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I'm sure if Ricki wanted kids then it could 'happen' like it sometimes does lol.

I don't understand Kyle, I thought moving in with his brothers was temporary - that's how he got Phoebe to agree to it, now he seems to be dragging his feet about getting a place with her. She's being very patient can't be great living there she's not a river girl.

If Roo pegs it then it will be the shortest return in H&A history, not really worth it, but death is always a risk when returning to the bay!

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Going against the flow here, but I thought Andy did give the better advice, he didn't tell Oscar to start fights, just to stand up for himself which those two guys would respect more. He has had the experience after all, though I dare say he would have been one of the guys picking on a Oscar type guy. I bet Zac dropping him off in the morning didn't do Oscar any favours. Those two guys did look out of place though, been round the block a couple of times, Heath style, not the kind who had daddies with the right connections I wouldn't have thought. For all Zac's experience of working inside he has been on the right side of the fence so to speak. Oscar is 16 so quite able to decide who he goes to for advice, but inevitable he'd be reported going awol so his plan of not letting Zac and Hannah know what had happened came to nought. Was Zac angry because essentially Andy was right?

Yeh a miracle came to pass - all the of MacGuires in one place at the same time!!!! Yes we get it Hannah/Andy you are an official couple now but tone it down please! :blush: I know Oscar and Evelyn aren't little kids who should be sheltered from such things, but at breakfast and you are adults so ought to be able to control yourselves!!!!

Hmm, mysterious phone call, package under Andy/Josh's van, connected or just a coincidence? I know what it is :wink: but even given Andy's past crimes, whatever they were, I didn't think he'd be involved in ******** and leave it there!!

Phoebe is annoying granted, but give her credit where it's due she wants to stand on her own two feet after all those years of being bankrolled by Martin. You just knew it would be a bad idea for Kyle to lie on the lease application form, not saying it would have got them a place, but lying about just made it worse. I know Brax wanted to help, but Kyle managed for years without it and like Phoebe wants to do it on his own. Old habits are hard to break I guess. Brax appeared to take the news he and Ricky will be moving in to the flat well considering he wasn't consulted.

Everyone else but Brax seems to think he did a good job bringing up Heath and Casey and now that jobs been done he wants time for himself and Ricky without being responsible for anyone else, as in a baby. That look on Ricky's face over Brax's shoulder told a different story to what she told Brax about him not wanting children.

Casey and Denny's breakup didn't last long and she took Evelyn's advice and didn't dismiss it just because Evelyn is younger than her. Btw wasn't it Denny who suggested to Casey they use his office for a 'talk' about safety? :wink:

Good to see Irene and Sasha back on track.

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I completely forgot about the Irene/Sasha storyline while posting on yesterday's episode, which is probably telling.I actually rather enjoyed it, with Sasha repeatedly coming unstuck, Irene chucking the pizza away and Sasha typically trying to retrieve it fully clothed.(I loved Matt's "Hurry, before a dolphin chokes on it!" Wonder if that's April's influence on Sasha.)But the ending was an appalling cop-out. If Irene's so quick to give Sasha her job back so she can see Roo, why didn't she do so when Sasha made the same offer on Monday?And...is that it? I was waiting for some explanation for Irene's bad mood but it seems she just had one.

Anyway, rather enjoyed today's episode.There felt like a big community feel in the way people rallied around the Stewarts.Do we know how Nate's mother died?I was toying with the idea this reminded him of that but it seems it is just guilt over not getting there earlier.I was not expecting that twist about Roo, which opens up a lot of questions.So, H&Alover, Nate does know Roo's been away, either because he knew at the time or because he's been told since.

I loved the Heath and Ricky stuff, they have a great bond.Heath's comment on Ricky's miscarriage is interesting:He and Ricky shared something that Brax wasn't a part of, so he has an insight into her that Brax lacks.Some great interaction between him and Darcy too.("You got expelled"/"I was invited to leave" has to be the exchange of the episode.)I think she's kidding herself about being over Jett though.

