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I know what you mean about "One for all" haaf 14, but Casey isn't a Braxton any more. he had that removed from his back. So he doesn't have to be around all the time.

Although technically not a Braxton, Casey will always be more a Braxton than a Barrett. The only time I have seen Casey and Josh ever interact was when he passed an exam. Why didn't Josh go to Casey for help when he found about Andy's drugs?

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I know what you mean about "One for all" haaf 14, but Casey isn't a Braxton any more. he had that removed from his back. So he doesn't have to be around all the time.

Although technically not a Braxton, Casey will always be more a Braxton than a Barrett. The only time I have seen Casey and Josh ever interact was when he passed an exam. Why didn't Josh go to Casey for help when he found about Andy's drugs?

Because that wouldn't just involve Casey but the Braxtons too! This is one of the reasons Casey is trying to carve out his own space with Denny. I think they make a good couple, certainly better than puppy dog Chris who never got Denny's humour.

As for Josh, he's a river boy same as the Braxtons so is not averse to using his fists, they've been brought up on the edge of the law. After the hard time by princess Maddy I can see why he's casting his net further, although Evelyn might not be a good idea!

I walked into the living room yesterday to see Roo in the cafe chatting away right as rain, they should rename her Lazarus! No way would she be out of hospital for a month!

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Because that wouldn't just involve Casey but the Braxtons too! This is one of the reasons Casey is trying to carve out his own space with Denny. I think they make a good couple, certainly better than puppy dog Chris who never got Denny's humour.

It's early days and I'm not sure how good they are but I feel Denny is a lot happier with Casey than she was with Chris. Initially girls might find Chris funny but the novelty wears off pretty quickly and they see him for the town jester that he really is. I almost wish Josh had decked him instead of Spencer.

Mixed feelings about this whole thing with Nate. I didn't want him to report Heath at first but can understand he felt he had no choice. In the end, I was glad he did because I didn't like the way Brax basically threatened him before and after seeing Ricky have a go at him after. It's Heath I feel sorry for but if he's having this much trouble now perhaps it's not the right time to go for custody, although I suspect Darcy will still be around as Colleen is still detained at her majesty's pleasure.

Thought it was harsh for Sophie to make Maddie retake the year but given that Maddie is aiming the get into a good uni, perhaps based on her recent results, she thought it was a sensible and realistic approach. Sophie obviously felt uncomfortable at the hospital just after she met Roo when she realised she was Maddie's guardian. I did wonder whether she was going to say anything but sensibly bit her tongue.

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Probably going to be called picky, but isn't the Braxton motto All Or Nothing?

Doesn't matter if Nate is friends with the Braxtons/Ricky, he has to report what he thinks could be child abuse. Must be plenty of people out there who use that very fact they are friends with the doctor to use that as a get out card. Brax certainly did help by threatening him, in fact Heath handled it a whole lot better and the fact Heath had been abused as a kid doesn't necessarily follow he'd do any abusing himself. If Nate is as observant as I think he is he could have seen by Darcy's behaviour around Heath would tell him what their relationship is like. She didn't flinch when he touched her and she threw her arm around him, plus wouldn't she avoid coming to stay with him instead of wanting him to have custody? Plus even Connie, who isn't Heath's number one fan, would believe he would hurt Darcy. Who's Colleen Slade?

Strange thing for Casey to feel left out of, being beaten as a kid by Danny, but it unites Heath and Brax in a way he wasn't part of. His getting away, after Brax had a go at him and nearly hitting him was in imo a good thing, it gave them both the space they needed to think about it and calm down. Why it made Brax still think he'd be a bad dad, I'm not sure, Casey is an adult and as tall (if not taller) than him and he would have hit back. Brax's keep ringing Casey wasn't necessary, he should have got the message is he wasn't answering it meant he didn't want to talk to you!

So Andy got nicked, released and now has left town (obviously wasn't told not to leave the bay then). Heath and Casey at the hospital, Andy out of town, who is looking after the gym?

Both Casey and Denny mindful of Chris' feelings when they were about to kiss on the beach and he approached them.

Is there a year 12 at SBH, seeing how most kids seem stuck in Year 11? It's more than Maddy missing just a fortnight at school, there was all that trouble with her not handing in assignments when she was all loved up with Josh. I think she was pushing it asking Sophie if she could resit her History exam when Zac had already told her no. Both Oscar and Evelyn missed a lot more school, assuming they didn't have any schooling while they were at the compound.

Roo certainly has made a miraculous recovery, unless they have skipped a couple of days in the bay. She is still being very evasive about her time in South America. I did have an awful thought that maybe she had something to do with the drugs found under the Barrett's caravan. :o Jett must having been using her room while she was in hospital so maybe he meant now she is out of hospital and would back to the couch.Couldn't John and Jett move back home and Marilyn stay to help out or is that a too simplistic a solution?

