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I absolutely loved the way Brax had absolutely no idea what to say to his family once he got them there and they were all just left staring at him going "Is that it?!" He was well outside his comfort zone here, especially being left alone with Harley, although it seems like the writers have forgotten he looked after Rocco at least once.The family barbeque was a good idea and it was nice Darcy wasn't left out.Kyle telling Phoebe about Mark after only a week of secrecy makes me wonder why the storyline was dragged out to so little effect, assuming she believes him.And again I'm left wondering what Heath and Casey have been told, given Heath was now willing to have both his children in the house.I'm not sure that Heath in particular would be satisfied with a simple "It's sorted."

I'm glad that it turned out Maddy had guessed about Evelyn's crush on Josh, as was sort of suggested at the end of last week, it makes her cattiness more understandable rather than just randomly being rude.I was cringing and going "Please don't..." when she was talking to Josh but I don't think she was being malicious, I think she genuinely thought it'd be less awkward if he knew.Of course, now Evelyn's denied it and Josh seemingly believed it rather easily.I'm most worried about Spencer, since Evelyn now thinks he went and told Josh rather than just confirming what Maddy had already worked out.Can't fault Evelyn so far and Spencer is being pretty mature about it as well.

I thought Denny's "None of the guys are worth worrying about" was very harsh on Chris, but then she spent most of the episode being very harsh on Chris, starting with the way she was even more blatantly than before eyeing up Casey when he was right there.Given that only a week ago she was defending his idiosyncrasies to Sasha, the fact that she's suddenly decided she doesn't like him that much after all the minute she's got another option makes her seem either shallow or desperate.Hannah emphasising the fact that all of them seem to be choosing the guys with criminal backgrounds and anger management issues over the relatively clean-cut ones(very clean-cut in Spencer's case, at least when he's on his medication and not run away from home)didn't really help me like this and the show's attempts to convince us Casey and Denny are meant to be are falling incredibly flat for me.

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I do really like Phoebe but did find her quite annoying today. She really is like a dog with a bone sometimes. I don't mind her when she gets all sanctimonious but she kept going on about the fact they were still in danger, which I actually found hard to get my head round as she was more than happy to come back to the bay the be with Kyle even though someone shot through their window. Perhaps Kyle being hospitalised made her rethink things.

Thought Maddie was actually OK. She didn't seem to have a problem with Josh mucking around with Evelyn and she was actually quite understanding and thoughtful when she spoke to him about her crush in the gym afterwards. I was actually glad to see Josh kiss Maddie. I've been toying with the idea of Josh and Evelyn over the last few days but I didn't mind Josh and Maddie today when they actually appeared to be getting on and spending time with each other. So I'm not sure now that I would want them to break up for the sake of a potential couple. I'm kinda glad both Maddie and Spencer know as Evelyn is less likely to try something. Quite liked the chat Josh had with her even thought it was cringeworthy for both of them. What I didn't like was the way Hannah and Denny said they would make themselves scarce then listened to the whole conversation. Isn't Evelyn old enough to have a little bit of privacy? It's funny though I usually find Maddie quite annoying but she's been alright the last couple of episodes. Even yesterday when she was a bit rude to Josh I didn't have too much of a problem with it.

Was a tiny bit disappointed that Andy took Hannah back so easily but could understand why as he doesn't have too many friends, Josh is busy with school work so how does he actually entertain himself outside his job? I didn't think Casey making Andy permanent so quickly was the smartest move. He should have waited for a few weeks at least, given how Andy's been before.

Can't really say I have much sympathy for Chris because I don't but I don't really agree with how Denny was acting towards him either. Her conversation with Hannah in the Diner earlier on, the way she kept looking at Casey on the beach and the fact she made an excuse not to spend time with Chris are all bad signs as far as he is concerned. I honestly believe that Denny has gone off him and wants to be with Casey now. Her getting rid of Chris in the latter part of that episode felt to me almost as if she was frustrated at not being able to spend time with Casey. And I think it's only going to get worse. What's the bet she's going to start to make more excuses to avoid him, Chris will start to get suspicious and get that feeling in his stomach that something is wrong...

Regarding the promo for tomorrow. That's the third time they've showed it in the last week, I'm sure. Hopefully we will actually see that scene as it's getting frustrating now.

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Eeeeee teenage love eh! Spencer is a bit of a spare part at the moment and my sympathies lie with him after being knocked back by Evie. I did chuckle at the line "I'm really uncomplicated" as if his BiPolar was a distant memory.

