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I don't think Maddy thinks she's flirting, it's just her, she doesn't have a clue how if affects the guys she's 'flirting' with.

Agree Dan F, we have only seen people standing on the balcony looking out and the camera crew are usually careful in showing the exterior upstairs.

Andy and the 5k got a bit lost in the panic of Josh finding out.

Just been reading the Aussie thread for this week and one of the posters put something I totally agree with. It's Oscar and the fact he always wears his school shirt buttoned right up to the neck, it can't be that comfortable. It wouldn't look that scruffy just to loosen his tie and undo the first button or two. It surprised me to see him wearing a shirt with the top buttons undone! :o

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At least we didn't wait too long for the payoff but the Kyle/Phoebe stuff disappointed me.It was set up as Kyle and Phoebe both trying to make things difficult for each other so the other would back down.But aside from the final "You quit"/"No, fire me" argument, Kyle didn't seem to be doing anything at all(and notably that bit was missing from the recap, as if they were hoping we'd forget it).So we got left with this slightly uneven storyline of Phoebe being lazy and disruptive and Kyle responding with frustrated patience, which meant Phoebe was back to being irritating and made her ending up on top hard to swallow.More could have been made of Brax and Ricky being onto her but it was almost irrelevant.

I kind of liked Matt's blasé initial reaction to Sasha announcing she's leaving so it's a shame he ended up being bothered by it.Seems very odd timing.

Okay, I was wrong:We took our time getting there but we did eventually see Brax tell Casey the truth and Casey's reaction.To be fair, given that Brax gave it to him willingly, I don't see why Andy should give the money back, he technically kept up his side of the bargain: It was Brax who (accidentally) told Josh and (deliberately) told Casey.And that's the only time I'll defend Andy today because he was just beyond obnoxious.I felt truly sorry for Josh, Andy's back to bullying him and Casey doesn't seem to want to have anything to do with him, which disappointed me greatly although I suspect he'll come round eventually.I felt Ricky was very out of line with the way she manipulated Josh, knowing full well that Brax was going to tell him anyway.So I was actually slightly glad that Andy dropped them both in it at the end, however reprehensible his motives.Wonder how the Braxtons will react to Phoebe calling the police, it's not their usual way of dealing with things.

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That slightly irritated me Brian, the whole quit or me scene. Just end the situation there and then. Well we got fight scene at the end but in all truth I would say probably would Andy would win that fight against Casey. I see no mention of the 5k, so I would probably presume Andy has kept it because he quit his job.

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I'll echo Casey's question, why did Brax tell him he had something to tell him, then drag him all the way to the Surf Club to do it? :unsure: I was practically shouting at the TV come on Brax bite the bullet tell him! I thought Casey's reaction was so Casey, no blowing up at Brax (or hitting him) just walked off, but the look on his face. :o Brax did right to leave him alone and give him time to let it try and sink in, glad he had that chat with Ricky about it and she told him about Josh. Funnily enough I thought Ricky was right in talking Josh round, not exactly telling what to do (unlike Andy) but advising him to give Casey time, though it wasn't long before he went and saw Casey. Luckily he didn't say anything then, but he was busting to, then Andy turns up and drags him off and quits, no loss really he was as much use as a chocolate teapot. Josh is getting too old for Andy to order him about (echoes of Brax having to stop telling Casey what to do) and is just going to do the opposite. I felt sorry for Josh later when he went back to see Casey and Casey more or less said he didn't want anything to do with him. Like you Red, I think Casey will come round in the end, they had been friends before all this. You know the more you think about it Casey and Josh are a lot more alike in temperament than Brax, Heath or Andy, a sub conscious connection maybe?

It certainly took Andy aback when Brax revealed he'd told Casey, what did he expect him to do wait for him to tell him? The blow up at Angelo's was pretty spectacular, the only two unaware were Kyle and Phoebe, Casey must have felt there was a conspiracy everyone but him in on it. Though of course Heath (and Bianca) have to be told, hope it's on screen can't wait to see his reaction!!! How long before Casey goes to see Cheryl who is the one he should be talking to. Out of all of them Kyle is the only one who understand what Casey is going through.

Really surprised at Phoebe calling the police that will go down well with Brax and co. they usually sort things out themselves without the cops getting involved. But I suppose she's new to the games the Braxtons play.

Have I missed something with Sasha suddenly deciding to go and see Sid as Indi is visiting him? Another pupil just ducking out of school. :rolleyes: Is she really going or was it just to see if Matt would admit to missing her? What was that with her tearing the writing competition ad out of the paper?

