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I thought the comments made to Denny were inappropriate but he only did that because things didn't go that well for him when he tried to speak to Evelyn and then call her but she was looking to avoid her. As for Evelyn, I don't understand why she is trying to stop Oscar doing the right thing. If he wants to maybe go to the police then let him otherwise this will eat him up. You can clearly see that he is not coping.

As for Andy it will be interesting to see what he does because Brax wants his 5k, so the question is will Andy pay it back?

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There are only 2 brothers in the Barrett family, c120701, Andy and Josh. What are your 6 numbers for anyway?

I think c1230701 is including Casey As it has been revealed that he is an Barrett.

I was. The numbers were from an old hotmail e-mail address and I think it was just their suggested one.

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Sorry c20701. I really got that mixed up. There are only 2 Barrett lads, but they are Josh and Casey, as pembie says. If Casey now regards himself as a Barrett, because that was his father's name, then Andy should regard himself as a "whatever-his-father's- name was". I wonder why Andy has always called himself a Barrett, if he knew that Johnny wasn't his father.

Glad we don't have those problems,

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I actually thought Phoebe's idea had merit, she wasn't daft enough to invite Andy along which would have been the real sticking point, I don't think having Josh and Maddy in the house would have caused too much trouble and I actually thought it was a shame that Kyle ushered them out because Brax and Casey weren't in the episode.The worst that could have happened was Casey going to sulk in his room instead of talking to them.Still, having done his best to reassure Casey last week it was nice to see Kyle doing the same for Josh here.Did anyone else think Maddy looked scarily like Nicole for a moment when she appeared in the doorway with her hair tied up?There seemed to be an attempt to add a bit of depth to Andy here by showing him going through an identity crisis of his own:When he was Josh's only brother he could ignore the fact he wasn't a Barrett by blood but now that Casey's more of a Barrett than him it's left him feeling a bit insecure about his place.But not for the first time, I was left thinking the best thing he can do is push off back to Mangrove River and leave Josh alone.After being listed as a regular yesterday, he's suddenly back to being guest cast today.Either someone can't make up their mind or it's a side effect of them redoing the credits for overseas.

Oh dear, things were going so well between Chris and Denny, her waiting in his room while he cursed the ceiling was a great moment, then he went all weird.I was a bit confused as to why at first, he had no problem with Indi saying the same thing.Okay, he's not ready to say it back but all he needed to do was explain that to her and let things carry on naturally, not spend all day avoiding her.Still, he handled things better than Marilyn, who jumps to conclusions about John and treats him badly as a result.I thought at first Chris was going to make out he and Marilyn were together in order to scare off Denny.Instead, Marilyn runs with his flowers idea as a way to get back at John, although her performance was so bad I'm surprised he was taken in.

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I think the answer to Andy having the Barrett surname is that Johnny adopted him, simples!!! As Red said he's not Josh's older (step) brother any more, Casey is his older (half) brother and nearer his age to boot. Does Case think of himself as a Barrett yet? Come to that how can Cheryl be so sure Johnny is Casey's dad? Did she find she was pregnant with him and lured Danny into bed so she could tell him he was the dad? Have I just answered my own question?

As usually happens people (in this case Josh and Maddy) are having a 'private' conversation in the Diner and someone (Phoebe) overhears. In a way she can see it from an outsiders prospective so things seem simple to her, though I can understand Josh's reluctance to be at the Braxton house. Where did all that sudden domestic side come from not to mention the money to pay for it? I think Kyle was right really to not have the meeting in the house the picnic good idea so they could have it on neutral ground, besides isn't Casey in hospital? :unsure: Where did Maddy disappear to? Andy isn't doing himself any favours by bossing Josh about, his talk with Hannah might have worked if he hadn't seen Kyle (who knows how both Josh and Casey feel) talking to Josh.

Is Chris' sudden panic about Denny falling for him because of what happened with Indi? He certainly didn't handle it well and left her feeling he doesn't want a proper relationship.

More misunderstandings between Marilyn and John, why didn't he just tell her what he was planning? She can keep a secret!

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You really paint Cheryl in a bad light Red. If neither Johnny nor Danny are Casey's dad, who is his dad? A third man whom Cheryl slept with? Intriguing! Full marks to Phoebe trying to bring the two families together - talking is the only way it is going to happen, if at all. but it was a bit too soon and the neutral ground they chose was a better idea. But I doubt that Andy will ever come round, unless Hannah can talk him into it.

Glad to hear that Josh is staying and well done Kyle for making him think about it. Maddy is relieved, but where will Josh live if Andy does go away. This family loyalty is a funny business - some of them just invoke it when it suits them.

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Alf's episode count this week:Four. Spencer was only in one.

