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Oliver also ends with a r Brian!!

I know I shouldn't gloat but Maddy failed!!!! :lol: She really did need taking down a peg or six, her missing the last page (and some of the multiple answer questions) explains why she finished way before everyone else. Where did Zac failing her because it was a personal issue come from? Anyone else would have thought 'what an idiot I was' but because she had never failed anything before it had to be someone else's fault. Her treatment of Josh was totally out of order, she knew how much passing would have meant to him and her pouting away and acting like a six year old again did her no favours. She got it when Leah explained it to her, then went and did exactly the same thing again. Evie acted a lot more mature than most of the adults in the bay when she backed off when Josh said he still loved Maddy despite the way she kept carrying on as she just wanted to be happy. Loved her warning to Maddy though that if she hurt Josh she'd be there.

In complete contrast was Andy's reaction, who was genuinely pleased for him, though he tried to jump on the bandwagon, by saying without him paying for his schooling he wouldn't have passed. Good throw away line to Casey about 'their' little bro, suggesting he has accepted their relationship. Them both slapping Josh round the head made me smile. Tad awkward for all when Denny and Evie walked into Angelo's and Casey and Josh was there with Andy. :blush:

Imo Chris could have been more reasonable about Denny wanting to be with Evie to celebrate her pass once again it was just her not the rest of the family when it ought to have been a family do. She wasn't to know he had something really special planned. She did take the cowards way out and let Chris do the dumping, Slade could be onto something about her not having much experience with boys. I thought the same as you Red when Chris hit Casey then fled, he'd hit a Braxton!!!! It's not his usual style.

Sasha and Matt, Matt didn't do himself any favours practically boasting he'd spent the night with Sasha to Spencer and parading around in his undies. Sasha pretending Matt had come over to talk about school stuff first thing in the morning may have been to spare Spencer, she had dated him before Matt after all. But her behaviour at school did not come across well, though his announcing to a full corridor they'd spent the night together wasn't needed. He does come across as tough but as has been said under that he is insecure. His taunting of Sophie wasn't a good move. Well handled I thought by Nate and Sophie by having their chat with him at the diner, though it did expose him not being at Leah's when he 'heard' Nate come home.

Good point about the time line with Maddy Red, she'd come home the night before and went straight to her room, but she was there for the charades, but then all they went to bed early. But as you said it got all out of sync or seemed to the next day. There was so much talk about Roo being back in a few weeks, you couldn't help but get the message 'oh no she won't, she'll turn up out of the blue' which she did of course! So where will Jett sleep now as he was in her room. I thought there were more than four bedrooms (Alf, Maddy, Marilyn/John and Roo) at the house or have we been here before? That was certainly a list and a half Jett gave Alf, by the time he'd read it all they'd have gone anyway.

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Well that's the end if Chris and Denny! I'm quite sad about that as I liked then together, I'm just not feeling her and Casey. Chris hitting Casey I thought was very typical and him immediately running off to hide was hilarious. Just hope Denny doesn't run straight to Casey and respects chris' feelings.

So Roo is back! Sporting darker hair and crippling jet lag. Looks like that could be more though. Be interesting to know if she's back early due to being unwell, either way she's keeping up appearances right now. That's probably aided by the full house! I'm with popular opinion that John is trying everything he can to make the trial not work and poor Marilyn is left trying to keep everything together. The whole thing is just annoying so I'm not going to elaborate anymore. Just go live at Johns. Makes sense.

Heath is all very together sorting his life out isn't he! Agree about him maybe not being more ready than last time and brax is right to be concerned. P.s what the hell is the Daryl thing all about?! Good on him though and I'tl be good for him to work something better out with Bianca.

Anyone else fed up of Sasha trying to change Matt? Let him be the Dufus that he is! That's what you liked about him in the first place!!

Nate and his wife are a hot couple. More passions from that corner please.

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This storyline really isn't doing Denny any favours.Chris makes it easy on her and she still comes running after him trying to get back with him.It's kind of lucky that Chris, surprisingly, turns out to be the mature one in all this and sends her away.She does get points by not getting together with Casey straightaway, although it still feels a bit like she's making the same mistake and has only decided she likes Casey because he likes her.I'm slightly bewildered that Kyle and Phoebe seem convinced Casey was going to go after Chris, given he seemed perfectly placid.Nice Chris/Phoebe scene to remind us that they do know each other.Chris' distracted "Close the fort" to Leah was a great moment.Be interesting to see what comes of Phoebe's cliffhanger decision.