Ricky talking sense (again) and realising what game Phoebe was playing, and putting Kyle straight, just a question of how Kyle would go with it. Think those moments of silliness with Kyle and Phoebe was needed to balance the seriousness of what else was going on. I reckon if all that other stuff hadn't blown up, her last shift would have gone well. Actually Phoebe is not too bad on her own or with others, it's just when she is with Kyle she becomes a pain. She hasn't won me round yet though.

You have hiccups there Brian?

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Emerson! First time we've seen him this year, I wondered if he'd gone.Whilst I'm not wholly won over by the character, there's some interesting work on Phoebe, willing to be a part of the Braxtons but only on her terms and not seeing Brax's word as law.I'm glad Kyle stood up to him as well.And Phoebe volunteering to run Angelo's while Kyle looked after Casey, something I once said she'd never do, definitely shows progress.Shame Casey wasn't willing to listen to Kyle and, while I can understand him being confused, his reasoning isn't up to much:He says if it didn't come from Danny, the bad stuff must come from him, but Johnny was no angel either.The fact that Brax and Casey effectively killed each other's father is perhaps sensibly skirted.Like H&Alover, I hope we actually get to see Heath's reaction, we didn't really get to see Kyle's since I'm not even sure he knew what they were talking about at the end of last episode, although I guess seeing his thoughts here, and getting a soundbite from Phoebe, makes up for it.

Alf annoyed me greatly, I've no idea why the writers are undoing 15 years of character development and writing him like he was in the 90s.After years of taking Cassie and Nicole getting up to far worse in his stride, his ordering Maddy out of the house for sleeping with her steady boyfriend feels like a massive overreaction.I was surprised Maddy didn't seem to answer him back at any point but I think she's learned to nod her head and then ignore the unreasonable stuff, I'd probably do the same in her shoes.So, seems their quasi-break-up at the end of last week...wasn't.Good thing, because Andy at his most detestable and me once again wondering why Josh even bothers with him, Josh really needs Maddy in his life at the moment.

Nate finally lays his cards on the table, which I guess is one way of getting an answer, but it looks like there might not be a table much longer.I couldn't help agreeing with him about Brax but women often seem to be blind to his faults.

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Looking at the outside the surf club its absolutely ludicrous to think that Angelo's Bar can be in there. Its just not logical in any way.

You mean because it's single storey?

The time when the upstairs set was introduced on the show, the real life Surf Club were planning to start their extension - unfortunately H&A jumped the gun a bit and the real-life extension got delayed for a couple of years, hence why we haven't actually seen a wide shot of the exterior of the Surf Club on the show for quite some time.

This pic was posted in the Location thread last year to show how it is now that they've finally built it - don't think it's been seen on screen yet, but they were probably waiting until it was fully complete before showing it, given it's existed in Summer Bay for a couple of years


This is how the extension is looking as of September. There is still plenty of scaffolding around but the upstairs level is well and truly up and close to being finished!

Oh thanks for that. Good pic. I know there's always been stairs because we saw them in the original 1989 set. I assumed there were the ones that go to the look out. But in 1990 they changed the fourth wall. There was a scene in 2000 with Harry and Shauna in the look out. Even though you only saw a couple of lifeguards, they did a great job of making you think it was a running surf life saving club. But recently it doesn't feel like it. Where an earth can they work? Is Alf still president?

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Looking at the outside the surf club its absolutely ludicrous to think that Angelo's Bar can be in there. Its just not logical in any way.

You mean because it's single storey?

The time when the upstairs set was introduced on the show, the real life Surf Club were planning to start their extension - unfortunately H&A jumped the gun a bit and the real-life extension got delayed for a couple of years, hence why we haven't actually seen a wide shot of the exterior of the Surf Club on the show for quite some time.

This pic was posted in the Location thread last year to show how it is now that they've finally built it - don't think it's been seen on screen yet, but they were probably waiting until it was fully complete before showing it, given it's existed in Summer Bay for a couple of years


This is how the extension is looking as of September. There is still plenty of scaffolding around but the upstairs level is well and truly up and close to being finished!

Oh thanks for that. Good pic. I know there's always been stairs because we saw them in the original 1989 set. I assumed there were the ones that go to the look out. But in 1990 they changed the fourth wall. There was a scene in 2000 with Harry and Shauna in the look out. Even though you only saw a couple of lifeguards, they did a great job of making you think it was a running surf life saving club. But recently it doesn't feel like it. Where an earth can they work? Is Alf still president?

Alf resigned/retired as Chairman/President when he went on his 6 month break over the changes that Palmer wanted to make to the club and Palmer took over that and I thought he was meant to be running the gelato bar in Alf's absence, but then seemed to be the new leaseholder, but Alf does seem to be involved in the club again in a position above Palmer, so who knows.

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