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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Maddy was somewhat out of line inviting herself and everyone along to Evelyn's place without asking and, while she meant well, her study ideas mostly just seemed to confuse Josh.(And is the fact that the Pacific theatre of WW2 started in 1937 starting to reach the public consciousness?Or just in Australia, since that's where they are?)I'm a bit puzzled at the state of play between Spencer and Evelyn:We keep seeing that kiss in the recaps yet everyone's acting as though it didn't happen, with Spencer still trying to pluck up the courage to talk to her.And suddenly she's shooting interested looks at Josh, which seems odd after all the work that's gone into setting up her and Spencer; Josh and Maddy breaking up is slightly more likely but neither of them's given any indication it's what they want.Maybe Maddy'll end up back with Spencer, after they end up talking in unison here.Incidentally, Maddy's philosophy of "Sometimes it's easier to apologise afterwards than ask permission" is one attributed to Captain Picard in recent Star Trek novels, although I don't think he ever said it in the series.(And judging by Wikiquote, he paraphrased it from a real-life US admiral.)

Jett's peril was handled well here:After his going down with the ship mentality last episode, he does all the right things and actually played a big role in saving himself, even if he did ultimately need a bit of help.Brax being on hand to play hero felt a bit random(what was he doing at the bait shop?), but it was a team effort and it's nice to see disparate characters working together.John's behaviour in the aftermath felt like someone trying to make up for him being portrayed as the bad guy even though Jett was being a weasel the other week, by showing what that storyline was supposed to be, John going over the top with a guilt trip and making everyone uncomfortable even though Jett's sorry and nearly drowning should be punishment enough.Hopefully he'll calm down once the shock's worn off, although the promo suggested otherwise.

Well, it's hardly a surprise that Mark was behind the campaign against the Braxtons, given that he's the only new guest character we've had recently.I'm not entirely convinced Kyle could recognise a guy he briefly glimpses in a mirror as a guy he briefly glimpsed while semi-conscious, but at least the producers had the sense to include a flashback rather than expecting the audience to remember what he looked like.It does sound like Mark didn't intend anyone to get hurt, although I'm not quite sure how the choreography of that shooting worked.One thing I do appreciate about Phoebe is that she refuses to just go along with Brax and insists on doing things her own way, it's very refreshing after years of his word being law, I don't think we've seen anyone as willing to stick to their own principles when dealing with him since he was close to Leah.She could be in for a rude awakening though...

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^ They were both involved in rescuing the twins from the cult, so their paths crossed a couple of times. Leah took Oscar to the hospital after the kidnapping and Brax was there with Casey. She was nervous about attracting police suspicion and she asked Brax for advice.

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I've been in French France since last Thursday so that is why I've been missing.

First off I must say well done to the make up department for Casey still having the scars from his tat removal on his back. So many times scars disappear like Brax's scars from his various stabbings and shootings.

I feel Oscar thinks he should have gone to juvvie, he probably thinks getting community service is being let off easy. I can see why Evie is happy he didn't.

Kyle finally works out what we have known from the beginning, that Mark is behind the shooting, which was pretty flukey that the bullet didn't hit anyone, all it would have taken was Ricky or Brax to move at the wrong moment, and trashing of the Braxton place. Though him seeing Mark meet the guy who did it was a bit of a clue. He must have bloody good eyesight to recognise the guy from that distance and in a side mirror, plus the fact he was groggy when he saw him!!! Loath as I am I don't think Mark intended anyone to get hurt either. Ironic, us knowing what we do, Phoebe asking her dad to use his contacts to find out who was behind it. :wink: Liked Kyle's subtle questioning of Mark, Brax would have just outright accused him and got nowhere. OK I have to admit it Phoebe is growing on me, now she's stopped snogging the face of Kyle at every opportunity and letting him do his work and even pitching in herself. And you have to hand it to her for standing up to Brax, saying he may have a say over Heath, Casey and Kyle but not her, I think, by the look on his face when she had gone, he admired her spirit. Kyle has a huge problem now, though Brax threatening to tell Phoebe if Kyle doesn't. He needs proof to convince her her own dad is behind the trouble just because he can't (or won't) accept she is an adult. Absent father guilt methinks.

Not seen the relevant episodes yet but from reading your posts about Maddy, Evelyn, Josh and Spencer I'm guessing Maddy got jealous along the line, hence the group study idea. Just because Maddy is a brain box she ought to realise not everyone finds studying so easy and they have to go at their own pace. Evie and Josh do seem to be getting on well, too well? Or is that because they are both in the same boat in having trouble retaining info.

