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Don't know if it's down to the screen time they have done, but it does seem an age since all the MacGuires have all been in the same place at the same time, there always seems to be someone missing. Wasn't Evelyn last with Oscar just after he found out he was getting community service and he had his first panic attack? On that point as they are twins wouldn't Evelyn feel something when he has his attacks? She sensed something was wrong with him before and didn't they both draw the same thing at one time? Zac did well last night, didn't push Oscar into telling him what was wrong and heeded Nate's advice and didn't dismiss it, I feel he's more aware than Hannah is. That drawing certainly spooked him, though Sophie wasn't in a position to give any medical advice she knew in who's direction to point him. Of course it had to be Oscar's choice about taking any meds, he's 16, and wisely he agreed. Along with the counselling and support from his family he'll get through it. Interesting that no-one enquired more why Oscar was looking for Andy. Is Spencer still having counselling?

I can see Sophie's point about Oscar being put on tablets, although I would imagine his would be a low dosage and monitored. She's an adult and still got addicted and that was for a physical injury. Did Nate actually say that or did she work it out from he didn't say? Wouldn't she need to know though as his principal in case anything happened when he gets back to school?

I thought that was out of character of Leah giving Sophie daggers because she knows about her past addiction. She's fine with Zac now and he was a drug user and not the prescription type either, couldn't be she fancies Nate could it? :wink:

Didn't Sasha go into captainzilla mode when she running against Tamara, if I remember she was kidnapped and dumped in the bush because of her attitude. I think Matt 's right if she does become captain he should step down as they would clash and possibly ruin their relationship.

OK Marilyn moving into John's for a few days as an 'experiment' is fine, there's only one of her, but the other way round, two extra people in the caravan house - I get John and Marilyn will be sharing but where's Jett going to go? Good point Red about John and electrics, well anything to do with D.I.Y actually. Had to smile at Marilyn OK'ing it with Alf after she suggested it to John.

Good idea c120701, but what about the running of the caravan park, there's also Maddy would she go with them? Would Roo be happy to move - it's her home.

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I see what you mean Red actually. And low and behold the day after I said that Zac is now helping Oscar loads getting Nate to get the medication etc so I withdraw that statement haha.

What was really clear today was how far Heath has come from when he arrived in Summer Bay. Struggling daddy etc i found it summarised his journey quite well. This was of course rounded off announcing to Bianca he wants custody. A very "aww" moment!! Also, Marilyn and John looking after Harley was quite funny. I turned to a fellow watcher and was like "oh god I hope she doesn't kidnap it and go the airport!!" It got a laugh anyway.

Sasha and Matt ruling the school has disaster written on it if you ask me. Not necessarily for their relationship but for the school. They'd be an absolute nightmare I bet!

Slade I felt exactly the Same as you when Leah was off with Sophie. I just thought "what the hell was that?" She's coming across as really bloody nosey at the moment and seems to get Way with it due to her job. As caring and lovely as she is she should leave them to it because their history goes back a long way by the sounds of it. The addiction story is of course very interesting and I thought for SURE we'd have a clip of her popping pills out of her filing cabinet at the end. Is she still taking them do we know? Ok not sure it's been explained whether she's done rehab or anything?

Not sure what I think aput John and Jett at Summer Bay house! Why cram into there when you've got you're own house?! I hunk Marilyn will end up at Johns and then Roo will return from America

NB: was it me or was there no trailer?! It just went off to the titles?

Yay for my 100th post! Ive only been a member since January 2006!!! Long time lurker haha

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She's fine with Zac now and he was a drug user and not the prescription type either

Wasn't he a dealer, not a user?I think you're right about when we last saw Oscar and Evelyn together.And Nate didn't actually say Oscar was on medication, Sophie just guessed. 630si, the evening showing had a competition in place of the trailer, although I noticed the version on Demand 5 doesn't have either.

Alf's episode count this week:Three. Only other characters to make three were Leah, John and Marilyn.(Interestingly, if you care about these things, all four of them appeared in the last three episodes.)

