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Alf's episode count this week:Four.

While I'm glad that Alf and Roo made up, that's surely not it with regards Roo's South America sojourn, is it? It seems a bit extreme to go to all the trouble of hiding her travel documents just because she wanted a bit of privacy.I'm not sure who owns the caravan park these days, Marilyn was meant to be buying it with Alf, Roo and Harvey at one point, but her refusal to move out is coming across as a bit selfish: Alf and Roo don't particularly want her there and now she's hurt John and Jett.I'm guessing that she's finding it harder to leave than she expected but she needs to be honest, not keep coming up with excuses.

Frustrated at the way the Kyle/Phoebe plot went.I was wondering why, stolen money aside, Phoebe hadn't told Kyle what she was up to, but I'll buy her wanting it to be a surprise.And she gets points for owning up the moment she realised Matt would be blamed otherwise.But Kyle, even before he knew what the money was for, basically stealing the money himself to give it back to her?Whether he's the manager or not, it's not his money to give.Bad Kyle.I assume/hope he intends to pay it back when he can.

Go, Alf! He's still got it.I loved him facing down Andy and rightly sending him packing.And I love even more how, when Andy tried his usual trick of using Josh as an emotional blackmail card, Alf turned it around and made Andy the one who had to play ball if he cared about Josh.The way he was clearly planning to give Chris far more of a hiding than Josh gave Spencer, and didn't seem to care who saw or who got in the way, shows what a thoroughly objectionable person he is.Chris' comedy punchline, while in character, felt out of place and should probably have been dropped. Hannah actually shows surprising sanity in not wanting anything to do with Andy;unfortunately, and somewhat surprisingly, it turns out Oscar is far more blind to Andy's faults than her and ends up inadvertently convincing her that white is black.I really cannot believe she said that:Even if she accepted that Andy had been framed...Zac? He didn't do himself any favours by squaring up to Andy but I thought he handled it right.It'll be interesting to know how Oscar, who indirectly caused it, and Evelyn, who's pretty much Team Zac these days, react to it.

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Hi picky H&Alover. I can't get it right all the time!!!

Casey is not Braxton by name any more. homeandawayfan, although he may still call himself that.

Phoebe wasn't stealing, only borrowing, Psychic Wombat. She's got to do something to get Kyle out of that house!

Well done Hannah for kicking Andy out, but did she seriously think that Zac would set him up????????? Oscar doesn't know what he's talking about.

Where's Red tonite?

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Just above you.Casey is a Braxton by name: His mother married a Braxton, it was her legal surname when he was born, so it's his legal surname.He could change it if he wanted but it's his mother's name, it's two of his half-brothers' name (plus adoptive half-brother Kyle), why would he want to?

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Just above you.Casey is a Braxton by name: His mother married a Braxton, it was her legal surname when he was born, so it's his legal surname.He could change it if he wanted but it's his mother's name, it's two of his half-brothers' name (plus adoptive half-brother Kyle), why would he want to?

Exactly, he's still a Braxton, just not by blood, only sand.
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Sorry but what does Colleen have to do with Darcy?.

I meant Connie.

Thought it was really funny Maddie storming off in a childish strop after finding out she had to repeat the year. To me it feels like although understandably she's frustrated she was more disappointed with the fact that Josh (who was struggling to understand the subject material) beat her. It's interesting because in one hand, Sasha gave good advice about her repeating which stands if she wants to get into a top uni. But on the other hand she basically told her boyfriend to finish with her. During Sasha's conversation with Josh in the Diner it seemed like maybe she was thinking of her situation with Spencer, perhaps staying with him out of loyalty because of his bi-polar when she had fallen for Matt - Although Sasha isn't aware of what has happened with Josh and Evelyn. I wondered whether Maddie had picked up on the fact that Josh was going to finish with her when he wanted to meet her by the peer so offered to be a better girlfriend. Should he have finished with her then? Perhaps, but I can't understand him not having the heart to do it even though it probably won't benefit Maddie in the long run.

