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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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The Andy/Josh/Casey storyline is another own that keeps going round and round. Andy blows up, Josh talks him round, Andy goes to see Casey, things get heated, Andy storms off again!!! Andy tells Josh it's them or me again. This time his turning up just as the gym and Angelo's is getting raided was (for him) an god given opportunity to have a gloat. What was Mark really hoping to achieve, shake Phoebe's faith in Kyle enough that she would dump him? Nearly worked as Kyle was disappointed she had doubts in him, seemed to have got over it pretty quick though as the next day they were all loved up again. Is Kyle wanting Mark to stick around to prove he can be trusted so he'll leave of his own accord?

Loved John and Marilyn trying to have 'their' time but all they did was talk about Jett. :D His text telling them both to leave him alone was funny.

Maddy was going OTT in her punishment of herself to make up for her 'me, me' strop last week. But at least she recognises when she is doing it and as you said Red lets hope that is an end to ot, but she is a teenage girl after all so it's not going to be all plain sailing for Alf I expect.

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I can only assume that Mark thought the police would find something.After two episodes of the same plot, the show now seems to hit the reset with Kyle encouraging Phoebe to make up with Mark (or maybe not, since he didn't answer).I can see the logic in Kyle saying that:If Phoebe cuts tie with Mark and regrets it, she'll probably end up resenting Kyle at some point.

It's getting to the point where all the MacGuires bar Oscar are utterly detestable.Last week I thought Zac was doing the wrong thing for the right reasons.But here, given the way he was ganging up to bully Oscar in a way that just fell short of "You'll thank me for treating you badly one day!" and storming out of the house going "I've got to stop Sasha", I think there's a darker undercurrent to his behaviour.In a way, he's taking the easy way out:It's simpler to do something ostensibly noble and expect Oscar to be glad about it than to actually pay attention to what Oscar wants and needs and help him through it.His "Stop trying to fall on your sword" was massively hypocritical.As for Hannah and Evelyn, they just seem to be motivated by selfishness, on the basis that they'd rather Zac went to jail than Oscar.Hannah thanking Zac was presumably meant to be a bonding moment but it just made me hate her more.And Evelyn's rant at Angelo's was utterly detestable.Next time she goes on her self-righteous soapbox with "If Zac hadn't got drunk this would have never happened so he deserves to go to jail", I'd love someone to turn round and go "Well, if Zac hadn't looked out for you in the first place and come to your rescue three times, then either you'd be a brainwashed cultist pumping out babies for Murray in a forced teen marriage while Oscar gets regular beating for refusing, or you'd both be lying dead from dehydrating in a shipping container.So think on that before you go 'It's what Dad would have wanted.'"And then, incredibly, Leah sides with them, turning Lady Macbeth on Sasha:She was probably thinking that she'd do the same for VJ but is she really prioritising Zac's alpha male pride over what Oscar can live with?Sasha didn't show obvious intelligence-if you get evidence like that, you don't tell Tamara, you tell the police-but at least she seems more clued in that everyone else.I'm glad it was pointed out that no newspaper would print a story like that without proof.Sasha having an editor I think is something we'll have to gloss over:Apparently someone's got her mixed up with either Lois Lane or Belle Taylor.Matt felt a bit wasted but getting him involved in this helps cement his role in the show.

As for Tamara...I really don't like the way this is going and the way a character who should be central to all this is being pushed to one side.But that's possibly a rant for tomorrow.

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Couldn't have put it better myself Red! I've been with Oscar the whole way, sure there is a possibility he may go to juvvie, but Zac would have the most to lose, his freedom, job, reputation, his friendship with the people in the bay, not to mention if he was in jail there would only be Hannah earning so they'd lose out financially and may have to leave the farm. Oscar may have come across as a bit wimpy sometimes but he's shown real guts in sticking to his guns though everyone has been trying to tell him he's doing the wrong thing. Finally what with Sash's story appearing in the paper they listened to him. I was wondering if we had all missed something with Sasha seeming to be a cub reporter, but after a lot of soul searching she did the right thing. I'm guessing she told Tam first to warn her the story would be in the papers after getting that crucial proof Oscar gave her. Now the police can't not believe Oscar.

