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Danny was another one who called Daryl Daryl, I think it annoyed him Brax didn't want to be known by the name he chose for him. I also must have missed Ricky starting work at Anglo's so you're not alone haaf14. I can understand Brax having doubts about Heath going for custody of Darcy again after what happened last time, but he could have been more tactful about it, but then tact isn't one of his things. Heath does seem to have things more organised this time, looking for a new place to live, going to see Bianca to see what arrangements can be made for them to maybe live closer together. He's going to need an helping hand with Harley and Darcy. Nice to see Harley without his hat for a change. Ricky was the voice of reason again, though as Brax pointed out she wasn't around last time and didn't see the damage it did to Heath and Darcy when it didn't work out, due of course to her giving Connie that money. Darcy is older of course,12/13 depending on what age TPTB want to make her, so ought to have more say in where she lives.

Zac may have come across as pushy with Oscar and worrying about him just popping into school but at least he is there for him and willing to back whatever he wants to do. How do you make eggs? :unsure: It did seem from Oscar's talk with Sophie he has got a crowded agenda, community service and counselling and catching up on his school work. Zac did mention his CS would be after school and maybe at weekends and as it is manual maybe a good thing for Oscar. He did have a wobble, but wisely took himself off to get himself together, he even managed to joke about it.

I had the feeling Zac was interested in Sophie and that she wouldn't be averse to him asking her out, but maybe her and Nate ought to try and give things a go to see if there is anything to be revived from their relationship. Like your thinking there Slade about whoever Nate/Sophie/Zac ends up with they'd be upsetting someone. :P

SBH today then world domination by Sasha and Matt!!! I rather enjoyed Oscar's come back to Matt, boot on the other foot this time! Of course Sophie would know about Matt's history, as a good principal she should. Matt took the ragging about his wearing of the 'rival' uniform well, who knows perhaps the rest of the MR kids will now switch as I mentioned above. He seemed to be their unofficial leader. Sasha did indeed like Matt in it, but was looking forward to seeing him out of it even more. :wink:

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I meant to comment on Heath calling Brax "Darryl" but kept forgetting.I hadn't actually noticed he'd done it several times, but yesterday it did come across as a parent scolding a child by using their full name...Ricky first started working at Angelo's back when Brax was in jail and we've seen her there sporadically since then.

It felt a bit weird seeing Zac and Hannah in Angelo's together after they made that big deal about separate lives:I know they were picking up food for the whole family but did it really need both of them? Hannah seemingly needs to learn a lesson about boundaries, you get the feeling whoever Sophie ends up with will upset her.I have to say that there seems to be more of a spark between Sophie and Zac than Sophie and Nate.So, things didn't go that slowly, although it's a step up from having sex on her desk.

Again, I found myself more on Matt's side than I was probably meant to be.He and Sasha came across as bad as each other, so it was slightly frustrating that it seemed like we were meant to take the view of Spencer and think that she's doing Matt a favour by going out with him.First she tries to smuggle him out of the house as if she's ashamed of him and embarrassed about people knowing they've slept together, then despite her claims to the contrary she seems more concerned with making sure Spencer's not upset than in the fact that Matt's obviously a bit insecure and could do without being treated like a dirty little secret.Announcing it to the whole corridor was a bit of a jerky thing but it came across less as him bragging and more as sheer frustration at her acting like they'd done something to be ashamed of.He was completely out of line with Sophie though and I think the way she handled it damaged her credibility a bit:She should have slapped him down hard once they were alone, not just let him carry on being obnoxious and waited until later to set boundaries.Maybe she felt it should be handled outside school since it wasn't a school matter but it felt a bit like she didn't know what to do at first.

While I'm still not entirely happy with the way she is around Josh, Evelyn did at least seem to be paying as much attention to Spencer and it looks like the three of them are going to stay friends.I liked Alf's little bit reassuring Josh;he did need to stop worrying about something he can't change.But Maddy...oh dear.I thought having her fail the exam was a bit much at first, but they made it plausible and I guess it's the problem with complacency.Blaming Zac was out of line but again I think it mostly came out of frustration.I can't help feeling Kassandra did a lot of physical acting to make a more sympathetic character that was on the page:Her genuinely vulnerable look when she was alone in the locker area and that expression at the end when it's clear she knows she's being unfair but can't help herself.It's a shame she couldn't put aside her own disappointment and be happy for Josh but sometimes it's not so easy to compartmentalise these things.

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Hi folks, I'm back. Done a quick run through of the last 2 weeks and couldn't quite keep up with all your posts. Can't see why Alf needs to move out of his house - isn't that where people come to pay the rent and with queries and he's in charge of the caravan park I thought?

