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Alf's episode count this week:Four(and he was credited on Monday for no appearance).Sasha only managed one before leaving town.

I don't think Chris was flirting with Tamara, I think he just spoke to her because she was the nearest person and was surprised to learn that she doesn't like him, so he's doing his best to make up for it. Ah, so that's what Marilyn was up to, hopefully they'll explain it to Jett in due course.Spencer and Evelyn definitely seem to be developing a mutual interest, which I really wanted to happen last year rather than him and Sasha being dragged out.I enjoyed their scenes, more than I did Evelyn being a brat towards Zac again, of which more in a minute.

I really didn't like Bianca getting on her high horse with Zac, she seems to be refusing to accept her own part in things.I'm glad Heath called her bluff over her claim that the family's important to her, shame Darcy chose that moment to rival Evelyn in the brat stakes.We all agree it's unfair she's not allowed to live with Heath but that's no reason to resent Harley and drag him into her act of rebellion. I'm guessing from her behaviour on the road that she was hoping Heath would find them, but it's still a very silly think to do.While I appreciate Oscar wanting to help Zac while Evelyn just turns her nose up and walks away, his trying to drive him home was unspeakably dumb, he didn't even have the sense to pull over after a near crash.I'm guessing we're meant to assume it was Tamara he hit, she really shouldn't have separated from Chris.There was a time when I'd happily have seen her hit by a car but I quite like her these days so I hope she's okay.

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Wasn't sure if they were trying to start a friendship with Ricki and Hannah. I did wonder at one point whether Hannah was just fishing for information about Andy. I put that to bed the next episode when she got all jealous and possessive with Bianca re Zak. I found that scene really funny. Bianca was absolutely right given how Hannah treated him before and she had the gall the get annoyed just because somebody else slept with him.

I'm confused. So has Denny left? Has she disappeared off into the sunset, never to be seen or heard from again? For all his faults Chris doesn't strike me as the sort of person that would have be trying his luck on with one girl whilst he was with another but he was clearly doing that today IMO. And I'm assuming Tamara likes him (simply because of the way she was with him before when he asked her out just before asking Denny and today's interaction). And I felt the writers were setting themselves up for something to happen.

As much as I can't stand Evelyn she was absolutely right. Oscar never should have gotten in the car and driven it. They should have just called Hannah. Even though this is all indirectly his fault I hope they don't do something stupid and make Zak fess up for it.

Finding it hard to sympathise with him if I'm honest. I thought Evelyn was a brat to him before but it feels like he's his own worst enemy and is just wallowing in self pity.

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I assume Denny's coming back, there's been no mention to the contrary, I suspect she's been got out of the way because I think the situation with the rest of the family would have played out very different if she was around.Again, I didn't really interpret Chris' behaviour around Tamara as wanting to date her or anything, I think he's just thrown by the idea of someone not liking him and wants to win her over, much as he did with Irene and Sasha.It could be the first step to them being a couple but Tamara's exasperated smile seemed to be more acknowledging he's not without his merits than anything overt.

Pretty much got it nailed Brian, though it was revealed Adam finished Johnny off, letting Brax think he had killed him for all those years. Andy's father is dead.

I echo the former but when was it said Andy's father was dead?I thought the whole thing was covered in a couple of throwaway lines of dialogue when Brax was talking it over with Debbie and said something like "But Johnny wasn't even Andy's real father."

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You could be right Red about Chris wanting Tam to like him he likes (or seems to need) people to like him.

Actually I'm glad that TPTB have waited until now to put Evie and Spencer up as a couple, when they come out of the cult would have been too soon and wouldn't have worked so well.

I'm pretty sure it was mentioned at some time, although briefly, that Andy's dad was dead.

Aaah Maz what a lovely thing to do for John, certainly excuses her for missing the memorial ceremony, I certainly hope they will tell Jett, but the bench was more for John.

Isn't it more down to Connie why Darcy can't stay with Heath and he's just doing everything he can to keep on her good side. It must seem very unfair to her that Harley is 'allowed' to be there and she has to go home. I think Heath should have told Darcy just how sick Jess is, she may be young but if explained the right way she'd be able to take it in. Bianca does loved Darcy, but that is because she was around a long time before she and Heath ever got together. Although a natural reaction from Heath having a go at Bianca for leaving Darcy and Harley alone how could she have known she'd do a runner with him. Darcy did get it right in one respect all Bianca and Heath have done is argue. Bianca didn't have an answer when challenged by Heath, though he was being unrealistic about her seeing Zac everyday, of course she would he's a colleague! Though that could be in dispute if she does report him.