I've found it difficult to warm to Denny full stop but I kind of like her with chris, he's such a big character I guess! But this whole Casey Dabacle is making me dislike her a lot now. I know Casey is in the wrong, it's another girls chick, don't go there! But she's all like let's be mates and then looking back at him on the beach with come get me eyes. FFS, tell him to do one. She infuriates me so much, I know she likes him and the whole point of it is her realising that but if she just said to chris I'm not feeling us he'd have more respect her. Similar to what Ricky did with Nate.

Speaking if Nate, more of him getting his end away with estranged wife in public buildings please!!!! Although Zach has a thing for principles and their marking skills. All I'm saying.

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Going back a couple of days I loved Evelyn's twist on what started WW1 by comparing to having chocolate julato banned and there being folks for and against the idea, that clicked with Josh.

Wasn't that Sasha?

Regarding the promo for tomorrow. That's the third time they've showed it in the last week, I'm sure. Hopefully we will actually see that scene as it's getting frustrating now.

The fact that we get a promo for next week on Friday, a promo for the rest of the week on Wednesday(except today when it's annoying competition time again) and a promo for the next episode the rest of the week does mean the same things keep cropping up.We've had two near identical clips of Casey and Denny recently too, which doesn't help break the monotony.

Really, what was the point of delaying Phoebe finding out about Mark?If she'd found out last week, we could have had some big dramatic scenes.Instead, she confronts him about it over the phone when he's not even in the episode.I wasn't too keen on Casey and Kyle talking her out of calling the police either:Kyle's being a bit presumptuous assuming she'd regret sending her own father to jail, the Braxtons seem to have got over what happened they did to their father(s?) and that was a lot harsher.And more permanent.Was he scared of spoiling their anti-establishment image?

Casey is now well and truly trying to "cut Chris' grass", in Braxton palance:His "I wanted to see what that was like" was the most feeble excuse ever for kissing someone else's girlfriend and the fact he's getting advice from Brax and Andy, probably the two people in town with the shakiest grasp on right and wrong, doesn't help.Mind you, Denny seems more pathetic by the episode, to the point that even Oscar's had enough of her.First she hangs around Casey like a dog on heat, then she goes and tries to have sex with Chris to take her mind off it, then she's back to being soppy around Casey again.And, after initially seeming to have noticed there's something up with her, Chris suddenly takes a double dose of obnoxious pills to justify the romantic crescendo as Denny more or less cheats on him.

While I'm not sure about Andy taking on a big brother role(he's not been too good at that in the past and it seems to be infringing on Zac's territory), Oscar's storyline is quite compelling and it seems like there's not going to be an easy solution to his problems.John and Marilyn's storyline was typical silliness but quite fun.

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Very echoey today with Oscar and his struggle. Which, in agreement with red I'm finding very compelling. He needs to continue to go to his psychiatrist though blummin eck! I also like how the assignment for the portraits is aiding not just Oscars storyline but also Evie and Josh, feels like thought has gone into that and helps with linking the community up in my mind. I have a feeling Oscars troubles will continue and i hope they do, as it isn't a story line I want rushed or finished with Ala Irene's cancer and cruise ship holidays. It will be very interesting to see how it pans out when he starts his community service and how much of a fatherly/brotherly role Andy will play in it. There's an opportunity there to develop some depth with Andy, he's a bad boy from Mangrove River, he can empathise with Oscar and they're finding level ground because of it. Zach is becoming less and less involved In the twins anyway, or that's how I feel. I feel like he was made to look after these two twins when he didn't want to and now it's like his selfishness for his old life is taking over. Drink issues aside, we never really see him at home being the family man anymore , he's at work or perusing a bit of the old leg over, either way it's something to do with himself and never seems to be around when Oscar or Evie are have a need for him to be.

Re: promo.

It's a running joke in our house that the promo is just the same thing on loop after every episode. I'm normally catching up in Sky Ondemand so I Stopped watching it. I'll find it out for myself.

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Still don't like Andy as a person but do find him quite funny sometimes. Today was an example. There was the constant grin like a Cheshire cat when Casey first came in to do his shift at the gym (he must of seriously got laid the night before). Then there were the remarks about Denny fancying Casey and also re Oscar when he offered him a lift, Oscar told him that Hannah was at the hospital and Andy told him to get the bus. Also when he was talking about community service and he said he had to mingle with old people and they tried to hit on him.