I think Marilyn messed up here and came across as a bit desperate:Turning down Roo's perfectly reasonable offer to stay in a caravan and forcing Jett to sleep on the couch was massively unfair.If this was meant to be a proper trial, they should have come up with a permanent arrangement for where Jett would sleep if they moved in, rather than following the letter instead of the spirit.So...guess the caravan park house is down to four bedrooms now?It seems to keep fluctuating.Maddy suddenly wanting to move in with Josh was very premature, I don't think she even checked if that was what Josh wanted, but I did think Roo shut it down a bit too readily.She's in danger of falling into the same trap as Maddy's parents and planning out her future without consulting her.

CURS:Why was that clip of Evelyn watching Josh and Maddy there?She wasn't even mentioned.

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I was very surprised Denny wanted to get back with Chris after he gave her a get out of jail card in yesterday's episode. I would have thought she would have been more relieved than anything that she isn't going out with him anymore. Chris was quite correct in his reasoning though. She annoyed me when she told Chris she loved him as a friend and wanted to remain friends. She definitely does not "love" him. I think she likes him but that's it and the comment seemed slightly patronising. The offer of friendship unfortunately is one that people will often do when for whatever reason they do not wish to engage in a relationship with someone and is out of guilt - pure and simple! They feel they have to give the other person some sort of consolation prize. It's disingenuous and does not do either person (especially the disappointed one) any favours. How is he supposed to get over her if she wants to hang out on a regular basis? Luckily Chris recognised this and decided that it would be best for them to keep their distance from each other. Ideally he would have no contact with her whatsoever at least for the foreseeable but in a small town like Summer Bay it simply isn't possible.

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Looks like we were both wrong Red, Maddy wasn't at breakfast when Roo made her appearance. :blush:

Seeing as it is only for a few days why all the fuss about who sleeps where and Maddy's abrupt decision to move into a caravan which is I'm assuming would be a separate one from Andy! Definitely more to Roo's stiff neck. :wink:

Did seem strange Kyle and Phoebe thought Casey would go after Chris for hitting him, Casey probably thought 'well I hit him first, he just struck back'. Sneaky remark from Casey to Kyle about one guy kissing another's girlfriend. Denny going to see Chris was an odd move so good for him to say it wasn't going to happen. Then giving Casey the cold shoulder when he called round, at least she didn't leap on him right away, which only confused him. Small point what happened to the ice pack Casey had with him when he set off to see Denny? The icing on the cake was when Denny asked Chris if they could be friends and he put her in her place by saying 'one day'. Well what did she expect? Will be tricky keeping out of each others way seeing as the bait shop where she works is next to the Diner and her and Alf pop in there for coffees etc.

Funny how both Denny and Chris gave Phoebe more or less the same advice about moving on from your past. We saw a different side to Phoebe from the confident outgoing girl we've come to know, it's good that she does have a vulnerable side, makes her more human.

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Looks like we were both wrong Red, Maddy wasn't at breakfast when Roo made her appearance. :blush:

Well, she was definitely there...Do you mean they weren't having breakfast?Hmm, bit ambiguous perhaps.

Alf's episode count this week:Four.

Heath had the best material as usual, getting the line of the episode with his reaction to the garage sale:"Does someone need money for bail or something?"Loved him repeatedly using Harley as an excuse to get out of helping.I thought he was a bit hard on Andy although he might have a point, Hannah does seem to view this relationship as a one-way street.I was actually quite disappointed that Kyle shut down Phoebe's sale completely:Sure, keep the guitar and music stuff but she doesn't seem like the type of girl who needs that many clothes or that...thing she gave to Marilyn.(Some sort of New Age paraphernalia by the look of it, probably something Phoebe was into for a week then stuffed in a drawer.)Amusing that Brax, who's used to being king of the roost, just gave in and went along with it.Ricky's sudden "Where are we going?" questioning seemed to come out of nowhere, although the promo did at least suggest the reason for it.

