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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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You know, until recently I used to like Josh but I am rapidly going off him.First he cheats on Maddy and, despite saying he can't do it to her, continues to use the girl he cheated with as his first port of call when he wants to cover up some drugs(and Evelyn just comes running whenever he clicks his fingers).And he had no right whatsoever to punch Spencer, even if Spencer did call the police.As Spencer points out, he's the one in the right here, yet the episode seems to suggest we should be on Josh and Evelyn's side and maybe even Andy's.So Andy did know about the drugs, only question is whether he's dealing or holding onto them for someone:He's culpable either way and does deserve to do time, but for all Evelyn's "I don't think he's going to be around much longer" I imagine we'll have to put up with him for a long time to come, even though his rehabilitation, such as it was, has pretty much been put back to zero here.He and Hannah are the worst couple on a show that doesn't have very many good couples at the moment.Maybe the worst ever:Distance may have tempered my dislike of Brax and Charlie a bit, but these two are at least as bad as that.Even Evelyn doesn't seem to like them now, so I guess she's only covering for him because she fancies Josh.(And as Spencer said, the lie she told on his behalf was way below the belt.)I am pleased though that neither Oscar nor Evelyn gave Zac a hard time about his plans to move out, which on past behaviour I was really expecting, and seemed more sad than anything else, yet not without understanding for his position.

Meanwhile, Darcy.Another character that I used to like but am going off.For all her high intellect, she can be monumentally stupid at times.I thought at one point that maybe she was just planning to have a cry in private, then dry her eyes, go back to Heath and pretend everything was fine.But no, she decides to basically run away again, as if that's going to make Heath look any better.Even though Heath's made her see sense, it doesn't look like this is going away any time soon.

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I think Josh is learning from the masters, Heath, Brax and Casey, to deal with enemies through violence. I have been liking Andy more recently when he spent a few weeks just being himself, training people at the gym and dishing out advice. Now his nastier side has loomed again. Although I feel H&A over the past few weeks has gone a bit more back to the old style H&A with character led drama, I will have to expect some more crime sprees in the show again from time to time. Still a long way to go and I stick by my criticisms of the current producers but there has been a more community feel the past month or so, proper H&A.

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So if Spencer did not tell the police, who did? Josh, Evie, Chris? Josh would not put his brother in prison, Evie would not hurt Josh, so that leaves Chris. Possible, but why? Or maybe someone else we don't know about. What will Hannah do now? Believe Andy's lie? And how STUPID is Andy to hide the drugs on the farm. No respect for Hannah at all. She's better off without him. I agree with you Red, but I'm still on Josh's side - he's still going through a hard time. nothing goes right for him.

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Oh Andy, just when we (OK I) thought he had turned over a new leaf he is back to being involved in drugs. I'm like Brian Josh is disappointed in what Andy has done, but he's his brother and wants to keep him out of trouble, isn't that what the Braxton's used to do cover for each other when one got into trouble? I'd go for the latter Red as to whether he's dealing or just holding onto them for someone, he's certainly not had any spare cash to spend that we've seen. It's more down to Evelyn helping Josh out then him using her, she may well fancy him but she could still say no. No excuse for Josh to hit Spencer I know, but he thought he'd gone back on his word not to tell the police (we find out who did tonight). Not sure if Andy made a conscious decision to hid the drugs at the farmhouse or if it just occurred to him when he drove Hannah home. Another one to feel let down by Andy will be Casey after he'd given him yet another chance and they'd been getting on better lately.

Both Evelyn and Oscar did take Zac's news well though Evelyn was disappointed he hadn't spoken to her directly and had to learn it from Oscar, who only found out because he overheard Hannah and Zac talking.

Happens a lot gifted/bright kids don't have much common sense. Trouble is Darcy really believes she is doing the right thing by hiding her injury. The explanation to Heath about her friend said it all, though what happened could have happened anytime, she slipped and hurt her arm. Even Connie can't keep an eye on her twenty four hours a day. Going by the trailer it doesn't go well when she gets examined by Super doc and Brax threatening him isn't going to help Heath's case for custody.

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I'm with Homeandawayfan here, I had hoped the show had got certain things out of their system but here we are, back in the middle of drug deals and criminals as protagonists.And the plotting is as lazy as ever: Emerson takes Andy in for questioning in a rather public manner and it's dismissed with "He got released."Okay, I can believe that bit, no drugs no evidence(aside from the two witnesses?), but the police are investigating reports of drugs at the caravan park and Alf, who probably owns the caravan park and definitely runs it, doesn't know?I do wish that one day Josh would realise that protecting Andy isn't helping anyone, because he came across as a bit of a jerk once again.He apologises to Evelyn for hitting Spencer (?!) but doesn't bother apologising to Spencer himself, just giving him a surly "Let's put it behind us." I'm glad Chris stood up to him, shame that the script again seems to imply he was in the wrong for calling the police(even Spencer seemed to think so). Shame too that he didn't tell Alf, not wanting to bother him aside.