It felt a bit odd to suddenly bring up Darcy's crush on Jett, which was last mentioned at the start of the year.And even more confusion about her age:She was 13 a couple of months back, here Heath says she's 12, then a few scenes later he calls her a teenager.Still, I did rather enjoy her, Heath and Harley as a unit, with Darcy seemingly settled into the big sister role now.Heath wanting custody of Darcy would be good if it happens, but last time he tried it ended badly, so hopefully Connie's had a change of heart since then.John's comment about babies was a bit odd unless I've missed something obvious:He didn't know his daughter until she was in her late-20s, so when has he ever been around a baby?Marilyn at least has some experience with Byron and George.

There was a hastily inserted line but it did feel like the fact Matt lives with Leah had been forgotten, he spoke to her like he only knows her from school.Both Sasha and Matt were prima donnas today but I'm glad Sasha wasn't willing to take the job without him, be interesting to see how they both manage.

I did think at first that Leah was just awkward about Sophie asking about Oscar's personal business but yes, she seems very down on her and I'm not entirely sure why.Still, her opinion's been given such a strong point I wouldn't be surprised if she turns out to be right.Heath doesn't know the full story but his advice was essentially right:If Nate doesn't give it a try, he'll always wonder.

Sophie hottest principal ever, Slade? Hotter than Bianca, possibly.Hotter than Sally, never.(Those of different inclination can give their own opinion on Paris and Brad.Those who vote for Don, Gina, Judith, Barry, Martin, Lois or Bertram...whatever takes your fancy.)

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I figured out what Leah's problem with Sophie is. She's jealous. The same way she was jealous of Kirsty and Miles and Zak and Hannah initially.

Quite liked the chat with Nate and Heath. I love the way Heath never calls him by his real name and refers to him as Doc, like he always referred to Liam as Murphy. Thought he was a bit harsh with Jett at first because Jett did the decent thing and was just honest with Darcy but at least he apologised afterwards. I did find it funny though the way Jett ran off when Heath found Darcy crying outside the Surf club and later on when Jett told Heath he didn't want to go out with Darcy and Heath said "What's wrong with her?". Barring Zak, Heath seems to be pretty much getting on with everyone now.

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Don't know if it's down to the screen time they have done, but it does seem an age since all the MacGuires have all been in the same place at the same time, there always seems to be someone missing. Wasn't Evelyn last with Oscar just after he found out he was getting community service and he had his first panic attack? On that point as they are twins wouldn't Evelyn feel something when he has his attacks? She sensed something was wrong with him before and didn't they both draw the same thing at one time? Zac did well last night, didn't push Oscar into telling him what was wrong and heeded Nate's advice and didn't dismiss it, I feel he's more aware than Hannah is. That drawing certainly spooked him, though Sophie wasn't in a position to give any medical advice she knew in who's direction to point him. Of course it had to be Oscar's choice about taking any meds, he's 16, and wisely he agreed. Along with the counselling and support from his family he'll get through it. Interesting that no-one enquired more why Oscar was looking for Andy. Is Spencer still having counselling?

I can see Sophie's point about Oscar being put on tablets, although I would imagine his would be a low dosage and monitored. She's an adult and still got addicted and that was for a physical injury. Did Nate actually say that or did she work it out from he didn't say? Wouldn't she need to know though as his principal in case anything happened when he gets back to school?

I thought that was out of character of Leah giving Sophie daggers because she knows about her past addiction. She's fine with Zac now and he was a drug user and not the prescription type either, couldn't be she fancies Nate could it? :wink:

Didn't Sasha go into captainzilla mode when she running against Tamara, if I remember she was kidnapped and dumped in the bush because of her attitude. I think Matt 's right if she does become captain he should step down as they would clash and possibly ruin their relationship.

OK Marilyn moving into John's for a few days as an 'experiment' is fine, there's only one of her, but the other way round, two extra people in the caravan house - I get John and Marilyn will be sharing but where's Jett going to go? Good point Red about John and electrics, well anything to do with D.I.Y actually. Had to smile at Marilyn OK'ing it with Alf after she suggested it to John.

Good idea c120701, but what about the running of the caravan park, there's also Maddy would she go with them? Would Roo be happy to move - it's her home.

Agree about the MacGuires, I can't remember the last time we saw them all together.

Maddy could either stay, go with Alf & Roo or go and get over herself somewhere far away. I used to like her, but she's been unbearable of late.