John and Marilyn getting a new place was a decent idea, but I quickly concluded that either the show would need a new set or someone would have to move out of their house, so it's not a huge surprise that they seem to be leaning towards living at John's place.Actually, aside from Marilyn being uncomfortable about moving into the house he shared with Gina, it's hard to see a problem with that.I loved the bit at the start where Marilyn tried to ask rhetorial questions about her snorting and John actually went ahead and told everyone.Never ask questions you don't want answering...

When the action cut back to Roo at the end, it was obvious something was going to happen, although I have to say I missed the suggestions she was unwell in the previous episode so all we got was her feeling a bit tired/jet-lagged at the start.I'm intrigued to know what's wrong but wouldn't put it any more strongly than that.

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My post from yesterday has disappeared!!!!!! Josh shares with Andy so it be a bit cramped for all three of them!

I was going by the review they had of Marilyn, John, Jett and Alf, John had just said about nothing else going wrong, then in walks Roo!

Can't remember all I put, but in a nutshell Andy is getting fed up with Hannah calling all the shots.

Phoebe gave Marilyn a dreamcatcher. I think Kyle's point was she may give away all her dad had essentially paid for, but he'd still be her dad.

Lovely talk Heath had with Ricky about wanting things to be different for Darcy and Harley than they were for him.

Initially I thought Roo had DVT but I'm having my doubts. :unsure:

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Just how long was Roo lying there?It doesn't seem that likely that no-one would come home all day, although I guess it is down to Alf and Maddy now.I'm not sure I agree with Alf that no parent would let someone Maddy's age move out:I think the writers forget just how old she is and it all depends on the situation.I still haven't quite reached the stage where I'm worried about her yet.Are there really no doctors at the hospital?What's happened to all the semi-regular nurses that used to be about the place?With Nate and Hannah otherwise engaged, it's left to Maddy to give Alf a medical update!

If Nate and Sophie didn't want disturbing, they should have followed Zac's advice and gone to Yabbie Creek instead of setting up camp in the Diner.I'm guessing we're meant to assume something happened to Nate's phone when it was dropped, given the whacking great close-up it got.Not deliberate but the way Sophie snatched it off him did annoy me slightly.So, she's staying in the town's one motel room?Can't she afford a place of her own on a principal's wage?

Ricky's sudden questioning Brax makes more sense when you learn the significance of the date, although Brax saying a baby is out of the question seemed a bit abrupt:What would he have done if Ricky had gone to term?Casey was rather good in this episode, especially his commentary on the Andy/Hannah situation:Dare I say he works better without Denny hanging around?I liked Andy turning Ricky's advice back on her but I actually think he let Hannah off the hook a bit too easily:First going along with her having sex instead of talking, then agreeing to stay when she turns out not to like a taste of her own medicine very much at all.She probably means it but I think he should have made sure she was still willing to commit to him in the morning.

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That worried me too, no-one went home at all all day? :o Have Marilyn, John and Jett move out already then? Handy the mention of Maddy's First Aid course just in time for her to put Roo in the recovery position, though I hope most people would/should know to do that. After her just acting all dippy with Josh on the phone she clicked into sensible mode and called the ambulance and acted very calmly, she went back up in my estimation for that.

I was surprised that for such a large hospital there really wasn't a doctor on duty as in actually at the hospital!

Yes Red, I think that was the point of us seeing Nate's phone on the floor, must have been knocked into silent mode. Sophie did act childishly, she knows Nate is a doctor, if he's on call, he's on call. You think they would have learnt from last time going to eat somewhere in the bay would attract people wanting to ask him things.

That motel room certainly gets a lot of use :wink: and maybe Sophie hasn't had a chance to find a place.

I wondered if there is another reason Brax is so against having a child, his 'if you want a baby, find someone else' was harsh. I don't think the explanation could be as simple as him not wanting to be responsible for another life when he has just got his life back. The date did explain Ricky's questioning her and Brax's future, she wasn't blaming him for not being there, even though he didn't know about the baby at the time, he would still have been in prison and couldn't have helped.

Where did Heath go to that Casey was suddenly on baby sitting duty, he was very good with Harley, fed, burped, changed.

I'm glad Andy put his foot down and gave Hannah an ultimatum, where was everyone btw? His sneaking out like he did brought her to her senses, let's hope she doesn't go back on her word to actually treat him as a proper boyfriend. True she did get off lightly, but Andy really cares for her and probably willing to take her at her word.

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