on?".

Could almost feel Brax jumping for joy on the inside when Ricki told him about finishing with Nate.

Cannot stand Evelyn. She is a selfish little attention seeker.

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In the last two episodes I have slightly warmed to Phoebe, when she left what I would say was I wasn't disappointed. She seems to be a bit calmer now. The exchange she had with Kyle was funny 'his name is Daryl ' and Kyle saying 'what do you think his name was Brax Braxton. Cheryl being nice to everyone especially Kyle and apologising to him was sight for sore eyes. For once Kyle and Ricky have had a normal conversation, usually it is more of a heated discussion.

I didn't enjoy Evelyn's antics, it just didn't make sense to me. She is clearly wanting to get back at Zach for last week but what will she gain from this? At least Maddy and Oscar didn't want to cheat in their exam, they both showed great restraint in not looking at the exam paper.

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Sorry Slade, I don't follow you. Why do think that there would/should be reunions with Kyle & Tamara, April & Zavier, Romeo and Ruby? Isn't it more usual for teenage couples to break up and move on with someone else, however painful the break can be? Why should someone be regarded as an obstacle? Are you going to regard Spencer as an possible future obstacle with Josh and Maddy if they break up?

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I don't really get what Evelyn is up to. She wanted to get punished severely by Zach but didn't and know she's acting like spoilt little child. She is trying to punish Zach but that isn't going achieve anything. I thought that the kids who cheated would get more of a severe punishment but they didn't and what makes it worse is the fact that the children who didn't cheat received a small punishment themselves. I feel sorry for Zach because he is not cut to be principal but is a job that he didn't want and unfortunately he has got the responsibility.

Well Andy found the picture of Casey by breaking into the safe at the hospital. If that happened anywhere else wouldn't they have called the police? I'm surprised they let that slide. Hannah wasn't pleased that she got used to get to the picture so their relationship has been ended by her, I wonder how Andy is going to react to news. Is he going try to resolve the situation or is he going fight to get her back?

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I'm anti Phoebe Brian though I don't want Kyle and Tam back together. She (Phoebe) may be saying now she wants to stay in the bay, but how will she feel when the next Braxton crises rears it's head?

It certainly must be along time since the hospital was a cottage type, the one we usually see from the aerial shot is a large one.

I knew it had to be DVT Brax was suffering from. Anyone who flies is advised to walk around, especially on long haul flights, but of course Brax couldn't do that. I'm really surprised he was let on the plane without some sort of note from the hospital saying it was OK. Didn't take him long to end up back in hospital and treated by Nate of all people who at least acted professionally if a tad aloof.

If Brax really wanted to arouse suspicion over the photo he certainly succeeded, Andy at some point is going to wonder why he made such a fuss over a photo of (or so he thinks) Josh. I knew Ricky would be the one he confided in and not surprised she agreed with Cheryl. Andy did well, even if it was a jump, by working out it was 'Josh's' photo Brax had. Handy that Josh had brought up that very subject just beforehand. Thinking about it though Brax does have a point if Andy manages to join the dots and works it out he'll have no compunction about telling Casey. Which brings me to Casey skyping Linda and her asking when he may be going back to London, could this be a future storyline further down the track?

I suppose technically Andy didn't break into the safe, he used the key and I'm guessing put it back on the desk somewhere. Will they, the hospital, be able to track who used it last which will mean Hannah will come under fire?

I think I know why Cheryl is being nice to Kyle, he was Danny's secret son but now her own secret has been discovered, so it would have been a bit pot, kettle, black otherwise.

Bianca is in no hurry to get back to work seeing as her and Heath have stopped off in Melbourne to see Jess and Harley.

Evelyn's rebellion backfired on her in the end because Zac didn't do what she wanted him to, though he should have been a lot harder on her niece or no niece. The cheaters did seem to get off lightly and I think Zac handed out the lesser punishment because those who did know but didn't say were complicit in it. Though there must have been those who didn't know. Was Tam acting in her role as pupil spokesperson or a friend of Evie? I get Zac being wary about getting too friendly with a pupil after his last encounter but he did seem to take Tam's advice about Evie on board. Even Ethan would have had trouble with her if their life had been a normal one, she is, as Tam pointed out, a teenage girl. She did miss out on the usual age of rebelling. One point his being out drunk had nothing to do with her stealing the paper from his bag, and NOT lying around like she claims.

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