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Loved Heath being the protective dad and embarrassing Darcy at the same time. I guess Jett recognised the signs she liked him from when he had a crush on Indi and he did let her down gently or tried to. Agree you with 630si Heath has come a very long way since he first came to the bay, Andy is his equivalent now. Hope he doesn't go charging in with his wanting custody of Darcy, won't be easy for him as effectively he is a lone parent but he does have the family around and Marilyn and John now he has stopped being so stubborn about letting others help. Must have brought back some unsettling memories for Marilyn having Harley around and yes when did John last have a baby around?

So Leah talked Matt round into not resigning, hope she doesn't live to regret that. Could one of the first decisions be to get everyone into the same uniform, the MR kids must feel part of SBH by now.

Liked Alf and Jett's talk about him and John moving into the caravan house and John's bad habits (cutting his toenails into the sink!) :puke: and how Alf would miss Marilyn if she moved out.

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It was really good to see the Braxton's all in a scene together. That rarely happens. There have been discussions about the Mcguire's not seeing all of them together and in last week's episode I was shocked not to see Evie and Oscar hanging out together during Oscar's troubles. They've repeated this before but they say they have an usual understanding due to them being twins but during Oscar's hour of need she was nowhere to be seen. On Tuesday's episode when Hannah and Denny were on the beach I was thinking to myself why was both of them hanging out with each other? It only then clicked when Evie, Hannah and Denny were hanging that evening that they share a house and Denny and Hannah are more or less family. It took me that that long to realise that because they hardly ever spend time together or seen together in a scene. As for Casey the stud, he grows closer Denny and looking at who is to blame I would say Casey partially because although what he is doing is wrong, however Denny is the one in a relationship and deserves much more of the blame.

It will be interesting to see what John's and Marilyn's living arrangments will be. In my opinion they should live in John's house for two reasons firstly if they moved into Alf's it would get over crowded and secondly I don't think Alf and John could live in the same house together.

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Although he was a bit abrupt, I kind of share Brax's concern here, it's all right Heath having good intentions or even being up to the job but the real issue is whether or not Connie is going to object and that's still undetermined.Sure, he's married and he's got Harley, but he was in a steady relationship and had experience of being a full-time dad with Rocco before, and I don't think Connie's opinion of him has improved that much.At least Heath's showing some sense in finding a proper place for them to live and looking for a workable arrangement with Bianca.

Zac was well-intentioned but constantly questioning with Oscar isn't really the best approach, he needs to let him do these things and be ready to catch him if he falls.I have to say I really enjoyed Matt in this episode, his "suggestion" about using Year 7s as slave labour was hilarious.In fact...I suspect we were meant to cheer when Oscar made fun of him, but even though Matt was rude first I felt he went a bit far and I didn't think Sasha laughing was the best thing to do either.And we finally see him in Summer Bay High uniform! I was thinking a while back that they missed a trick not having him switch uniforms when he left school and came back but obviously they were saving it for now.I wondered why he and Sasha were still in uniform at the end, in the middle of the night, but I guess they just wanted to take them off for their, ahem, first time.If he'd known that was all it took, he'd probably have switched uniforms ages ago...

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3 times in a week that Heath has called Brax, Daryl, the last person I think to do that apart from Cheryl was Kyle when they kidnaped him from Melbourne and the response from Heath was something along the lines of if you call him that again you'll regret it. I'm surprised that Brax hasn't pulled him up on that. I'm confused about Ricky working at Angelo's, since when has she been working there and the way she said she was going to work makes you wonder if this is permanent and if so what has happened to her photography career?

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'Weird' they said. That whole date seemed weird. Especially with Ricki serving and rooting for them at the same time. It just didn't feel right. Add to that earlier on in the episode when Nate was confiding in her about Sophie. This was a person who a couple of months ago he was supposedly still in love with. And thinking about it since I last posted I'm not sure Sophie should be getting back with him because I think she will only get hurt. It's only been about a week since Nate decided that he wanted nothing more to do with her. Now apparently he's still in love with her and is proving to be quite fickle. It feels like he's only decided to try again with Sophie because all his options have dried out (or should I say his only option i.e. Ricki). I'm also kinda hoping that something will happen with Sophie and Zak because I think they will be good together. Although there are positives in both. Sophie and Nate will wind Leah up whereas Sophie and Zak would potentially wind Hannah up so not all bad.

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