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I was having more than hiccups H&Alover. (Sorry the "Quote" button won't work for me). How can you be so insensitive? You've hurt my feelings now. "not too bad" "a pain" !!! Are we talking about the same gal? I think she's gorgeous and she and Kyle really sparkle together. Never seen him so happy and she's given up Melbourne and gigs for him to live in his room. Wonder if he's picked up his dirty clothes yet and bought her a wardrobe? What will happen next, I wonder? Will she knuckle down and become a Tamara-type waitress or spice Angelo's up as she wants? Even Red admits she's showing progress. That's a turnaround!

Yes Casey and Josh are alike in temperament - can't be their father's influence. Full marks to Josh for standing up to Alf, but he was on dodgy ground in Alf's house. Let's see if Alf changes his mind. Well done Maddy for sticking up for him.

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Well, Marilyn's attempt at a mediator just left everyone feeling awkward but on the whole she did good here, someone needed to pull Alf into line with Roo unavailable.(Frankly, Roo came to terms with this ages ago and there was no need for Alf to get involved.And really, what did he think they were up to?)Still, I appreciate that everyone involved managed to keep their cool and stop it getting personal and in the end Alf accepted their rights to make their own choices, however awkward it was for everyone.Marilyn trying to get everyone to say "sex" and receiving a trio of pained looks in exchange was great.(A dig at Neighbours, perhaps, which is infamous for its use of euphemisms and the sort of evasive conversation we got here?)I'm a bit worried about Maddy though:Even Josh seemed to pick up that Oscar was interested in her while she seemed completely oblivious as she went around dubbing him her "girlfriend".

Nate and Ricky talked and drew a firm line under things while Brax and Ricky...did some other stuff.It's another case where I'm neither celebrating nor groaning that they're back together, I wouldn't have minded if they hadn't but I don't really mind that they have.I'm in two minds about Zac:I can see that the drinking's becoming a problem and he does need to put down that bottle and get home but I really can't help sympathising with him.I thought he was okay with Oscar and gave him good advice, and I'm not sure he deserved snide remarks from Brax while Bianca gets immediately forgiven.And as for Hannah, she's so unbearably smug, even in what was presumably supposed to be a softer scene with Ricky, that I find myself thinking it's no wonder Zac's drinking when he has to put up with that.

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I see that Bricky (Brax and Rick, now there new name) are back together. That didn't take long did it. That was clearly on the cards as soon as Brax came out of prison.

Well you can clearly see that Zach has a drink problem and now it is progressively getting worse. Constantly being drunk and not having enough at Angelo's he decides to go get more.

On a side not, what happened to Ricky's job? After returning from London there has been no mention of it.

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Guess we will have to agree to disagree about Phoebe Brian! So suddenly she is working back at Angelo's and reined in the excessive behaviour?

I'm guessing Kyle got the message about Casey not being a full blood Braxton, liked his use of Phoebe's phrase to Casey about family not being all about blood. He was the only one who could understand how Casey felt, he's not just in the mood to hear it right now. Seeing from Casey's view he's had it drummed into him all his life by Brax (and Heath) about being a Braxton and all that it means, that they are family and outsiders aren't on the whole to be trusted. Right what you said Red about Casey not getting the bad side from Danny, Johnny wasn't an angel . Both he and Josh although being the more calmer of the Braxton's/Barrett's do have their moments temper wise. It did occur to me why Danny may have taken Casey on that last job, perhaps he heard something in jail about Johnny being Casey's actual dad and decided to get Casey thrown in jail, which he did, and take off with his real son Kyle, perfect revenge on Cheryl.

Poor Nate, Ricky got round to tell him she was back with Brax, good for her to have the courage to tell him face to face. Hope this won't result in him leaving the bay. As an aside we did find out she was back at the motel. Not much consolation to Nate but Brax did have the grace to thank him for looking after Ricky during her pregnancy and after the miscarriage.

Josh telling Alf they had already done the deed was long after the actual first time they had. I'm not sure Alf was aware Maddy and Josh first slept together at the music festival. Alf, I think, looks on Maddy as a surrogate granddaughter and as such would feel uncomfortable about them sleeping together in his house. I'm glad he did come round in the end, strangely this will probably take the shine off of sleeping together behind Alf's back. Maddy is oblivious of Oscar's crush on her, his confession that he was still a virgin was rather brave of him, guess his love will stay unrequited. :wub:

Doesn't seem a year since Gina died, where has that time gone!!!!! Lovely talk between Marilyn and John about her and good in a way he feels able to talk to Marilyn about her.

I don't think Zac's drinking is an new problem, just an old one that resurfaces when he has trouble in his life. At least while he was drinking at Angelo's an eye could be kept on him, drinking alone in his mood is bound to end in tears. His teasing Oscar is just what any dad would do and he did apologise to him later so Hannah was out of order to get on his case about it. I didn't realise Hannah and Ricky were that close that Hannah could give Ricky advice on her love life?

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Looking at the outside the surf club its absolutely ludicrous to think that Angelo's Bar can be in there. Its just not logical in any way.

You mean because it's single storey?

The time when the upstairs set was introduced on the show, the real life Surf Club were planning to start their extension - unfortunately H&A jumped the gun a bit and the real-life extension got delayed for a couple of years, hence why we haven't actually seen a wide shot of the exterior of the Surf Club on the show for quite some time.