Chris is always great value and it was good to see him bounce off Spencer.His joking about John going to Vegas at a serious time and everyone glaring at him was another great moment.And now the Harrington boys have found The Package.I really hope we actually find out what's inside it, rather than just being expected to guess(or read it in the spoilers).

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As the voice over lady said 'when did Heath grow up?' That was a great talk between him and Ricky with him giving his opinion on her decision she'd be OK with not having children with Brax. His admission that if he didn't have Harley it may have made him telling Bianca he was OK about her not wanting any more children more difficult as the years went on. Liked the "I'll give you a Chinese burn if you don't tell me what's up" referencing how long they have known each other. :P I can see why Heath is worried about Darcy getting into trouble at school while the custody thing is going on, but, um, doesn't Darcy stay with Connie during term time so it would be those incidents happened on Connie's watch, not Heath's. :unsure: Which also brings the question up of why Sophie wants to talk to Heath about them. Of course Darcy still fancies Jett, he's just wise enough to stay away, loved Heath's gestures behind Darcy's back.

I'd forgotten about Sasha running into the sea to retrieve the pizza and she ought to have known better than to try and eat it in the Diner, she is well aware of the rules, pinned up or not. I thought of April as well, when she told Xav off for throwing the photos of him and Ruby into the sea. I don't think that is it Red, Irene has just got Roo on her mind at the moment and when things get resolved we'll know more, I'm sure.

Wasn't doing my blood pressure much good seeing Nate burning off his frustration by going rowing!!!! :blush: He didn't need to treat Sophie the way he did, how exactly was she going to be able to steal drugs from the hospital? His talk with Ricky may have made him see sense but it looks like it's too late as he still can't completely trust Sophie.

Jett, Spencer and Chris may not be able to help any other way, but the cleaning up the caravan park is going to be a great help to Alf. Chris was back to being the Chris we know and love, looking aghast at getting his hands dirty and rushing over to help those poor, helpless girls to put their tent up. :rolleyes: He did act sensibly by hiding the package from Jett.

So now we know Roo left Colleen earlier than she led Alf and co to believe as whatever it is she's contracted couldn't be caught in Las Vegas, but why was she being so secretive and no clues as to where she's been?

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For me the Nate/Sophie thing isn't about trust but more love. Sophie loves Nate but unfortunately the same can't be said for Nate. Even yesterday when she went to see him at the hospital and he was rude to her and acted like she was a nuisance. He wouldn't have done that had that been Ricky. And once again he only wants to get back with her or give things another go because he wants someone to sleep with on a regular basis. And he will probably keep it up until something better comes along. Certainly better from his perspective.

Although he was looking out for Alf, I found the way Spencer was with Josh quite annoying. He definitely had a valid point but it felt like there was anger directed towards Josh because he was jealous re Evelyn i.e. she wanted to be with Josh and did a u-turn about getting into a relationship with him so he lost out.

And then there's Chris the cretin. Why was he even in that scene with Spencer and Evelyn on the beach wasting valuable screen-time?

The main positive in that episode for me was the scene with Heath and Sophie. Really liked it. Heath was great as usual. Especially when he worried Darcy was in trouble, Sophie told him she was gifted and Heath asked if she was telepathic (please note this is not the X-Men heath). I would say Heath and Sophie are probably the only two characters I really like at the moment.

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Alf's episode count this week:Three. Once again, Roo managed three episodes (although strangely she wasn't credited on Thursday) but spent most of the week comatose and had no dialogue.

I loved the way Maddy cut short her hurt rant as soon as she saw how serious everyone was, pitched in and pretty much saved the day.I can however see raised eyebrows at her talking like she's never had a mother: I imagine Roo's been more of a mother to her than Tanya but it was a strange way of phrasing it.So, I'm guessing Roo's on the mend from the way she recovered consciousness near the end, which leaves us with the question of what was she doing in Peru?