I can understand Denny having a go at Chris for not 'siding' with her, Oscar is family after all, but good old Casey managed to help her see it from a different point of view, as long as she doesn't tell Chris that. He was Tam's ex and friends with Sash, he's a wise head on young shoulders.

Talking of Casey and Tam I loved their scenes together, him trying to persuade her to stay so he could help her through her op and after care. One of them said they are good together in a crisis considering how they first met. If not a forgiveness at least an understanding between her and Oscar before he went to the cop shop.

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Okay, Tamara's exit wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but...The episode tried it's best to made her leaving seem natural but it didn't really, she just suddenly announces she's leaving when there'd been nothing to suggest it before those two episodes.I refuse to believe this was planned in advance since her departure feels tacked on to the storyline rather than rising naturally from it, with her leaving mid-story:The fallout from the crash is going to carry on without her and there was no attempt to resolve the haemorrhage story at all.I really hope Leah or Casey gets a letter in a couple of months' time saying what happened, rather than it just being left as "She may or may not have gone blind."As for the actual farewell, I can understand why the focus was on her and Casey given their history and it's good she got some last moments with Leah and Sasha but I was very disappointed, if not at all surprised, that she didn't have a goodbye with Kyle.I guess episode counts played a part but I'd quite happily have lost his and Phoebe's storyline from the previous episode and had them here.I don't think Tamara and Kyle have had a scene together since they talked about Phoebe working at Angelo's, which given how close they were up to that point feels like majorly dropping the ball.

I was disappointed with the treatment of Denny as well.There was no attempt to play the moment of her finding out Oscar was driving, instead the breakfast scene was written as if she already knew. And while she was a bit more reasonable than Zac and Hannah, I really didn't like her behaviour in the rest of the episode.She should not have tried to blame Sasha and she should not have treated Chris like that:In fact, the way she dropped out of the family scenes made it seem like a cheap plot device to have her fall out with Chris and go running to Casey.I was relieved that Casey basically agreed with Chris but disappointed that she seemed to listen to him and not her boyfriend, although Casey did put it better than Chris, who seemed to give the wrong arguments, focusing on how important it was for Sasha's career rather than the fact that it was the truth, it was the right thing to do, it was what Oscar wanted and it prevented a miscarriage of justice.It was a good episode for the Chris/Sasha relationship though, I loved that he supported her and oddly their scene on the wharf was an echo of the Casey/Denny chat:He told her the same things as Tamara but she listened to him.It was nice that he said he considers her family, I was worried their relationship had been forgotten.I wish Denny had apologised to Sasha though, because I think she should have done.Evelyn's absence was also keenly felt, she's been the one pushing against this all along but she's kept out of the final decision.At least Oscar finally got through to Zac and Hannah.And I'm glad Tamara got to tell Zac he made things worse for her by keeping the truth secret.

So we finally get a Casey/Heath scene, which still feels like we've missed a load of conversations but at least it shows they're still friendly.Heath probably chose the wrong time to approach Bianca, it should have waited until she wasn't at work, but what did she think was going to happen, they stay in limbo forever?Unlike with Tamara, I wouldn't actually mind if she left.I didn't realise she was still living with Leah, I assumed she went back to Irene's when they made up, although I guess Leah's got a spare room now Tamara's gone, no idea if VJ's there at the moment or not.(Yes, somewhere along the way Leah ended up with a bigger house than Irene.Used to be the other way round.)Maddy was being a bit overambitious but Bianca wasn't really in the mood to give her a fair hearing, she should have sent Leah.Maddy's enthusiasm made me smile, although her repeatedly putting her foot in it made me cringe.Josh seems to be just carried along with it, as did Spencer, but I enjoyed their interaction.