My thoughts exactly Red, the look on Darcy's face when she thought it was Heath's car coming round the corner and then it wasn't. At least she went prepared, Harley's formula, money. Great how Alf has mustered the towns folk to look for them, although Heath wasn't too happy about it. The reason he doesn't want the police involved is because the news would get back to Connie and scupper his chances of having Darcy to stay.

It seems Oscar has had some experience of driving but not that much. He must have hit Tam a lot harder than the impact seemed to suggest, flung clear off the road, true he did stop, but really should have got out and looked properly. Better him getting in bother than Zac considering his, um, condition.

Seems Heath still doesn't know about Casey.

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Just watched to the end of last week

Lovely memorial scenes for Gina at the school, Marilyn arranging the plaque for the bench was sweet. Marilyn, John and Jett make a good unit.

Didn't take long for Zac to go back on his word and start drinking again, I wonder where this hit and run storyline is going and what happens to Tamara.

Where is Roo lately? She hasn't appeared for ages.

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Jamie, Roo's gone to see Coleen in Vegas who I think has broken her ankle.

I didn't see that coming, Tamara being run over. The issue with Chris is a bit odd because why is he trying to get the approval of Tamara to like him. Let's be honest you can't have everyone liking Chris that is just impossible;

Brian, why does he need a girlfriend, can't he be single. Why does the so called youngsters all have to be in a relationship?

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I wasn't expecting Tamara to be so far down the road to recovery by the end of this episode but I'm glad she is.It was also nice to see Leah so concerned about her, the past few weeks have cemented them well as housemates.I did find the way she was found rather convenient, with Alf just happening to stop nearby and hear the phone.(And it looked as if the road she was lying next to at the end of the last episode disappeared, to be replaced by the one Alf was travelling on.)And Irene calling her "little Tamara" seemed a bit of a stretch unless she was talking about her height.But on the whole, I think it tied in with the community feeling.And the John/Marilyn/Jett stuff was good too.

Somewhere over the course of this episode, what sympathy I had for Darcy drained away.We're told here she's 13, which is a bit older than I thought she was, and old enough to know how criminally irresponsible it is to drag a baby out into the middle of nowhere and make no attempt to get help when he's clearly distressed until it's almost too late.(I hope it's "almost", anyway.)Ricky got on my wick a lot with the way she kept excusing Bianca, especially her absurd "dealing with another woman's baby when you've just lost your own."Er, how is that "just"?Rocco died so long ago that Ricky didn't even know Bianca at the time.While Brax annoyed me at times, and I think he gave Heath the wrong advice telling him to stop searching and wait for Darcy to let herself be found, he was right that Heath continuing to blame Bianca wasn't do much good:She's accepted her role in things and taken responsibility, that should be enough.Very disappointing that Heath seems to know about Casey, denying us a proper reaction, especially since Brax refuses to discuss it here.Hopefully they'll make up for it by involving him properly when Casey shows up again.

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Another miracle hospital like they have in Corrie!! Of course Nate was the only doctor on duty when she was brought in as well. Her arm looked quiet badly broken seeing the angle it was at, but guess not. Good instincts there Leah not just assuming Tam was staying somewhere else overnight. I thought the same Red, Alf had to stop where he did and Tam's phone had to ring just at the right moment. Hadn't Brax and Heath just passed by there not long before? I know most of the blame has to lie with Oscar but surely Tam ought to know the rules of the road about facing on coming traffic when walking along country roads. Considering Tam must be 18/19 I think Irene was referring to her height (or lack of).

Blast we did miss Brax telling Heath about Casey and we only knew that because Heath threw it back in Brax's face when talking about Darcy. I reckon Heath had more important things on his mind as in Darcy and Harley then worrying about Casey who is an adult,mind you does he know why Casey has gone? Brax did get it right about Heath having to stop blaming Bianca for Darcy running away, it just have easily been him who had popped into the main house for a couple of minutes. Can understand Heath not wanting to call Connie until he absolutely had to, he's scared he'll lose visitation rights after he fought so hard to get them. Did wonder why he and Brax were driving up and down the road when it ought to have occurred to them she would keep off the road. Ricky actually annoyed me in last nights episode, although it may have been a couple of years since Rocco died but still fresh in Bianca's mind. I know she thought she was being helpful but it had the opposite effect. How is Heath going to explain that phone call to Connie now Darcy has/will be found? :unsure:

When did Darcy become 13!!!!! I know she attends SBH but I would have put her at 11. Does put a whole new spin on what she did, guess I was wrong about her taking any formula along with her.

Nice bit of light relief with John, Jett and Marilyn, so sad Jett has never had a proper birthday. :cryingsmiley:

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