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No I remember her being mentioned in about 2007 when Dom I think his name was kidnapped Belle!.

Are you sure she was mentioned by name? I remember a reference to "Irene's daughter" around that time, which was why I said over five years since her existence was acknowledged, but did anyone actually say "Fin"?

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Poor Matt, he has the guts to basically tell Evie the score and takes her down a peg and Sasha is horrified. Horrified not because of verbal insensitivity to Evie but because... she's embarrassed. Priceless! All I can say is Evie has been turning into Lizzie Borden over the last few weeks so it was coming.

I think Josh is getting a bit fed up with Maddie's controlling spoilt nature, I wonder if even easy going Alf doesn't think he'd like to give her a ticket home at times!

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Hi all, especially Red and H&Alover. I've been away all week and just caught up on Demand Five. Seems as though you have caught all the interesting points and I can't find much to disagree or add. Several interesting storeylines going on and it will be interesting to see how they develop next week. Particularly interested in Kyle/Phoebe, Josh/Maddy and John/Jett.

Agree Phyhsic Wombat about Alf sending Maddy home.

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No I remember her being mentioned in about 2007 when Dom I think his name was kidnapped Belle!.

Are you sure she was mentioned by name? I remember a reference to "Irene's daughter" around that time, which was why I said over five years since her existence was acknowledged, but did anyone actually say "Fin"?

There was definitely some mention of her, not by name, when Irene had cancer as she went to the city to tell the kids.

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Had to smile at Matt taking advice from Jett a 15 year old. His 'apology' certainly got him noticed!!!!! He does make Sasha laugh and they were friends (after their initial animosity) before they become an item. Will we see Matt's apology to Evie or will that be off screen?

Not totally sure Denny 'fancies' Casey, she is not only in a relationship with Chris but sleeping with him, but he certainly fancies her! He looked distinctly uncomfortable when she pitched up at the Braxton's.

Would Irene be able go off on her scratch card win that quick? What about arranging travel details, where she is to pick up the boat, visa's and all that stuff?

Marilyn's belated solution seems to have ticked all the boxes as long as John and Jett decide on a repayment plan.

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Poor Matt, he has the guts to basically tell Evie the score and takes her down a peg and Sasha is horrified. Horrified not because of verbal insensitivity to Evie but because... she's embarrassed. Priceless! All I can say is Evie has been turning into Lizzie Borden over the last few weeks so it was coming.

It was definitely coming. I don't like Evelyn at all. However Matt having a go at her like that still hasn't changed my opinion of him. I still think the guy's unlikeable and can't stand him. To me it felt like he was more focused on defending his girl than he was about taking the moral high-ground and calling Evelyn and her family out for doing the wrong thing. I actually dislike Matt more than Andy. At least Andy is consciously being portrayed as a bad person. Matt on the other hand I feel the writers are trying us to like him, first as I mentioned before with the cute little sister and now with the conversation with Jett although I did find Jett quite funny.

I'm even more convinced that Mark was behind the shooting. His attitude towards Kyle has completely changed. Given all the people he's probably dealt with in the past there's no way he would do a u-turn just like that. If it was him then it was pretty ruthless albeit very smart.

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Phoebe's back.Well, it is a new week.Casey's reaction was priceless and Brax almost attacks her.It's a shame that Brax is playing favourites again, taking Heath and Casey out for a surf before even telling Kyle he's back and I loved Kyle standing up to him.The fact that the Braxton house gets threatened again the moment Phoebe moves back in is likely not a coincidence.I was surprised that we and Kyle got such a good look at the intruder but then it wasn't anyone we know:It was doubtful Mark would do it himself, if it is him, and he probably didn't plan for Kyle to get hurt.

At least Casey's doing the right thing by staying away from Denny, although instead of being the invisible man it might be better to tell her where his head's at, so she might realise what exactly she's doing and stop bombarding him with vaguely flirty texts.John's advice wasn't particularly helpful.