Not seen Jett going off in an un seaworthy boat, but I get it was something to do with Marilyn proposing to John and him refusing. That's what small towns are like when there is trouble people pull together, even the most unlikely. I thought Brax was just passing by. I liked his off hand reply to them thanking him about his always being in the water. I'm putting John's over reaction down to him being sacred silly, and maybe blaming himself.

Do we know yet what Sophie did to make Nate fell the way he does about her? Did she have an affair, abort their child? I was confused why Ricky acted the way she did, her and Nate was only a brief fling, he didn't promise undying love, though he did feel deeply about her. Talking of Sophie (or rather Bianca) it does seem that only a handful of people know Bianca is meant to be leaving and Sophie is replacing her.

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^I wouldn't say Maddy's been jealous, she just didn't really grasp how important studying was to Josh(although she was briefly put out by him hanging out with Sasha after giving her the brush off).We don't know anything about why Nate and Sophie split up, the only clue being Sophie saying something vague like "I've changed."

So, Kyle can't bring himself to tell Phoebe, something Mark clearly realised and was willing to exploit.It is ironic that Mark proved a bigger danger to Phoebe than the Braxtons, not that he seemed self-aware enough to realise that.While Brax facing Mark down was a satisfying moment, it's a shame he essentially gets away with it.He doesn't get what he wanted though, so I guess that'll have to be enough.That said, I have a hard time believing that Phoebe will never find out, even if it takes a while.So, was Brax bluffing or would he have gone ahead if push came to shove?I doubt if he was as concerned about Phoebe's feelings as Kyle was, especially when the alternative was Mark continuing to harass his family, but I don't think he'd have got Kyle offside unless there was no other way.

Although John was hard, which even Alf realised, I can kind of forgive him since it's obvious a lot of it came out of fear of losing Jett.It's nice that the family were bonded at the end, with Jett realising John and Marilyn haven't thought of anything past the proposal.Anyone on John/Marilyn kiss watch:We got one on Monday.

Oscar's joie de vivre was obviously forced, as Zac quickly realised and Hannah took a bit of time to cotton on to, but Zac handled it well, asking questions but not pressing the issue.Still, things have got on top of Oscar now and looks like he's a long way off recovery.

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If I'd been sleep walking I would have made sure I somehow ended up in Hannah's bed. :P

I can see both sides of the argument re Mark. I guess most parents would have reservations about Phoebe being involved with the Braxtons especially going out with someone who was involved in kidnapping and attempted murder but Mark's way of dealing with it was never going to work and has only served to have the opposite effect. I actually wouldn't have minded seeing Phoebe's reaction to finding out how far her dad was prepared to go to keep her away from Kyle.

Did anyone else find it annoying the way they made Brax out to be the hero when he took his t-shirt off and did the rescue Baywatch style. Except it wasn't a damsel in distress but Jett.

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I wonder sometimes do the writers even know what they've written below because Hannah wanted Andy to talk to Oscar as he has committed a crime but as I recall hasn't Zach had time in jail for a drug offence but I could be wrong, they could have used a better excuse to rope Andy in.

I see that look Evelyn gave towards Josh on Monday's episode only suggest one thing with her that she now likes Josh. A month ago, no a week ago she liked Spencer, a bit odd but not totally surprised as H&A likes to play musical chairs with teens in the show and they look to mix and match couples. 2 names always come to mind when talking about this Xavier and Romeo, those 2 quite literally went out with most of the teenagers in Summer Bay.

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I loved Nate's "I told you not to do that" when Sophie introduced herself as his wife and making a sharp exit when he realised Heath and Bianca were about to argue.So, mostly subtext but we get a few more hints about Sophie's history and we learn that there's still, ahem, a spark between her and Nate.Actually I found their sudden jumping on each other a bit abrupt but I guess the storyline needs to move on.

Leah gave out some rather strange advice with "You can't put your family ahead of what you need for yourself", personally I thought selflessness was a good thing.Heath's final advice to Bianca was also rather strange, is he planning on going with her or is he actually encouraging her to leave him?It was hard to tell.

Good point, haaf, about Zac's criminal record.Maybe Hannah was just looking for an excuse to involve Andy?It seemed pretty thin as it was and I can see why Andy wouldn't be too thrilled about "Can you help Oscar come to terms about being a criminal because you're one?"As it turns out, after a ropey start, his blunt advice was just what Oscar needed.In fact, slightly worryingly, he seems to do a better job with Oscar than Josh.Maybe it's because there's a woman involved.Mind you, Hannah actually managed to be more annoying than Andy, to the point I was cheering when he told her to get stuffed.Were they even together though?She told him she needed some distance, then he helped Oscar and she was grateful, then Zac said he'd accept them together but we haven't actually seen them resume previous service.