This pic was posted in the Location thread last year to show how it is now that they've finally built it - don't think it's been seen on screen yet, but they were probably waiting until it was fully complete before showing it, given it's existed in Summer Bay for a couple of years


This is how the extension is looking as of September. There is still plenty of scaffolding around but the upstairs level is well and truly up and close to being finished!

Oh thanks for that. Good pic. I know there's always been stairs because we saw them in the original 1989 set. I assumed there were the ones that go to the look out. But in 1990 they changed the fourth wall. There was a scene in 2000 with Harry and Shauna in the look out. Even though you only saw a couple of lifeguards, they did a great job of making you think it was a running surf life saving club. But recently it doesn't feel like it. Where an earth can they work? Is Alf still president?

Just to follow up, seems I spoke too soon as it's actually been seen on Oz screens this week (for what I think is the first time), so expect to see it on UK screens in August.

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I think we're meant to assume that Ricky finished the London job(although flying to the other side of the world for a day's work seems a bit above and beyond)and either didn't get or turned down the possibility of more work.

From the way it was emphasised in the recap, I was expecting Sasha to be back already and indeed actually thought Tamara was her at the start.But instead it's just an excuse for Matt to show us he's still a tool and missing Sasha doesn't really excuse it.I did smile slightly at Tamara's deadpan response to Chris asking her if she'd ever met a bigger joke but is she really still smarting about him trying to chat her up, which she knows was mostly Irene's fault?

Bianca is fast turning into one of the most unlikable characters on the show.She seemed to be going out of her way to make Darcy feel uncomfortable here, refusing to spend time with her and Harley. Heath should have bit his lip when he saw her with Zac for Darcy's sake but otherwise he was doing his best, which Bianca clearly wasn't.(Has the fact that Darcy's at Summer Bay High been forgotten, though?Why hasn't she queried Bianca's continued absence?)Did Zac really apologise for telling her how it is?She's so bad I actually found myself cheering Hannah on when she had a go at her and while Bianca's riposte wasn't entirely untrue, I had to laugh at her saying her marriage was fine:If that's the case, why is she still spending more time with Zac than her husband and stepchildren?I actually came close to liking Hannah here:While her playing the "good parent" at the start was frustrating, she did at least try and have a proper chat with Evelyn rather than letting her do what she likes.(Evie's first bikini scene, I believe, for those taking notes.)Although she was annoyingly smug, Evelyn did at least seem genuine in her olive branch to Zac.And some more nice interaction with Spencer, with everyone around them seeming to think they're a couple again.

Jett's speech was sweet and to the point, but where the heck did Marilyn go?Loved Irene's joke about her hairspray, and Leah's joke about Irene's hair treatments.

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I'm trying to get the Braxton/Barrett saga sorted out. Is this right?

Brax, Heath and Kyle have father Danny, who was shot by Casey during a raid and died.

Casey and Josh have father Johnny, who was killed by Brax during a fight over money and buried by Adam

Andy's father unknown.

Brax, Heath and Casey have mother Cheryl, who is still around living in a waterside house.

Josh and Andy's mother is in prison, for shooting Josh.

Kyle's mother unknown; he was raised by foster parents.

Kyle and Casey seem to be the most mature guys in all this, with Andy just obnoxious.

How do the girls stay around amidst all this - Bianca, Ricky, Phoebe, Hannah and formerly Tamara.? Do they love them that much?? They are not all glamour boys! Not surprising that Phoebe told them that the way they behave is not normal!

Probably some more juicy storylines to come??

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Pretty much got it nailed Brian, though it was revealed Adam finished Johnny off, letting Brax think he had killed him for all those years. Andy's father is dead. Quote button doesn't work for me either. Brax said and even Josh has worked out Andy is scared of losing his power over Josh as big brother.

It looked like Heath has no idea about Casey, I think he would have shown some reaction if he had been told. Seems he had been in Mango River picking up Darcy to meet her new (half) brother, does Darcy commute to and fro from there like the rest of the kids? She's a bright kid so glad that Heath told her how Harley came into being. He did dodge the question as to why he wasn't with his mum, she would be able to take the truth that Jess has cancer, could she be in hospital which is why he and Bianca have him?

Always thought Bianca got on well with Darcy and did love her. As I said above Darcy is a bright kid so Bianca and Heath's not so quiet argument wasn't going to go unnoticed or remarked upon. Heath ought to realise when (if) she goes back to work she will be working with Zac so needs to put what happened behind him. Hannah being told to get off her high horse (how many times has that been said on here) was a good line but it didn't necessarily follow that Zac could fall into bed with Bianca because of her rejection of him.

Oh just as Zac seems to have kicked the bottle and made up with Evelyn, Bianca finds his other stash. :o I didn't realise from the long shot it was Evie in the bikini until Hannah joined her. I liked seeing Evie and Spencer together, they'd make a good couple, but has Spencer been taking styling tips from Oscar with his shirt down up to the neck?

That writing completion advert Sasha tore out of the paper was something to do with Gina's memorial but why her sudden debunk to Broken Hill? There was no reason why Matt (or any of the Mangrove River kids) should attend none of them (apart from Casey who has other things on his mind) did. I thought Chris was into Denny so why was he flirting with Tam? At least she put him in his place with just one look! Jett's speech was lovely, not too gushy (which Gina would have hated) but said what was needed to be said. That was very odd Marilyn rushing off like that, who was that call from? Was it because Maddy had done her three days the reason she wasn't there?

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