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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Heath and Bianca must have been blind not to see Kyle at the start, even if they did make a big show of Casey looking right over the edge to see him(which felt even less realistic).I must admit a part of me wouldn't have minded Phoebe going, I still find her a bit irritating most of the time, but I get that's not the storyline.Slightly annoying that half the characters didn't seem that bothered about Kyle: Ricky's practically grinning like a loon while telling Heath he's in hospital and Heath taking time out to get cute with Bianca when he doesn't know how bad it is didn't feel right either.Ricky's obsessing about Nate was a double black mark against her, although I assume it's only there as set-up for the arrival of his wife.Who he's presumably not that married too, given he's been in Summer Bay without her for months and seemed horrified when she mentioned it.

Okay, so I was wondering whether Denny's deliberately playing with fire or just completely stupid and it seems it's the latter:Everyone else can see that Casey's eyeing her up but she decides to stand around hugging him and expect it not to confuse him.Chris possibly chose a bad time to confront Casey, who might have been honest with Denny if he'd waited a bit longer.At least Casey seemed to end up looking at least as bad as Chris.

Bianca's hiding stuff from Heath already, could this be their shortest reunion yet?Loved Heath turning Leah's wisecrack back on her by reminding her that she's standing in front of him in next to nothing.

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Sorry you find Phoebe irritating, Red. I thought the scene on Kyle's hospital bed with her was very sweet and sensitive. They make the hottest couple in the show. However I remember why I wanted her back when she first left - it was so that we could hear them singing and playing together as they did on stage at that concert. But it has never happened. We just heard Phoebe busking one day.

I agree with you all about the attacker - when will any of them suggest it could be Mark? It must have gone through their minds. Are they scared of saying anything that Phoebe might hear?

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Well, Chris and Denny are still on good terms but I'm frustrated at the way that either the writing, Lincoln Younes or both is trying to portray Casey as cute and sweet.For a start, his running out of the house when he's meant to be hiding from Denny made no sense and just seemed to be there for the "cute" scene where he confesses all to Ricky.And then we get his final decision, where instead of manning up and telling Denny "Chris is right, I do have feelings for you, so it's best we stay away from each other", he acts like an abject coward and basically says "I can't hang out with you because Chris would get mad if I did", putting all the blame on Chris.I mean, I do think it's down to cowardice rather than trying to make Chris look bad but the net result's the same.

I said in another thread a while back that Nate didn't seem to have any purpose on the show beyond being the doctor, so at least someone seems to have noticed that and brought in a new character with a connection to him.We don't learn anything from their scenes together but it does seem like there's a story to tell.Leah was nicely quirky again.

Evelyn was a bit melodramatic-"I might never see you again!"she protests, as if he's going to be in solitary confinement for life-but otherwise she was less objectionable than she has been lately and it was nice to see Denny involved.It's hard to see what Oscar wants though:He didn't want Zac taking the blame for him, then he was scared of being punished and now he's in a mood because he thinks he got off lightly?! What does it take?!

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Do teachers not have to apply and interview for jobs via the school in Australia? It seems that Bianca and Sophie were just able to go to the department and transfer, much like the department transferred Sally to a desk job in the city.

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The scene near the beginning of the episode with Nate his (hot) wife and Ricki was hilarious. Nate's expression clearly hoping for Ricki to go but without telling her and then his wife putting her foot in it was really funny. I didn't really like Ricki's reaction though. She chose Brax and is happy with Brax so what difference does it make now? TBH I'm not sure why Nate is still hanging around Summer Bay. He may have possibly grown to like the town. But I always got the impression he never really liked the area and only stayed because of Ricki. His wife looks like she could be an interesting character though. Part of me is hoping she turns out to be deranged and looney just to give Nate a bit more of a storyline.

I still find it quite annoying the way Ricki is constantly involved in everybody's problems. It kind of feels like she's the new Roo.

I seriously wonder if Denny has been taking lessons of Maddie. Both of them seem completely oblivious how they come across to guys, appearing to lead them on or flirt with them. I was actually hoping Casey would have told her how he felt if anything to force Denny to make a decision about the friendship. If this does come out she's going to look pretty silly and will owe Chris a massive apology. I still can't help thinking that part of her likes Casey anyway. Casey was out of order hitting Chris but I do think that Chris pushed his buttons a bit not that that excuses hitting him.

The thing that really annoyed me about Oscar's lenient sentence was not Oscar himself but Evelyn. Even now she really doesn't seem to care what he did. Only that she won't lose him. He could have killed someone and the whole family tried to lie and cover it up. She needs to be taught that actions have consequences.

I'm actually pretty fed up of Zak now. I quite liked him when he first came to the bay, the way he helped Casey out when he was in Juvie but now all he seems to be doing is moping around feeling sorry for himself. I don't think him or Hannah are suitable role-models or guardians and unless his character improves, I'd be happy if he just left.

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I haven't really thought about it, c120701, but yeah, I guess the Department does appoint the principals rather than a board of governors or something, the show's history is full of new headteachers turning up who no-one's met.

I am really loving the interaction between Spencer and Evelyn, although I do wish he didn't keep reassuring her she's done nothing wrong whenever she tries to take responsibility.He did a good job helping out Oscar too.I'm glad Hannah did get in touch with Zac, I didn't like the way Oscar cut off his phone call.I feel Oscar's anxiety hasn't been written well, I think they should have started it earlier, back when his involvement was being covered up, and maybe eased back on it when he was charged until after the trial, to make it more obvious that it's coming from guilt and the fact he doesn't feel he's been absolved of what he's done.As it is, it seems like it's about different things each time.But maybe I'm overthinking it and these things aren't logical.

I kind of feel the need to defend Maddy:She's portrayed as a pushy and irresponsible girlfriend making fun of stuff that's important to Josh, but that's only because he's lying to her and so all she can see is him constantly making excuses not to see her.That's surely doing a lot more damage to their relationship than him admitting he's serious about studying, at which point I think/hope she'd understand and support him rather than feeling insecure.Instead he just seems to have taken Matt's word for it that she'll find it "lame", to the point of attributing Matt's comments on the subject to her.

Well, I'm glad John and Marilyn sorted out their misunderstanding quickly and it seems to have provided her the impetus to not be so scared of the married thing.Alf's bemused observer act was good, as was the interaction between John and Jett(and Alf and Jett for that matter).

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We're seeing another side of Josh now, hell bent on passing his HSC. I am agree with Red that he is being unfair on Maddy not telling her the truth, but I wonder if she would be able to cope with it. She's not the studying type and maybe Josh and Maddy are going separate ways. He seems to have more in common with Evie (and perhaps with Sasha from the end bit).

Felt sorry for Oscar with no juvie to get over his guilt. Pity he has no friends, boy or girl, to hang out with and talk to. He's too close to Evie for her to help.

And no Braxton drama today The show can carry on without them!

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And no Braxton drama today The show can carry on without them!

Red must be happy, he doesn't have to see Kyle and Phoebe for the rest of the week :P

As for Maddy there's another relationship issue. Any takers for another Josh and Maddy lovers tiff, I giveit a few weeks, that's standard for both of them currently.

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And no Braxton drama today The show can carry on without them!

Red must be happy, he doesn't have to see Kyle and Phoebe for the rest of the week :P

As for Maddy there's another relationship issue. Any takers for another Josh and Maddy lovers tiff, I giveit a few weeks, that's standard for both of them currently.

A few weeks is pretty standard for any of the couples on this show :lol:

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