Okay, so we were told what was in the bag.I found the way Evelyn was running around doing Josh's bidding, seemingly without caring that the man who's sleeping in her house might be a drug dealer, somewhat irritating, especially the way she tried to take the moral high ground with Spencer, and I'm glad Josh reminded her it isn't really any of her business.I also didn't like the way it felt like we were supposed to see Spencer as in the wrong for refusing to turn a blind eye.Spencer can come across as self-righteous at times, and indeed did here, and I often find he's unnecessarily judgemental towards Matt, but he's the one in the right here, he can't just let Andy carry on dealing drugs from the caravan park.Assuming that's what's happening, of course:We don't know for sure, the drugs might have been planted, so I'll give Andy the benefit of the doubt for now.(Tellingly, Josh seemed to immediately assume he was guilty though.)I actually felt Chris made that scene with the way he was clearly enjoying all the cloak and dagger stuff.(His inept attempt to cover for Evelyn talking about drugs in public was great:"Prescription drugs!Bought legally!From the chemist!")I really wish the show wouldn't keep doing these drug storylines, it's rare for the characters to come out of them with any real credit.

I have to say I really can't connect with Nate and Sophie as a couple.It's a bit like Kyle and Phoebe when she first came in:We're told that they were madly in love once and still are, but it really doesn't feel like it.And the fact they don't do anything but have sex doesn't help. In fact, sorry, Slade, but I haven't really warmed to Sophie either, she comes across as a bit unemotional.To be honest, there seemed to be more of a spark between Nate and Leah here than Nate and Sophie, possibly because Leah does the empathy thing better.

I'd forgotten about Heath's line about telepathy, that was a great Heathism.Shame Darcy's academic excellence doesn't extend to common sense, hiding that cut on her arm: I can see her ending up in hospital with blood poisoning, Heath being blamed because he was meant to be looking after her and his custody chances going up the spout.

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You're not wrong Brian a viral infection can't be treated with drugs, which I think once Nate found out it wasn't he could treat her. How unlucky can someone get, have an anti yellow fever injection then find out you're allergic to whatever was in it! But why was Roo in Peru (hey that rhymes) and why was it a secret? Maddy came to the rescue by finding her passport so was able to help Nate give her the right treatment. Nate should stop beating himself about not being there to treat her, she'd spent all day lying on the floor at the caravan house for more hours than it took for him to get the message he was needed! I had to smile at Maddy's speech to Roo about how she was sorry she hadn't listened to her, defied her, being in trouble. Darling you are a teenager, it's in the job description, it's expected as Alf no doubt could tell her. So now Roo has come round how long before she is up and about and acting like nothing has ben wrong with her?

Nate must be well fit, he's spent the last couple of days/week doing all he can to help Roo with little or no sleep then once she is out of the woods he's off to Sophie's to 'make up'! :wink:

So Andy does have a history of drug dealing, but I still can't see him being stupid enough to his them under his own caravan, supposing a young kid had found them the same way Chris did? He (Andy) certainly hasn't been splashing the cash if he has been dealing. No logical reason why either Spencer or Chris should keep quite apart from Spencer not wanting Alf having to deal with the trouble that would come with the police finding out. Josh didn't want Evelyn getting into it, she insisted.

Loved Heath and his worry about Darcy being in trouble, he looked good dressed the way he was not too over the top, just smart casual. When he was told she was gifted, and he thought Sophie meant telepathic, but when she said she meant she was very bright I had the thought, where did she get that from, naughty me, slap on the wrist time! In fact Sophie echoed something Darcy said before she had been on her phone because she had finished the lesson before everyone else and was bored. Heath was a very chuffed dad and couldn't wait to tell Bianca. It's going to be a bit worse than just a bad gash, shame she has done a runner (again) her and Jett have more in common than they think. She thinks she's protecting Heath but is making it worse, an accident like that could happened whoever she is staying with.

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