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Well I thought the revelation and Mark backing off the way he did a bit of a let down. Though Brax, Kyle and Ricky (I think) know the truth aren't any of the others going to wonder why it's all gone quiet? Kyle didn't look too happy that once again Brax has sorted it out, though more quietly than usual.

Secrets never stay that way for long and who is going to be in her line of fire - Kyle. Mark's last, fairly friendly, warning to Kyle not to hurt Phoebe made me think um, that probably means she's going to hurt him! I suppose after his not so good relationship with Danny Kyle certainly want to wreck Phoebe's relationship with her dad, especially as for most of her life he had been absent and was desperately trying to fix it, albeit going about it the wrong way. She looked so happy when she thought they had finally reached a happy agreement.

I was thinking along the same lines as you haaf14 about musical couples amongst the teens of Summer Bay. :wink: How long before they do do a swop?

Naughty Slade, but then you aren't her nephew. :blush: Good point made about why not get Zac to talk about his jail experience, but he is Oscar's uncle and maybe as Hannah realised (and I thought the same) it needed to be someone who was not a family member and although he was reluctant Andy did get through to Oscar in his own blunt way, his words to Oscar that he had family and friends who cared for him and wanted to help and he had a future, whereas he didn't. Same argument there re family advice, Josh is his brother so too close. Hannah and Andy haven't been together in the normal sense, a few secret dates and sleeping together, don't think they have been out on a 'proper' date. I guess Andy felt he was being used because of his reputation, local bad boy, now Heath has cleaned up his act.

Just had to be in a public place that the fact Sophie was the new Principal was revealed to Heath just before Bianca arrived just not in the nick of time. To be fair to Sophie she couldn't have had any idea who Heath was. He took it pretty well I thought, is it the city Bianca will be transferring, no way would Heath be happy there, big decision for him to encourage her to go for it, she would eventually resent him for it despite what she says now.

All that protesting from Nate about him not wanting anything to do with Sophie was as could be expected all hot air. Oh that one off which won't happen again won't be and will!

At least John, Marilyn and Jett seem sorted for now. Jett's look of 'I don't believe it' when they said they hadn't sorted ant dates yet. :D

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If that's the end of Bianca, then that's very strange and almost ridiculously low key.There didn't seem to be any attempt to address how she and Heath are going to handle this, it's not like she's only going to be away for a few months or whatever, it's a permanent transfer, are they really going to be only seeing each other at weekends indefinitely?Because despite all their claims of being strong, I really can't see that working for long and I wouldn't be surprised if Heath gets divorce papers in a few months.Some nice cute moments, with "Harley"'s goodbye and Heath saying he'll sleep at the gym. We got a quick reference to Kyle and Phoebe but why didn't Leah and Zac turn up to say goodbye to Bianca?They were in the episode.Incidentally, have Brax and Kyle filled Heath in on Mark, given that he let Bianca and Harley move back in, or are they just spreading the word that the harasser's moved on?One thing I forgot to mention yesterday:Rosie mention, I think the first since she left!Would be nice to hear how she's getting on but oh well.

So, we get the explanation for Nate and Sophie's estrangement.Is this painkiller addiction meant to have started with the car crash where Nate and Sophie first met?Because if so, how long were they married for?Sounds like it was a few months at most.Oh and it seems VJ is around, he's just been turned invisible.With that in mind and given the revelation that Matt's sleeping at the school, I can see him moving back in with Leah in the not too distant future.

I know I said last week that I thought Casey should tell Denny the truth, but watching this episode I changed my mind:Denny and Chris seem to be getting on fine with Casey keeping his distance and I think he should have left the situation alone, especially since he seemed to tell her not so she'd know the truth but because he was hoping she'd fall into his arms.Brax's "It's okay to break up someone's relationship if they want you to" is a bit dodgy;it could be argued that Casey's simply letting Denny know she has options but again, she's happy with Chris, he's a decent guy, and I doubt if the situation was reversed Brax would think it was okay for someone to pursue Casey's girlfriend because she might like him better.Sasha wondering what Denny sees in Chris only to look round and see Matt being equally childish was great.And was Casey really watching a nature documentary?Seems he's not so different from Chris either, although sadly no snuggie.

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