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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Alf's episode count this week:Two. A pretty sparse week:Only Irene, John and Casey managed three episodes, with Nate only appearing in one.

Well, Heath's still got Harley.I appreciated him standing up to Bianca but I'd query the timing, that was the point where they really needed to have a proper chat.I really can't muster up the energy to care about their latest break-up or wonder if it's permanent this time, but I don't think they(mostly meaning Bianca)really gave the situation with Harley a chance.Heath seemed happy enough at the end but I really can't help wondering where Jess' family are in all this:Would they really be that happy at their grandson being taken off to live with a man they've met a handful of time if that and who, let's face it, doesn't really have an image that would instantly engender trust?

Phoebe's outfit to meet her father seemed a lot more conservative than her normal dress, wonder if she's putting on an act for him.I get the impression Mark had already checked out "Kyle Bennett" then realised there was things he might not have heard about Kyle Braxton.At one point did they give him their address for him to turn up at the end?Nice to see John and Marilyn getting some serious stuff for once with the wedding ring chat.

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Only two for Alf!!!!

Apart from the fact it's unlikely Heath will have any other child, he and Jess were never in a relationship so not as if he feels Harley is a part of her he can't leave behind. If he had left Harley behind would Bianca had worn him down over time so he gave up on him? I wondered about Jess' parents, maybe they weren't very close? Very wise advice from Irene to Heath and Leah to Bianca. Irene could only advise him, the final decision is his. Shame that it looks from the trailer Bianca is blaming Irene is blaming Irene for the breakup.

I wondered that about Phoebe's meeting dad outfit. So it appears he is and has been an absent daddy, his money to her conscience money. May explain her coming across as a tad clingy/needy. I suppose he may have asked around at Phoebe's old address as to where she was, :unsure: not the first time someone has turned up to see someone in the bay without apparently knowing where they were, Chris and his ex for an example. As she introduced him as her boyfriend I assumed they had never met before. It's typical of absent dads (and mums) like him to interfere in their child's love life if they think the boy/girlfriend isn't suitable. How old is Phoebe btw, early twenties certainly old enough to be able to chose who she dates. From what we saw daddy Nicholson finds out Kyle has done time and tries to buy him off.

Lovely scene between Marilyn and John and her trying to take his mind off missing Jett. They need some them time. She was right John will know when it is time to take the ring off.

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Liked Phoebe's meet-dad-outfit. Makes me like her even more, H&Alover. Her dad must be very suspicious, if he feels he has to check on his 20yo's boy friend, when he's never around. Now he knows he's Kyle Braxton, he'll probably discover that he is/was on a bond. Kyle didn't tell Phoebe that (he told Tamara that's why he couldn't leave with her), but perhaps that's expired now, otherwise how could he have gone back to Melbourne with her (as he planned)?

Sad that Bianca and Heath don't seem to be able to sort their future out with Harley. Still I always thought that she was too good for him. How come he's never in the gym, when he's one of the managers? Is he still drawing a wage from there? Bet that upsets Casey! Surprising they still have customers when It's closed so often.

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Now what would you do with 50 grand??????? Your lovely girlfriend or an exotic life? I'd have kept Phoebe anyday!

Why didn't Kyle just run away and leave the dad to pick it up?

Come on Sasha and Matt. get your act together!!!

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Giving a couple an obstacle to overcome together, as they seem to be doing with Kyle and Phoebe, helps cement them better than a bunch of hollow superlatives, I am on their side even though I don't quite buy them as "in love".("You broke his little girl's heart not too long ago,"Phoebe comments.Unless she's talking about him not going back to Melbourne with her, it should be at least two years ago.) To be fair, most fathers would probably be scared at the idea of their daughter dating someone with Kyle's history but, even if you look past the slightly controlling idea of him running background checks on Phoebe's boyfriends, trying to buy him off is definitely crossing a line.I agree with Brian, if I'd been Kyle I'd have just walked off and left the money lying there, so why didn't he?It's not his, he doesn't want it, if someone walks off with it then Mark's the one out of pocket not him.Instead he's hiding it in the house where you just know Phoebe's going to find it and jump to the wrong conclusions.(Which, thinking about it, is another example of the fractured cast:There's four other people living there and once upon a time one of them would have found it and got involved in the storyline, but instead it'll be Phoebe because the storyline only concerns Kyle, Phoebe and Phoebe's dad.I could be wrong, I hope I am.)

On the other end of the scale, Alf and Sasha hugging each other left me wondering if they've ever had any significant interaction, felt a bit out of nowhere in a way that Sasha announcing she and Matt are Tamara's friends didn't.(Loved Tamara and Matt's strained greeting:"You're still here then?")Sasha and Matt are another couple I'm not really connecting with, he might have come across as slightly less obnoxious, especially with the way he sympathised with Zac, but we've seen Sasha fall so easily for so many different boys it's hard to get that worked up about the latest one, especially when I find their repartee rather flat, it's almost like Matt's softened too much, Sasha was delivering lines in a teasing manner while he was delivering them straight and it didn't quite gel.So Matt is more compassionate than Nate, who's practically building a gallows for Zac and showed appalling bedside manner with Tamara, the way he casually got his phone out and ordered a scan for her without actually bothering to tell her what's going on, as if he saw her as a test subject rather than a person, was a dreadful way to treat someone.Meanwhile, Evelyn seems to increasingly be playing the role as the devil on Oscar's shoulder, tempting him to do the wrong thing, while trying to keep Sasha away in case she inadvertently pricks his conscience.(Oddly, though, she's taken time out to have her hair done...)At least Oscar's finally manned up at the end, sadly the promo seems to imply this still isn't the end.