What an episode today. No Braxtons for once, and love was in the air Nate/Sophie, Matt/Sasha, Evie/Josh/Maddy. Zac/Hannah????. But no John/Marilyn, nor Chris/Denny. Oddballs are Spencer, Jett and Oliver. When are they going to get fixed up? But there aren't any spare females around that are regularly seen.

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Hi folks, I'm back. Done a quick run through of the last 2 weeks and couldn't quite keep up with all your posts. Can't see why Alf needs to move out of his house - isn't that where people come to pay the rent and with queries and he's in charge of the caravan park I thought?

What an episode today. No Braxtons for once, and love was in the air Nate/Sophie, Matt/Sasha, Evie/Josh/Maddy. Zac/Hannah????. But no John/Marilyn, nor Chris/Denny. Oddballs are Spencer, Jett and Oliver. When are they going to get fixed up? But there aren't any spare females around that are regularly seen.

Who is Oliver?

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Should have been Oscar. Well it began with an O!!!

That's where it stopped

Hi folks, I'm back. Done a quick run through of the last 2 weeks and couldn't quite keep up with all your posts. Can't see why Alf needs to move out of his house - isn't that where people come to pay the rent and with queries and he's in charge of the caravan park I thought?

What an episode today. No Braxtons for once, and love was in the air Nate/Sophie, Matt/Sasha, Evie/Josh/Maddy. Zac/Hannah????. But no John/Marilyn, nor Chris/Denny. Oddballs are Spencer, Jett and Oliver. When are they going to get fixed up? But there aren't any spare females around that are regularly seen.

There's always Irene :wub:

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Denny is fast going down in my estimation with the way she had her tongue hanging out when Casey went past.I was disappointed that Alf seemed to be in favour of it, giving her a break so she could talk to him.It seems like she was telling the truth about having made plans with Evelyn, which at first I didn't think she was, so I'll forgive her for not turning up, but I felt really sorry for Chris when I saw how much trouble he'd gone to, it's obvious that he's got deep feelings for her even if he does say the wrong thing at times.I was glad Spencer stuck up for him and told Denny she was out of line.Even when Evelyn practically spelt it out for her by saying that if you're with someone who doesn't like you back no-one's going to be happy, Denny still couldn't be honest and tried to fob him off with half the story.So I'm glad that Chris cut his losses and broke up with her.I practically cheered when he punched Casey.And then laughed when he had that moment of "Oh c**p, I just punched a Braxton!" and ran off.

Oh, Maddy.I actually see a bit of myself in her, with the way she tends to look for ways to blame other people when things go wrong.Mind you, it's best not to say it out loud and she was pretty much a cow at several points in this episode.When she went "Who knows what I'd have done if I hadn't helped you?", I was cringing and thinking "You should not have said that..."Evelyn hangs around Josh like a girlfriend-in-waiting:She gets points for being honest with Maddy but even then she pretty much said "If you mess this up, I'm going to be waiting to have him."To be honest, I'm left thinking that Josh would be better off without either girl since neither of them's that pleasant.The fact that Evelyn's reaction got so much weight during Josh and Maddy's make up suggests it's not over.I did like Andy reminding Casey that Josh is "our little bro", it almost seemed to have been forgotten.

I got the feeling that Jett giving Alf that list and John doing everything on it was because they both wanted to tick Alf off and show that Marilyn should move in with them, but their reactions near the end suggest otherwise.I loved the "Top of that list:Never let John play charades"/"I'll memorise it tomorrow" exchange between Jett and Alf.Given that they twice had characters insist Roo won't be back for ages, her appearance was hardly a surprise.Time scale issue:Maddy runs into Evelyn at the Diner(having presumably had something to eat or drink), meets up with Josh on the wharf for their make up...and then is back at the house at breakfast time for Roo's return?

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I think that Josh should stay with Maddy. There is certainly more chemistry between them that there would ever be with Evie. there probably would be some intellectual spark between them, but that's about all it would be. The crazy Maddy is just what Josh needs to lighten him up a bit, especially as the exams are nearly over. But it's these love triangles that keep the show interesting and your posts coming.

But not Irene for Oscar, Jett or Spencer, haaf14, she's far too old. They need to bring in some more teenage girls from the school. perhaps Mangrove River types, to get the lads interested. Someone like Ruby.