Does John actually know what Jett did?It took an age for us to find out.John didn't seem keen to hear his side of the story but Jett had the previous night and that morning to get in first and just ran out on him, so coupled with his blatantly defying John by going to the skate park and the fact that his claim he regretted it didn't seem very sincere, I can't say I've got much sympathy for him.Marilyn gets the benefit of the doubt if she didn't know about John's instructions to Jett but she needs to stop being a soft touch.I have a feeling Jett will regret making them argue though.

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The scenes with Jett/Marilyn are making me think how old would Byron be now? About Jett's age?

In real life terms yes, he'd be 15.

Though I imagine in the show they'd have aged him to around 22 and he'd be head of Summer Bay High by now :wink:

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Alf's episode count this week:Two.

Oh, now they have Kyle worry about Tamara?Oh well, at least they made the effort.I didn't realise Casey was actually meant to be taking her all the way home, at least we got an update about her surgery.Andy seemed to be even more obnoxious than usual, if that's at all possible, which is presumably meant to make him look even more suspicious for the shooting.We get a reminder he's tried to murder a Braxton before so it's not wholly impossible they'd have him do this and stay on the show but it seems unlikely.Brax really should have just let him go instead of letting himself be baited like that.Mark seemed sincere in his apology to Kyle and Phoebe but his return at this juncture has to raise alarm bells and having witnessed the argument between Brax and Andy he knows there's a readymade scapegoat.But unless there was a huge time jump near the end of the episode, he seemed to be at Angelo's at the time and even if he got someone to do it for him he must have arranged it pretty quickly.(Unless he set it up beforehand and Brax and Andy's row was a lucky coincidence?)Hard to think of another suspect unless Adam's going to turn out to be behind it all.Again.(Did Ricky ever go back and visit him?)Also worth noticing that, given you'd have to walk right up to the house to see through that window and Brax and Ricky were right in front of it, they would have been sitting targets if someone had really wanted to kill them.

I hate to say this but I'm starting to dislike Denny.We get a few moments of her loved up with Chris which make me feel hopeful, then she promptly invites Casey to join them for some bizarre ménage a trois.She's treating him like a boyfriend in waiting and I really don't like it.As for Evelyn, I'm torn between enjoying seeing her interact with Spencer and thinking she deserves to have everyone hate her.Exactly how many details did Sasha's article give?Are there different laws about giving away details of an ongoing case in Australia or is this just typical soap poetic license?

Seems I was giving Jett too much credit in thinking he'd feel guilty, he's still playing hard done by and Marilyn's still letting him do whatever he wants.Even Irene can see it.The ending was rather unsatisfactory, I'm not sure either Jett or Marilyn learnt anything and I don't think Casey gave John the right advice.John was remarkably lax in the discipline department too, just letting Jett wander off from the surf club on his own while grounded.

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Anyone know what has actually happened to VJ? I think he was staying with his gran but that was when Leah was in hospital and now it seems he has disappeared from the face of the earth. Does he actually attend school?

Sad to see Tamara go, after she left the Braxton's, what I mean by that once she had no association with the family her character was basically useless.

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Anyone know what has actually happened to VJ? I think he was staying with his gran but that was when Leah was in hospital and now it seems he has disappeared from the face of the earth. Does he actually attend school?

The character of VJ has been re cast and Felix Dean who played him finished filming quite some time ago.

As to when the 'new' VJ arrives on screen, it's anyone's guess

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The scenes with Jett/Marilyn are making me think how old would Byron be now? About Jett's age?

In real life terms yes, he'd be 15.

Though I imagine in the show they'd have aged him to around 22 and he'd be head of Summer Bay High by now :wink:

Ah thanks, thought he'd be 15 as the episode he was born was on for 1999 the summer 2 eps from each year were shown.

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