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I agree, haaf14, Casey and Josh had more interaction before they found out they were brothers than they have since.It's reaching the point where I'm thinking they might as well have announced Casey's father was some random bloke with no connection to anything for all the effect it's had.

Marilyn was a bit annoying with the way she kept meddling with Alf and Roo, did she really think Alf would just forget about it if she gave him enough pointless tasks?Mind you, their conversation just went round and round in circles when they did eventually have it, which seems to beggar belief, and it felt odd the way that firstly it was played for laughs and secondly it felt like we were supposed to think Alf should just drop it.Roo's being pretty childish and is obviously hiding something.John and Jett grabbing the pizza was quite amusing.

Okay, I get Phoebe wanting her and Kyle to get a place of their own, but hasn't she learned her lesson about being economical with the truth?And stealing from her boyfriend's family to get a flat is seriously crossing a line.She might find them frustrating but they allowed her into their home, no questions asked.Did we know she and Kyle had gone away?I guess it explains where they're been lately.

I can understand Maddy's reaction here:She's obviously deeply embarrassed by having to repeat and doesn't want it compounded by having to deal with people.Yeah, the fact she wasn't willing to lean on Josh is probably significant, but she did tell him straightaway, whereas there's a lot of things he hasn't told her(although I accept it's partly because he didn't want her to have to deal with it while Roo was ill).Sasha going to talk to her was nice, if ineffective.I find it frustrating that Josh seems to have suddenly bought into Andy's lies about Maddy only seeing him as a project, in what felt like thinking up excuses for not liking her anymore.It's even more frustrating that we've apparently supposed to think he sees Matt and Sasha as the perfect couple he and Maddy aren't, when in reality they argue at least as much and frankly Sasha's at least as guilty of seeing her boyfriend as a Mangrove River kid for her to fix as Maddy is, if not more.But still, he got the Close-up of Doom during their hug, which is never a good sign.

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When Kyle and Phoebe are not having screen time they seem to return from holiday. Are they only working part-time? As for Phoebe stealing I agree with you Red but also when the whole issue with her father was going on the Braxton family rallied to help her and this how she repays them. You never steal from the people who you claim to love.

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I don't really get why they're all living at the house and leaving John's house vacant, also I don't see how Marilyn could decide that John and Jet move in as it's not her house, she's just a lodger. Now with Roo back there's six of them living there.

Why is Roo being evasive about her South American trip, well maybe she's been organising drug deals and that's where Andy got the cannabis from :-)

I think Pheobe is desperate so stole the money, stupid really as she'll be found out straight away which I think she knows. Kyle should do the decent thing and get a place with her like he said he would, OK I know it would mean H&A having to build a new set but why not!

Maddy gets out of Josh dumping her for now, she has so many lives she's like a cat. I think Josh is fed up with the situation and it's just a matter of time. I really think Maddy needs some counselling sessions, especially as Roo hasn't been around for her.

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Had Phoebe and Kyle been to another music concert, that is where they usually go when they disappear and how come Brax didn't/hadn't had a go at him for not sticking around? Does he even know about Heath and Darcy (or am I confusing him with Casey)? Wouldn't the most easiest way to have been for Phoebe or Kyle just to ask Brax for a loan for the bond, I know Kyle didn't want to be beholden to Brax, but they could pay him back quite quickly or have him take it out of their wages. Is she really going to let Kyle think Matt stole the cash and were she and Matt really having that conversation while John was standing right next to them?

Maddy has had quite an ego knock, before this she has been always top of the class and got good marks and now she has to re take a year and her being nice to people and not being about me, me me didn't last long. Roo (who is looking remarkably good btw) was trying to help but Maddy shut her down. She was pretty dismissive to Sasha as well (who can understand how she feels). Funnily enough I was thinking the same as Sasha (when she was talking to Josh) the other week when Marilyn had caught Josh kissing Evelyn and her and John were going on at him about how much he owes Maddy for all she went through for him to be accepted, being with someone because you feel you owe them is not the right reason. You ought to be with them because you love them. Only now of course Maddy has apologised to Josh, again, and wants them to be the way they were. How many times can she keep doing it to him before he says enough is enough.

Marilyn was just being Marilyn by trying to avoid Alf and Roo having the inevitable row about where she had been and why. It had to come though and although Roo is an adult and doesn't have to tell anyone what she is up to, she ought to understand how worried everyone was and she could have died if they hadn't found out where she'd been. That was some row, it was light when it started and dark by the time Alf stormed out.

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