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The scene with Maddie and Zak yesterday was really funny. Especially the way Maddie couldn't get her head round the fact that she failed her exam and tried to blame it on Zak having a personal issue with her. And when that didn't work wanted Zak to take an average and when that failed wanted to resit the exam. She was so wrapped up in herself she just couldn't be happy for Josh and made the whole thing about her. Even today when she tried apologising it went back to her failing again. I will have to see if I can go into the Aus discussion to see some of the comments wanting her to fail but I'd imagine those posters would have probably been over the moon at the result. In all honesty she really only has herself to blame. She was cocky, complacent and genuinely thought it was in the bag. So in than sense for her attitude it's no more than she deserves. In spite of this, I actually haven't found her that annoying. I think I'm so used to the childish behaviour now that as I mentioned above she's sometimes quite amusing when she's like this. Fair play to Evelyn. I really disliked her during the whole Oscar/Tamara thing but she was honest when she confronted Maddie, true to herself and genuinely wants Josh to be happy. In stark contrast to her older sister. I do agree Brian that I hope they don't break up because I would like so see how things pan out.

Denny really annoyed me today. I hated the way that she blew Chris off. It was nothing to do with spending time with Evelyn and purely to do with the fact that she didn't want to spend time with him although I think Chris should have got the hint. He really should have. I think what annoyed me more is that Chris finished with her because she didn't have the bottle to do it first, so now she's will be completely absolved of any guilt or wrongdoing when presumably she gets together with Casey. And I do think there she be some sort of fall back. If anything just to show her how she treated him. I actually didn't have a problem with Chris decking Casey. Although two wrongs don't make a right Casey did the same thing to him a couple of weeks ago.

Although the way she acted infuriated me today, I've thought long and hard about her situation with Chris and I can see exactly how it ended up like this. Denny's made it clear on more than one occasion that she's never been that great with guys. I think after she first arrived Chris was hitting on any girl in a 10 mile radius so when Tamara rejected him he thought he'd try his luck with Denny. I think appearencewise Chris was definately her type as he didn't really say much to her but she was certainly interested. When Irene pointed this out to him he tried again and managed to wing a date. After starting off so well he completely bombed it by telling Denny it was only for a bet but in spite of this she gave him another shot. I think what endeared her to him intially was some of his antics. I guess she found him quite funny and sweet at the same time. So they are going out for about a week then they sleep together and shortly after that Denny tells Chris that she loves him (more proof of her lack of experience with relationships). After this Chris handled the situation appallingly. He starts ignoring her calls rather than just being up front with her re his concerns about things moving to fast and having a proper relationship. This in fact has to be pointed out to him by other people. Now how would this look. Your are going out with a guy, he seems keen at first, you sleep with him, tell him that you love him and then he starts giving you the cold shoulder. Whether it was deliberate or not you gonna think he was using you for sex. I don't think this was the case but subconciously the seed is planted. So they break up temporarily and Chris changes his mind about her. It was at that point that she started to develop an attraction for Casey but she thought she would give Chris another go anyway. I was very surprised at this and thought Chris was extremely fortunate. But part of me still thought he's semi blown it and was only delaying the inevitable. As time goes on what she initially liked about Chris I guess starts to become tiresome. He's no longer sweet and funny but annoying and immature. I think that part of her taking him back was her naivety but when she starts to spend more and more time with Casey she realises that she's with the wrong person. So now she's in a situation where she's going out with a guy she no longer has feelings for and wants it to end but doesn't want confrontation or to hurt him so rather than ending it she continues the relationship and starts to resent him. I've said many times how idiotic I think Chris is but he was aware of this which is why he warned Casey off. I think we all knew it was futile as if their relationship was that strong he shouldn't have needed to do that. I also think that any girl in a relationship that wants to spend time with another guy she's only just met even as friends is a very worrying sign. So I guess it's no surprise how things have turned out. I'm not happy how it happened. Don't think Chris was a great boyfriend but don't think Danny was a good girlfriend either and I'm glad they are over. I just hope the writers don't do something stupid where he begs her to take him back and she does out of guilt.

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I think that Josh should stay with Maddy. There is certainly more chemistry between them that there would ever be with Evie. there probably would be some intellectual spark between them, but that's about all it would be. The crazy Maddy is just what Josh needs to lighten him up a bit, especially as the exams are nearly over. But it's these love triangles that keep the show interesting and your posts coming.

But not Irene for Oscar, Jett or Spencer, haaf14, she's far too old. They need to bring in some more teenage girls from the school. perhaps Mangrove River types, to get the lads interested. Someone like Ruby.

I've said this before but why does any of those character's need to be with anyone, can't they be happy on their own and also Alf hasn't been with anyone in years but he's happy and his character still works.

Slade so easy to get your Denny's and Danny's mixed up, I've done that a few times.

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