Well, I'm glad Bianca acknowledged that all of this isn't easy for Heath either, it seemed like everyone was forgetting that.Her temper tantrums did annoy me slightly, as did Ricky's constant laying down the law although I suppose Heath did ask her to get involved, but her confession that she was scared of getting attached to Harley did make me sympathise with her a bit.It's a shame it resulted in Ricky giving Heath some questionable advice.Sending Harley back to Jess was an okay idea in the short term but Bianca needs to give this a proper go, not relegate Heath to being a part-time dad making occasional visits.Well, the news at the end changes things anyway.I really wasn't expecting Jess to just die without us ever seeing her again when she made that confession to Nate.

Another John/Marilyn misunderstanding resolved.Personally, I put the blame on Marilyn for thinking the worst instead of asking John what was going on, then going along with Chris' game playing. Wonder if we'll ever find out what Jett's wish was..?

I really loved Kyle's reaction when he saw Josh at the surf club:You could tell he was torn between wanting to take the safe easy option and let the Barretts go, and feeling like he needed to do the right thing and stop Josh being bullied into leaving.Thankfully, in the end his conscience won out.I'm glad Josh has agreed to stay and also pleased that Maddy wanted to stay with him whatever happened. I really hope we get to see the look on Andy's face.

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It's a shame how Chris is acting at the moment but it is kind of understandable even though I don't necessarily agree with it. If someone says they are falling in love with you after the third date, that would certainly raise an eyebrow with quite a few people. Still from Denny's perspective I could see why she was annoyed. He pursued her pretty persistently, sleeps with her then starts to avoid her. What is she supposed to think? I did wonder if she was testing him at first after Spencer's remark about Chris's level of commitment in relationships.

Phoebe was funny once again, the way she just eavesdropped in Maddie and Josh's conversation, befriended them and invited them over to the Braxton's for lunch in spite of everything that is going on at the moment. I actually quite liked the interaction with Kyle and Josh and Kyle's point about Andy testing him I think is valid.

I really hope Andy does go back to Mangrove River as I really don't see the point of his character. Nobody seems to like him and the only person he appears to remotely get on with is Hannah and that was only because they were sleeping with each other. Even his own brother finds him difficult to deal with. Does someone want to tell me what his actual purpose is other than making smart remarks and trying to pick a fight with the Braxtons?

Disappointed about Casey and Linda. I was hoping somehow that they could be together and she might just be what he needs at the moment. What I didn't like about that was the way he so abruptly finished with her and the way he was with Tamara at the hospital. But I think he was just being there as a friend to be fair.

Agree about Darcy being at fault re Harley and it's annoying how she's got off scot-free and been made out to be the victim.

Sad too that Jess has died now.

Really infuriating the way Evelyn is trying to convince Oscar not to do the right thing and go to the police about the hit and run.

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I think that they could have done more on screen with Jess. Firstly we didn.t see the reaction when Heath find out that she was dying and also they could have done more with her death. Did both Jess and Romeo have skin cancer? With Jess dead it takes a turn for Heath and Bianca but I am slightly getting sick and tired of this storyline, they keep on going back to square one over Harley. My solution either put up or shut up.

That was funny when John fell into the water and Jett has finally had the birthday that he wanted. It would have been nice if his dad gave some acknowledgement to his birthday.

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I don't think Jess specified what cancer she had, but she did tell Nate it was pretty advanced. What a shame she didn't to see Harley again before she died. Her mum was actually mentioned so she did have family, how do they feel about Harley not being with them? I thought Bianca was confessing not wanting to get close to Harley in case she hurt him which she says she did, which she didn't, not physically anyway. She left Darcy alone with him for two minutes not two hours!!!!

I think you may have confused Red with me Brian, I wasn't suggesting Cheryl had a third bloke on the go, just that she discovered after her fling with Johnny she found she was pregnant and lured Danny into bed so she could say it was his.

Can understand Kyle's reluctance to get involved by persuading Josh to stay, but glad he changed his mind, in a way he can give a more objective opinion.

You could be right there Slade it does seem intense when it was only her and Chris' third date, you would only say you were falling in love with them if you knew they felt the same.

I seriously want to slap Evie, Oscar go to the police, before it gets worse!! Tam already has had a flashback of the car disappearing into the distance. OK you'll be in a fair amount of doo-doo, driving underage, uninsured, driving without due care and attention and or careless driving, leaving the scene of an accident, Whereas Zac'll be done for drink driving, leaving the scene of an accident,lose his licence, maybe do time, lose his job, respect of the towns folk. Seems Zac 'confesses' to Hannah anyway.

Glad they finally got the 'other woman' mystery unravelled thanks to Alf. Diana was a bit of a colander wasn't she, but still a lovely thought by John. Btw they haven't suddenly aged Jett, he was 13 when Gina first took him under her wing, he didn't have a 'birthday' last year as it was just after she died so I reasoned he would be 15 and yippee he was!!!! Wonder if his wish is Maz and John do get married? I'd completely forgotten about Jett's dad, though as Jett said he'd never bothered before but then that was because he didn't know he had a son.

Zoe has a dad!!! Don't know why but I always thought she didn't have a family, wonder what he's going to be like, rather a staid uptight type which she has rebelled against?

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