I'm torn between wanting to see Nate as just doing his job and really not liking him doing this to Heath, who's basically a friend of his.Actually, I mostly blame Darcy, who seemed to be doing everything she could to make it look like there was something going on.And I'm almost annoyed with the writers, who never seem to give Heath a break:Couldn't they just let him be happy, instead of throwing an abuse allegation at him?Brax wasn't as bad as the promo implied, he got a bit unnecessarily aggro but at least had the sense to pull it back.

Maybe I'm inclined to see the worst of him but I actually thought Casey was a bit of a selfish jerk at the end.Heath's been refused contact with his daughter but because Casey heard Brax and Heath tell a few stories about their rubbish childhood, he decides that it's all about him, whines about it to his secret girlfriend who he apparently didn't wait that long with after all(how long did they last, a couple of days?)and mouths a load of nonsense about "the wrong head space" to excuse going off for some special cuddles instead of supporting his brother.I get that it was mainly there to demonstrate how Brax might have difficulty controlling his temper if he had children, but I really wouldn't have minded if he had hit Casey.

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Don't understand why Casey had to drop everything and go to the hospital to be with his niece. Brax, Heath and Ricky were there already. Isn't that enough? I'm surprised that Denny let him go so easily. Does that braxtom family always have to come first????

Should Josh always protect Andy?

Don't understand why Casey had to drop everything and go to the hospital to be with his niece. Brax, Heath and Ricky were there already. Isn't that enough? I'm surprised that Denny let him go so easily. Does that braxtom family always have to come first????

Should Josh always protect Andy?

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Why was the Andy storyline dropped from today's episode. Wouldn't have been easy for the fallout to continue. I do sometimes wonder what the writers think when it comes to scheduling a storyline.

Brian I thought you would have known by know that the Braxton motto all for one, one for all. They all stick together during a crisis and not runaway like Casey did.

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I'm probably not giving Casey and Denny a fair go here but...no.It's another case of a couple who are nothing special being treated like they're made for each other.I didn't like the way Denny pressured Casey into going away on their trip, even if she didn't know about the situation with his family.And the way Casey kept ignoring Brax's calls was a bit brattish.He says he can't put his life on hold because of the family but what exactly did he do that was more important than supporting Heath?He went out to the woods, he came back, he got up to whatever with Denny in between and didn't really tell her anything, continuing to be a bit evasive about family business.Still, at least he's finally been honest to Brax.I don't know if that was meant to be their first time or if they're meant to have done it in the office last week(it's presumably safe to assume they have Done It?), but it was nothing that couldn't wait.Oh-and that's Casey's company vehicle.

I did briefly enjoy Ricky having a go at Nate, although I suspect it was more about the incident reigniting Brax's doubts than about what he did to Heath and Darcy.Shame that Sophie was quick to tell him to do the right thing, but then she's also messing people's lives about in the name of "doing her job".So, seriously, does anyone know or care what year the characters are in?Maddy tells Sasha and Matt she'll see them in class, one scene before we're told she's in Year 11. Is everyone in Year 11 these days?! And will be next year, the way things are going.So Maddy missed two weeks of school (it hasn't been that long for us but okay) and Sophie, rather draconianly, wants her to do the whole year again?Oscar's missed way more than that.I got the impression that Maddy would pass the year but Sophie thinks she could do better, which seems a very weak excuse for writing off a year's work.

I think I preferred Roo unconscious, her evasiveness towards Alf seemed a bit childish.I'm at a loss as to what she'd be doing in Peru:Meeting up with Harvey?Marilyn refusing to go back to John and Jett's house and forcing them to stay at the caravan park felt very unfair as well.They haven't been making Jett sleep on the sofa while Roo's room was empty, have they?Someone call Social Services.Oh-and Brax is now back to saying his past would make him a rubbish dad, although at least he's more willing to compromise.

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You weren't really happy with today's episode, were you Red? I agree with you - I found it rather boring. Not enough teenagers in it!

I know what you mean about "One for all" haaf 14, but Casey isn't a Braxton any more. he had that removed from his back. So he doesn't have to be around all the time.

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