I'm assuming that most people could see this coming re Denny and Casey. She obviously doesn't want to be with Chris anymore whether she admits it to herself or not. It was evident the way she spoke to him when she was with Oscar and making excuses to hang around Casey. Andy was spot on twice. She has got it bad and she wanted Casey to talk her out of quitting her gym membership just so she would feel better about herself because then she would know he wanted her. Didn't think much of his advice about manning up but it's Andy so hardly surprising. The reason why Denny is getting annoyed with Chris (perhaps unfairly) is because she is no longer happy with him and wants out. So even though he's not really doing much wrong she is frustrated at the situation. Her seeking him out at the Diner was purely a rebound off Casey's rejection. The decent thing for her to do would be to finish with Chris now. Sooner rather than later. Regarding the kiss, she didn't initiate it but didn't make any attempt to withdraw either. And let's be honest. It's what she wanted.

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Can't figure out how to do quotes so you may be right about it being Sasha.

I think Kyle told Phoebe about who was behind the attacks following his talk with Brax who said she'd always be on her guard wondering if they were going to happen again. She did believe Kyle very quickly, but when he's not keeping things from her 'to protect her' he does tell her the truth. Her wanting to tell the police was a knee reaction and I thought Casey gave her food the thought about other ways to hurt Mark, which in Phoebe's case was to cut him out of her life.

Once Maddy (who's not stupid) had figured out Evie had a crush on him, though I think it's more serious than that, her words to Josh were not spiteful, just a warning to him to be careful not to give Evie the wrong idea. Besides if she was angry/jealous she'd warn Evie off, wouldn't she? It was kind of like Grand Central at the farm house when the girls had planned their night in, first Chris drops in, the Josh and his embarrassing talk with Evie, was he disappointed she said she just wanted to be friends? Then Hannah has second thoughts about Andy and goes to see him!!! Certainly cheered Andy up and he is a better person when he is with her, I do hope she wants to be with Andy for the right reasons and not just because she can't have Zac.

I guess most of the gang have got past the 'family meeting' thing, Ricky's idea of a barbecue was much better it was relaxed, great to see them all there apart from Bianca. Funny to hear Brax had roped Casey in to change Harley's nappy. On the subject of Harley, is the reason he wears a hat all the time including indoors because the babies who play him have got different coloured hair?

Andy is good with Oscar and seems to know the right thing to say. He did get it right about Denny not really wanting to cancel her membership. :wink: That portrait Oscar drew was very dark, was the suggestion there is a monster inside of him or he thinks there is?

If Denny is really unsure about her and Chris she should break up with him, he's a decent guy and doesn't deserve to be mucked about, what's the old saying 'if he/she are interested he/she will look back'? What was Casey trying to prove when he kissed Denny, which she was in no hurry to finish, if they both liked it and it felt right, they'd do something about it?

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Zach is becoming less and less involved In the twins anyway, or that's how I feel. I feel like he was made to look after these two twins when he didn't want to and now it's like his selfishness for his old life is taking over. Drink issues aside, we never really see him at home being the family man anymore , he's at work or perusing a bit of the old leg over, either way it's something to do with himself and never seems to be around when Oscar or Evie are have a need for him to be.

I think that's very harsh.The MacGuires actually seem to have caught what the Braxtons had, in that you never see them all together and there are people missing from important moments:It's ages since we last saw Oscar and Evelyn together, which given how inseparable they once were seems a bit odd.And maybe that's resulted in Zac not being there when he should.But he was the one who accompanied Oscar to his trial and he was the one who could tell something was wrong with him last week when Hannah was in "Everything's fine" mode.And, pleasingly, he continued that role here, even if he didn't get it quite right.He played it the right way though and made sure it was Oscar's choice and not something he was forced into.Interesting that Sophie thinks Nate's handling this the wrong way.It's a shame Leah got a bit judgemental, a side of her we haven't seen for a while, but did Sophie really think Nate wouldn't talk to anyone?

Sasha being school captain seemed an obvious choice, she stood and she's a main character, but surprising that the idea of both her and Matt as captains seems to have been dismissed so readily.I wonder what Sasha will do now and whether she'll give up the job so he can stay on.

John and Marilyn were fairly engaging without really doing anything.Marilyn should know better than to ask John's opinion on lighting.

One thing I missed yesterday is that Casey clearly knows about Mark now so must have been filled in off-screen, either last week or between episodes.I guess with Phoebe knowing there was no need to keep it quiet either way.

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Did I miss something? What was Leah's problem with Sophie exactly? Given some of the people she's helped why such a cold response to Sophie asking a simple question irrespective of her having a drug problem in the past. Have to say she's the hottest principle we've seen at Summer Bay for quite a while and if I was Nate I would still have feelings for her too. She made a very valid point though about Nate and it's something I've thought of during the actual episode. He seems more than happy to dish the dirt about other people's medical issues when it suits him - Sophie's drug addiction and Jess's terminal cancer before. Admittedly neither of them are his actual patients but I thought he was out of line on both occasions.

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