I was actually hoping that Andy would have got hold of Chris before Alf found out what all the fuss was about. Chris wouldn't have dared made that comment do Andy's face. Can't really blame Alf for throwing him out the caravan park although it was good of him not to take it out on Josh. After trying to change the character in the right way it's disappointing the writers have gone back to the old Andy, who was/is deeply unpleasant. I can understand Oscar fighting his corner but I'm surprised how gullible Hannah is. I suppose from Andy's perspective he's got nothing to lose by lying to her about the drugs as even if he was honest she would finish with him anyway. I still look at Hannah and think apart from her looks, I don't find her to be very likeable or particularly pleasant even when she looks happy. And even Andy at the times where he was being pleasant had far more likeability.

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Casey could change his name to his mothers (no, not Cheryl!)

What is it with Roo, why won't she say where she was, she's just being silly.

Someone else being silly is Marilyn, 40 going on 14! It's obvious she's afraid of commitment with John, Alf and Roo have a healthy father daughter relationship and don't need any help, John and Jet need her more. John's even suggested selling his house for them to start afresh, liked the resigned look on their faces though.

Thought Phoebe had a good singing voice, better than most soap star wannabes ;-)

and poor Hannah, not gifted in the brains department, doh.

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In this country, i thought that a child takes the surname of his/her father, if his name appears on the birth certificate. Casey's father was Johnny Barrett. Is it any different in aussie?

Maddy doesn't deserve Josh, but I still hope that they don't split up. Perhaps she'll settle down a bit now Roo is back.

Has anyone noticed that the lovely cookie who walks down the red carpet immediately before the start looks very much like Phoebe?

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For a start, I doubt Johnny Barrett is on the birth certificate, or someone would probably have noticed before now.In all likelihood, given that he was her husband and she didn't want him to know he wasn't the father, Cheryl registered Casey as Danny's son.

In addition, are you sure that's right?I mean, I know a child can take the father's surname if it's different from the mother's but I always thought that was personal choice rather than the law.I know that certainly at one point hospitals insisted on listing newborn children under the mother's name.

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When did Connie go to jail Slade?

Casey was registered as a Braxton as obviously Danny had no reason to think he wasn't his and what's the betting Danny did the registering anyway. Casey can change his surname the same way Kyle did evenutally. I think if a couple is married it's the father's surname that goes on the birth certificate, it's only when the parents aren't married that the mother can say she wants her surname on the certificate.

I'm pleased too about Alf and Roo making up, loved Jett's sleepy muttering from the sofa, but definitely not the end of Roo's South American jaunt. Yes Marilyn, Alf, Roo and Harvey did buy the caravan park off Sally with a little help from Brax. I was wondering if Marilyn was getting cold feet with her reluctance to move out with John who was hurt by her staying.

Hannah did jump to completely the wrong conclusion by accusing Zac of setting Andy up, so is he (Zac) moving out again then? Was she hedging her bets by asking Zac to stay and could he afford to stay at The Sands? Oscar knows the 'good' side of Andy and he has been good to him and Hannah was easily swayed by his argument for him. Sadly Andy does really like Hannah, may even love her, but his behaviour just keeps letting him down. mind Zac telling Andy Hannah didn't want to see him was rather overbearing, she is an adult so is quite able to tell him herself.

So Alf finally got the truth out of Chris and tackled Andy about it and stressing it was him not Josh who was being kicked out.

So Kyle gets a touch of the green eyed monster because he saw Phoebe chatting or flirting to use his term to their potential new landlord, for heavens sake it was in broad daylight and it's the way Phoebe is. She did do the decent thing and own up to taking the money to stop Matt getting into bother. Now all Kyle has to do is explain to Brax where the money has gone, I suppose it's more plausible to say he 'borrowed' it than having to admit Phoebe nicked it. He can tell Brax the money was needed right then and there and knowing Kyle he'd pay it back as soon as he can or Brax can take it out of his wages.

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