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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Alf's episode count this week:Three.Another sparse week for the cast with Leah, John, Marilyn and Casey the only other ones to make three.

I'll kind of accept John being thrown by Marilyn's proposal, when he'd presumably got himself in the mindset of not marrying her, but I think it took him an unreasonably long time to come round.And the ending was just weird, the mood whiplash from the joy of John and Marilyn getting engaged to Jett in trouble was too extreme and meant it was hard to care.And did I see a set of oars in the boat?No need to just stand there waiting for it to sink!

For the second week running, Sasha ended the week acting like a prig, putting a guilt trip on the person who was in the right and generally being unlikable.She was completely out of line the way she spoke to Maddy in the Diner.Josh lies to Maddy simply because he let Matt wind him up, is rude to her when she tries to spend time with him and makes nasty and completely unfair comments about her behind her back and Maddy is the one that Sasha has a go at and thinks should apologise?She's shown him far more consideration than he's shown her.Maybe she should have noticed Josh was worried and maybe she should have considered that he might be studying because he wants to rather than because he doesn't like her anymore, but she's not a mind reader and she shouldn't be made to feel like she's in the wrong because she's the one making an effort.

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We're seeing another side of Josh now, hell bent on passing his HSC.

Yes. I actually quite like this side of Josh. He obviously wants to make something of himself. I do feel a bit sorry for him in that he's struggling with some of the subjects whereas others find the work a lot easier. I don't really care who was at fault re Maddie. Even though I've found Sasha annoying as of late (the way she wrote the article caring more about her journalism than doing the right thing) I still couldn't help but crack a wry smile when she gave Maddie a serve. Still I'm trying to understand what her motivation for helping Josh actually is. It's obviously not romantic. And I find it hard to believe she's doing it out of the kindness of her heart. I would have thought her free time would be better spent on more investigative journalism. Although with Irene gone you'd wonder if she even has much free time considering she probably has to juggle working more shifts at the Diner with school work.

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I think that you've let Maddy off too lightly, Red. When her boyfriend didn't want to spend so much time with her, she should have done all she could to find out the reason why - ask friends, make him tell her honestly. Weren't they not supposed to keep secrets from each other? It works both ways.

I also wonder, Slade, what was Sasha's motivation for helping Josh study and has she now given up as the study group has formed? Some study group that turned out to be, as Josh said he didn't learn anything! but he did get friendly with Evie. Should we be worried?

So near the exams as well. Where's H&Alover, when we could do with a woman's view?

Your freedom from Kyle and Phoebe will soon be over I'm afraid Red, as they'll be back on Monday. How do I know? Well, we're going away on a cruise on Monday and so I watched 5* on Friday evening. No spoilers, but it will be good. Enjoy the next 2 weeks. I'll have a lot of catching up to do on Demand Five and then read your 2 weeks of posts. Make them good ones!!!!!

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I think that you've let Maddy off too lightly, Red. When her boyfriend didn't want to spend so much time with her, she should have done all she could to find out the reason why - ask friends, make him tell her honestly. Weren't they not supposed to keep secrets from each other? It works both ways.

I'm not really sure what you mean there:What secrets did Maddy keep from Josh?Are you seriously suggesting it was her fault that he kept secrets from her? Because it seems we're back to Sasha acting like Maddy should be a mind-reader.I did say at the time that Maddy shrugged off Josh not going to the party too easily and should have tried to find out the reason, and I accept she's seemed a bit blind to his behaviour, but she was just trying to keep the peace and she gave him plenty of opportunities to be honest.She went to the gym intending to hear his side of the story, only to walk in on him and Sasha making nasty jokes at her expense, so it's no wonder she wasn't in a hurry to listen to him.

(Also has to be said that for someone not including spoilers you mentioned an awful lot of stuff us Channel 5 viewers haven't seen yet.All we've seen of the study group is Maddy suggesting it to Josh and Spencer, plus a vague glimpse in the promo.)

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Not dropped into the discussion for a while so I've been having a good read!

Is anyone else finding the current episodes far too much youth driven which is just filling up with teenage hormones? The other day I had 2 eps on my planner to catch up on and I actually though"can I be bothered?" Anyway ill second the thoughts above about Josh's like ability improving now he being less of a tool and knuckling down with his HSC. How funny was Irene's departure, scratch the card and jump in the car. I could only laugh. Who's writing this?! I'm glad maddy, as annoying as she is, is supporting Josh now wih this study group, could make for some light hearted fun scenes so I guess we will see what happens with that this week.

Marilyn's proposal to John I found was a bit of a u turn!! But it did have me reminiscing the flat head days and it kinda felt right in the end. Never liked her with Sid. John being Classic John screws it up but when It all came good I felt a bit fuzzy inside. Can't wait for the wedding as I think it will be very funny and lovely. Concerned about Jett though, not only for his sinking Diana but he has absolutely nothing to do when VJ isn't around. They need to hurry up and bring him back hey were a good double act and Jett doesn't appear to fit in he other groups at school. They're all older than him right?

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It does make you wonder why Irene had to win on a scratchcard to go away. She should probably have a good income from the Diner and I'd imagine by now own the Beach House outright. We know she is charging Chris board for him & Spencer and presumably Sid is giving her money for Sasha. Ok, so she'll have bills to pay, but she should have a nice little nest egg to be able to go on holiday or to go and visit one of her kids or foster/lodger kids.

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It does make you wonder why Irene had to win on a scratchcard to go away. She should probably have a good income from the Diner and I'd imagine by now own the Beach House outright. We know she is charging Chris board for him & Spencer and presumably Sid is giving her money for Sasha. Ok, so she'll have bills to pay, but she should have a nice little nest egg to be able to go on holiday or to go and visit one of her kids or foster/lodger kids.

So true! She has a comfortable life in terms on money (although the Diner was closed for a while after the risotto incident). Even winning as cratchcard I can get my head around, it's the way she won it and then jumped in the car and went. Little unbelievable.

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It does make you wonder why Irene had to win on a scratchcard to go away. She should probably have a good income from the Diner and I'd imagine by now own the Beach House outright. We know she is charging Chris board for him & Spencer and presumably Sid is giving her money for Sasha. Ok, so she'll have bills to pay, but she should have a nice little nest egg to be able to go on holiday or to go and visit one of her kids or foster/lodger kids.

So true! She has a comfortable life in terms on money (although the Diner was closed for a while after the risotto incident). Even winning as cratchcard I can get my head around, it's the way she won it and then jumped in the car and went. Little unbelievable.

What I find odd is that we didn't see this mysterious customer, it would have been more believable if there was some sort of interaction between Chris and the person who gave him the scratch card. When Irene was saying her goodbye's there was no sign of Spencer. If there was mention of him I can't remember anybody saying the reason for his abscence, also does Irene have amnesia because the last time she left Chris, Spencer and Sasha alone in the house to look after themselves they had a party but although Jett and VJ organised it, they didn't exactly try and stop it.

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