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Maybe Kyle is going to wait for Mark to come back and hand the money back to him in front of Phoebe? It's

not Phoebe that finds it btw. :wink: Seeing as Kyle had 'broken' Phoebe's heart, maybe when he left Melbourne the first time, Mark was surprisingly friendly when he met Kyle for the first time. Phoebe has got to be in her 20's, hasn't she, not a teenager who needs to be protected by a mostly absent father. It did deflate Mark rather when she told him she knew all about Kyle's past. She did care more than she first let on about Mark wanting her so split from Kyle, luckily Kyle saw through her bravado. The Braxton house is either overflowing with people or there's just Brax and Ricky or Kyle and Phoebe with Casey drifting though.

Yes when did Alf and Sash become so friendly and did I miss something about Sasha winning the Gina Palmer writing competition, no fanfares, no presentation? Explains her trip to Broken Hill so she could write it in peace, did she get dispensation from school to disappear for a couple of weeks? Seems to have appeared in print as Matt had read it. Nice to get a mention of Sid and Indi. Funny how Matt (who is a refuge) reappears when Sash comes back when we haven't seen him since she went. Tam and Sash were kind of friends after they got past the Casey thing. Matt may be on a faster path with Sash than she is with him but he does make her laugh which is always a good thing in a boyfriend, though he isn't - yet!

I'm guessing that as Tam had been knocked out after the accident any change, like a headache, needs looking at or perhaps he's seen something similar before which is why the rush. Later at the Surf Club it looked like he was going to tell Zac what was wrong with her but she walked in just at that moment. Has Sash taken up investigative journalism deciding Zac's story needs looking into? Probably not the best idea to go to the farm and try and get to see Zac. For once Evie did right, but knowing Sash it won't deter her. Well done Oscar you bit the bullet and told Zac he was driving, though Zac is hardly likely to let him take the wrap. What does Emmerson think Oscar is trying to achieve by admitting he did the deed? If they question him, under supervision of course, he is far more able to tell them what really happened than Zac was, he was sober after all.

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I can see Zac's trying to be noble but he's making the same mistake as Hannah and Evelyn and he should know it, he couldn't cope with the guilt and Oscar won't either.Emerson's reaction was utterly ridiculous, not making any effort to investigate Oscar's story.He's got one person who says he might have done it but can't remember and one person who says he definitely did it.Has Zac even been charged?The implication yesterday was no, in which case the police should be following up every lead.Emerson's claim that he needs evidence Zac didn't do it suggests he's forgotten how the law works.If he takes Zac to court without a single piece of forensic evidence or eyewitness statement that he was driving(Tamara only saw the car)and Oscar gets on the stand and says he was driving and Evelyn gets up and says that Oscar confessed to her long before Zac was questioned, then he'll be found not guilty.I'm not surprised that Hannah's back sleeping with the most obnoxious person in town simply because she was bored, but I rolled my eyes at her utter lack of self-respect anyway.Once again she makes no real attempt to parent Oscar and Evelyn, leaving Zac to handle things, then tries to make out like he's the bad parent.

I'm bored of Sasha and Matt already, having Sasha disappear at a crucial point didn't help since it lost momentum but I'm really not buying this abrupt shift in their relationship.It's hard to be sure but I think they are meant to be together, given they were making out before she left.

Bianca continues to campaign to be the most hated person in town.Where exactly did she get off, blaming Irene for her and Heath breaking up, when it was almost entirely her choice?She had three options:(a)stay with Heath and raise Harley with him, (b)break up with Heath and leave him raising Harley on his own and ©stay with Heath and get someone else to raise Harley.She wouldn't consider A, meaning Heath had to choose between her and Harley, a fight she was never going to win whether Irene got involved or not.

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What exactly does Bianca want from Heath? She decided she doesn't want to be with him because of Harley then when she assumed that Irene was responsible for advising Heath to choose his son, she stormed round to confront Irene then bit her head off. She then gets upset when Heath blanks her (which I actually find quite funny).

Loving Alf's hardline stance towards Maddie. She's being an absolute brat and she deserved the ticking off. I acutally thought he wasn't hard enough and even Josh could kind of see where Alf was coming from.

I think Chris has pretty much blown it with Denny. She not only appears to have lost interest in him but I think she's starting to get quite annoyed and finding him to be a nuisance. I really think he should just leave it for now. He can't force her to like him any more and the harder he tries the worse he's going to make it. The stuff with him surfing was bordering on cringeworthy. And even John and Spencer could see it was a train wreck waiting to happen. That being said I did actually quite like the interaction with Chris and Spencer. With Spencer just supporting him as a brother.

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