It's incredibly frustrating that Andy gets treated like a hero for being an obnoxious hypocrite towards Zac.We get an attempt to sort out Zac's employment status but it's confused by earlier episodes. Once again, I'm left wondering why Hannah is demeaning herself with Andy when she doesn't seem entirely over Zac, who'd probably snap her up in a heartbeat, and instead has agreed to them acting like strangers in their own home.

Seriously, how long is it since Bianca and Heath's last reunion?It's only been a few weeks so it was hard to care and it just makes Bianca's refusal to try with Harley in the first place seem even more self-centred given that it seems that all it took was one cuddle for her to get over herself.If they stay together this time, I won't complain but I'm past holding my breath.

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Disagree with you about Matt, Slade. I rather like him, but am surprised that Sasha still wants to hang out with him. Is she trying to make him feel better about himself?

Andy is still obnoxious, but he seems to be able to charm Hannah very easily. She must be desperate!

Good to see Phoebe back so soon, full of herself as usual and with that lovely pair of legs below those short shorts. She'll talk Kyle round.

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It had been quiet at the Braxton's while Phoebe was away, Brax and co had no joy with their old contacts as to who may have been behind the shooting. Phoebe comes back, because in her words, her dad thought her being back in Melbourne was a permanent thing, next thing the place is turned over and Kyle is attacked, maybe by accident, coincidence I don't think so!!! Makes sense that no-one of the old gang knew who it was, Mark, for it is sure to be him behind it, would have got someone from the city to do it, maybe someone he'd got off at some time in the past.

I was glad Kyle turned on Brax when he accused him not helping in finding out who the shooter may have been. Kyle had it spot on, he doesn't have Brax's contacts and he'd been busy looking after his restaurant for him!!! At least Brax had the grace to apologise later. Didn't Kyle ask him to step in while he looked for Phoebe, because he didn't stay there long or had time passed?

Poor Casey, he does have it bad, but having lost his girlfriend, Tamara, to someone else I can't see him doing the dirty on Chris, hence his wanting to keep his distance from Denny. You're right Red he does need to be honest with her, she doesn't think she is doing anything wrong, well she isn't, but she doesn't know how Casey feels about her. Brax has picked up on it, so has John and of course Chris has.

I loved those scenes of Bianca, Heath and Harley on the beach and at the Diner, Harley's little hats are so gorgeous and he is a lovely baby, must take after Jess, sorry Heath! :P Phoebe's words to Bianca about not being with someone just because you were scared hit a nerve with her, as long as she and Heath take it slow, I think they can make it. I think she caught on, at finally, last week, that Harley is half Heath's.

Yes Andy is obnoxious, lazy, irresponsible and a total dipstick, but Zac is a supposedly responsible adult, has a good job as a teacher, good home, family and yet he nearly threw it all away by getting so drunk his nephew felt compelled to drive him home to save his reputation. No wonder Andy blew up at him, he could see him himself doing something like that but not someone like Zac. It certainly made Zac think, that if someone like Andy could have a go at him about his behaviour he did need to get his act together. Was anything really resolved between Zac and Hannah or did they just go over old ground again? His moving out wouldn't have solved anything, especially just before Oscar's trial. Andy always seems to be a better person when he's with Hannah, aside from the time he used her to get her keys of course, but he does appear to make more of an effort to be a decent human being when he's around her.

Oscar's trial has come round quick, or have we moved on time wise? I'm hoping he won't get a custodial, but maybe a Good Behaviour Bond or suspended sentence (or are they the same thing?). I appreciate it was a serious offence, hitting someone and leaving them and not reporting it while having no licence or insurance, but he had never been in trouble before that, is of good character as they say and it wasn't deliberate.

Zac feels ready to go back to school, but is Bianca going to be in a position to put it to the Board, looks like she is taking more time off to look after Harley, who is running SBH while she's not there?

Nate's estranged

wife turns up as the new Principal, so have the Board demoted Bianca or accepted her request for a transfer, which she now doesn't want.

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