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Can't understand why VJ is still missing!!!! :unsure: It's not as if he is a little kid that Leah would need to look after he's 12/13 (depending on when TPTB decide he was born of course) so perfectly capable of looking after himself. Good point of yours c120701 another awol pupil! The teachers certainly don't set a good example, when the only two we ever see take time out, disappear to the city/overseas with little or no notice.

I suppose if VJ had been there Matt wouldn't have been able to use his bedroom. OK no-one forced Leah to take Matt in but it was more likely than not she wouldn't say no. He's a big lad so can also look after himself (and has been) so she won't (or shouldn't) have to. Didn't Matt tell Sasha there was an eviction notice on his door so he couldn't get in which may explain him having to borrow Chris' gear. Can't wait to see Chris' face if they meet. :D

I suppose Nate finding out Ricky wasn't back with Brax would give him the idea he stood a chance.

Why wasn't I surprised Phoebe 'working' at Angelo's would be a very bad idea. She still can't grasp Kyle has a responsibility not just to his job but to Brax who owns the place. Waittressing just isn't her is it? Like Red I won't comment on the conflicting advice Kyle and Phoebe were getting (but Roo and Harvey anybody). Methinks Chris was probably speaking from experience. :wink: Let's hope it won't be too long before it's resolved otherwise it'll be Angelo's losing all their customers.

I was thinking the same about Oscar maybe reading too much into Maddy resting her head on his shoulder, he hasn't had much experience (if any) with girls so could easily get the wrong idea and get hurt. Secrets always come out in public places, this time Spencer having kissed Maddy and her not telling him, he seriously needs to stop overreacting otherwise he's going to lose her for good.

Loved Jett giving Oscar advice about staying out of peoples love lives, he's been there, done that, got the T-shirt.

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c120701 - what slightly annoys me at the school is that kids continue to truant at the school and there is no action taken. Matt, Spencer, Evelyn and Sasha have all done this but they seem to get away with it for some reason.

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I think Matt said something about going back to get his stuff later?It sounds like the eviction notice was more of a final warning than anything else but Matt can't afford the back rent, hence his having to move out.

Alf's episode count this week:Two.

So, Andy found out the Braxton-Barrett secret surprisingly easily and apparently Debbie knew as well, so I guess we can assume that's what her catfight with Cheryl was about.It seems like Andy not only didn't want Josh finding out but doesn't want Casey finding out either, so his blackmail was pretty much a bluff.What exactly was he going in between getting the text from Brax and turning up?He seemed to take most of the episode to get there.Josh seems to have mastered the art of standing in plain sight while people discuss something they don't want him to hear.I had to roll my eyes slightly at his storming away from Andy into Angelo's and then wandering out onto the balcony to provide the perfect venue for a private chat.If he'd gone to the bar or a table, Andy would have had to leave him alone.Was the storming off just for show?And by the end...well, Casey still doesn't know.I suspect the next episode will open either with them being interrupted or Casey yelling at everyone. I hope I'm wrong and we actually see the conversation because if he finds out off screen between episodes that'll feel like a bit of a cheat.

Leah and now Tamara as well continue to encourage Nate over Ricky, which could well be setting him up for a wall.It wasn't until we saw them meeting at...well, I assume that was meant to be outside Leah's place although my first thought was Nate had gone round the Braxtons', that it occurred to me that I've no idea where Ricky is meant to be living.Has she checked back into that motel?

John and Marilyn take up Harvey and Roo's role even more so than Chris and Tamara by giving Maddy and Oscar conflicting advice.I still don't think Maddy's done anything wrong but her remaining oblivious to Oscar's interest in here when everyone else spotted it is a bit hard to swallow.I'm also surprised that Oscar seems to genuinely be trying to win Maddy over, given she's still supposed to be with Josh.Or maybe not, since by the end of the episode she's talking as if she considers herself single now.

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Wasn't Matt going back to get his stuff after the talk with Leah who said she would sort something out? :unsure: Whoever owns the place would surely have changed the locks to prevent anyone getting in, either that or they seal the place up.

My guess as to how Andy found out the truth (from Debbie as that is where he had been) is he showed her the photo, she said that's not Josh. Her, Cheryl, Danny and Johnny went way back so it's more than likely she would have known Casey when he was a baby and told Andy so. Whether she had any suspicions at the time they have now been confirmed. Brax probably got it right when he said Andy didn't want Josh to look up to Casey as a big brother and push him out. Well I suppose to Andy him keeping it quiet from two people upped the odds of him getting more money from Brax. Brax and Andy did try and make their meeting a bit more discreet than others have by hiding behind a boat. Josh was bound to have been suspicious, Andy has been acting strange (well stranger than usual) all day, gets a text then dashes off with no explanation. Always the way in H&A people always take an age to get anywhere. :rolleyes: Why did Josh dash off to Angelo's of all places, seemed very random.

So now Brax has to have that talk, better coming from him than Josh blurting it out I guess. Ok it's a H&A thing to have a cliff hanger, but did we have to have Marilyn telling us about a new competition, no offence Marilyn, but I would have preferred seeing even the aftermath of Casey finding out about Johnny. I also hope we actually see Brax having to have the hardest conversation of his life, because like you Red I'd feel cheated. After that of course we'll get the fallout when Heath and Kyle find out. :o

It looks like Josh has been kicked into touch by Maddy, him going OTT at seeing her having a laugh with Oscar did it for her. She can't keep walking on eggshells, afraid to talk to any other lad in case Josh gets the wrong idea. Marilyn got it more right than John over Oscar and Maddy, but yes very Roo and Harvey as regards crossed wires.

Nate, as most people do, jumped to the wrong conclusion when he saw Ricky and Brax on the beach, not helped when she dashed off after Casey later. Leah and Tam had it right, it was no use him just assuming Ricky and Brax were back together, he had to ask her outright. I think it was Leah's place as she came to him and left after. Good point Red, where is Ricky staying?

Can't see waitress Phoebe being a waitress for too much longer!!!

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Looking at the outside the surf club its absolutely ludicrous to think that Angelo's Bar can be in there. Its just not logical in any way.

You mean because it's single storey?

The time when the upstairs set was introduced on the show, the real life Surf Club were planning to start their extension - unfortunately H&A jumped the gun a bit and the real-life extension got delayed for a couple of years, hence why we haven't actually seen a wide shot of the exterior of the Surf Club on the show for quite some time.

This pic was posted in the Location thread last year to show how it is now that they've finally built it - don't think it's been seen on screen yet, but they were probably waiting until it was fully complete before showing it, given it's existed in Summer Bay for a couple of years


This is how the extension is looking as of September. There is still plenty of scaffolding around but the upstairs level is well and truly up and close to being finished!

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I doubt if she will be a single Maddy. She's sure to get back with Josh. I wish she wouldn't keep doing silly things with other boys.

Yes. It's extremely annoying. I remember last week the way she buried her head on Oscar's shoulders. Seriously what does she think he will make of it? I said this before but she constantly flirts with any guy who shows her the slightest bit of attention. If it's unintentional and part of her nature fine but she's an idiot for not coping on that why these guys feel aggrieved afterwards.

I see Nate is exposed to more useless dating advice. Now he thinks he has a chance with Ricki rather than moving on.

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