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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I wouldn't compare Corrie's hospital to Summer Bay as much as EastEnders hospital. Corrie I think has more realism to it than EastEnders and Home And Away which rely on sensationalist plots in the past couple of years. In Easties you can go in with a life threatening illness then start recovering in a day and be out strutting about at work 3 or 4 days later. In Corrie and ED injuries take longer to heal, which makes it more believable.

The Braxton's really do need their own hospital wing the amount of times they are in there. And it is not a crime to be single like Casey is.

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I do find it odd that Emergency seems to be on an upper floor now. In every hospital I've ever seen it's on the ground floor because their patients are emergent and cannot wait for a lift to arrive or walk up the stairs.

Oh and that flipped scene of Oscar walking to the car from the diner was bizarre. I don't understand why they did it. It probably wouldn't have been as noticable if they didn't show Evelyn with the building the right way around.

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I can't help feeling that Darcy got off a bit lightly here, considering that Harley could die because, what, she was jealous?She's old enough to know how wrong what she's done is and, while I think we're past the point of getting angry, Heath really should have had a word and made sure she knows just how serious she is.Again I was slightly frustrated by the attempt to turn Bianca into a tragic figure, ignoring the fact that Heath lost Rocco as well and this should be just as hard on him.It was also disappointing that the community-pulling-together feel was abruptly dropped in favour of the Braxtons saving the day single-handed, with just a few offhand references to Alf and the SES.

Evelyn annoyed me greatly throughout this episode, even at the start when she was basically in the right about Oscar driving:It made me wonder if she's planning to be offside with her entire family.Did Oscar really not notice the damage to the car before now?While Evelyn did have a point that they didn't know where Tamara's accident was, the logical next step would be to find out, not to use it as an excuse to dismiss the whole matter.And her claim that Zac doesn't have anything to worry about because he didn't do it is incredibly short-sighted:It was his car, he thinks he was driving, if the police look into it they'll find enough evidence to convict him.

Ricky annoyed me too with the way she seemed to be trying to be Brax and order everyone about, which pleasingly didn't go that well for Brax either.I thought Casey was leaving town when he packed his bags but then he was at the gym so not that much of a goodbye:Where's he staying?The scene of Brax discovering Casey's bandages felt that we were supposed to actually see the infection but didn't and the whole sequence felt a bit awkward, even the slightly underwhelming cliffhanger which didn't quite hit the right beat.I even checked the Australian version of that scene to see if anything was missing but no, that's how they got it as well.

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There are only 2 brothers in the Barrett family, c120701, Andy and Josh. What are your 6 numbers for anyway?

I think c1230701 is including Casey As it has been revealed that he is an Barrett.

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It's a good job Nate's so ready to give off the record housecalls, although at least Casey did eventually go to hospital.Is he back living at the Braxtons'?That makes his moving out seem even more pointless if so.In a similar vein, is that the end of Linda?Then why bother having those Skype chats rather than just ending the storyline in London?I know Nate's helped Andy out in the past but would he really have filled him in on what's going on?Brax is deluding himself if he thinks he can still keep a lid on this, although he's possibly worked this out by the end when he decides to let Casey and Josh work this out themselves.Did Alf just materialise out of nowhere to break up that fight?One minute he's nowhere in sight, the next he's only a couple of paces away.And then the credits come up and reveal Andy's now a regular.Oh good grief.Keeping Phoebe on when at best she's borderline bearable is bad enough but Andy?! Are they just deliberately picking the most hated characters on the show?

Evelyn is still sticking her head in the sand and dragging Oscar under with her if she thinks they can just ignore this and it'll go away.If nothing else, there's that broken car headlight which isn't going to miraculously repair itself.The really frustrating thing is that she's back to blanking Spencer, although the advice Chris gave him was a bit rubbish.Still, we've got the return of Chris' tiger onesie and the brilliant scene of him renovating his room in case Denny goes in there.And Denny did look lovely when she turned up at the end.But has the show just stopped bothering with cliffhangers?I thought it was just the Thursday ones to start with but then the last two episodes just sort of stopped, as if someone's decided that with a Next Time On Home and Away bit coming up afterwards they don't really need to leave it at a point where people want to see what happens next.

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I don't watch EE so can only go by Corrie, people go in sometimes with 'life threatening' injuries, a few episodes later they are ready to come home. The only recent exception being Nick.

Like the idea of the Braxton's having their own wing. :D

I guess Heath thought Darcy was punishing herself enough and shouting at her wasn't going to help things.. Heath loves Harley, but we're being led to think Bianca doesn't when it's pretty apparent she does care.

Evie really needs a reality check or a slap. Oscar knew as soon as Hannah told them about Tam what he had done. I can, just about, get she wants to protect him, but if he owns up now and he's an honest lad as we've seen, it'll be a lot easier on him, it didn't look like he was speeding, just took his eyes, briefly, off the road. His conscience wouldn't let him let Zac take the blame, all very well her saying he should forget about it, he wouldn't be able to. Zac thinks he did it, but in his the state he was in he would never have been able to drive. He has so much more to lose than Oscar, I'm guessing any damage wasn't spotted earlier because Oscar was busy getting Zac into the house and next morning just forgot about hitting anything. I thought it looked odd when Oscar went out to the car. If the Yabby Creek police do their job properly they ought to have picked up those pieces of glass from the road, find out what type of car it belongs to then start checking out who owns that particular model.

When Tam was lying in the ditch it looked like her right arm was at an awkward angle, but in hospital her left arm was in a sling as her shoulder had been dislocated.

Casey was going to kip down in the gym as he feels he can do longer stay in the home he longer feels is 'his'. Heath and Brax may be still his (half) brothers but he is no longer a Braxton, which as Brax drummed into him his entire life is all important. It looked like Brax did persuade him in the end. Good decision by Brax that Casey and Josh sort it out between themselves with no interference from him, Andy or anyone else. Brax does still have Heath and Kyle whereas Andy only has Josh as family. Whoever did that removal needs locking up, they made a right mess. When Nate is off doing his house calls, mainly to the Braxton's, who is looking after the patients seeing as he is the only doctor working at the hospital.

Chris really has it bad over Denny, the way his face lit up when she reappeared. :wub: Nice to see him back in his onesie, though even better seeing him without it. :wink: All that manic revamping of his room in the hope of wooing Denny, hope Spencer didn't put the mockers on it by his comment as he was leaving.

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