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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I think Slade might be confused between (or referring to) Celia Ireland's role as Connie on Home and Away and her role of Liz on Wentworth.

Bingo! No confusion though (I'm not that bad). In a roundabout sort of way I was saying as the actress was tied up in another show then hopefully this would mean that Darcy stays with Heath somehow in spite of what has happened.

H&lover, please don't ask me what Wentworth is.

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Very frustrating episode again.It looks like I gave Oscar too much credit.I expected him to be shocked when he found out he'd inspired Hannah to accuse Zac but no, he's another one who's so convinced the sun shines out of Andy that he'll turn on Zac at the slightest excuse.Shame no-one told Evelyn, since she knows Andy's guilty;then again, the way she treated Spencer she'd probably keep quiet so as not to upset Josh.With Denny being a cheat, there's no-one left in that house I actually care about so Zac should just let them all go to hell.Is Hannah really deluded enough to believe that not only did Zac plant the drugs on Andy but he then retrieved them from where Andy hid them and hid them in his own barn?Because...why?It'd be simpler to just dispose of them or leave them as Andy's problem.Oh well, Andy's deception backfires on him since now the drugs are gone.I really wish Chris had let Hannah and Oscar see what Andy's really like rather than tipping him off they were there and trying to bribe him with free food.So...Andy owes someone money.And he gets the text before he's had a chance to tell anyone the drugs are gone, so it can't be because he's expected to pay for what he's lost.So...is he dealing?If he's giving most of the money to his suppliers, it's possible he isn't making much of a profit and so wouldn't have cash to splash around.Alternately, he might be dealing to pay off an unrelated debt, with the same result.

Another one that frustrates me is Darcy.Can't Heath get a break?As with when she put Harley in hospital, it seems like everyone's queuing up to tell Darcy it's not her fault, even though it is.Nate shoulders some of the blame for seeing things that aren't there, but Darcy caused the whole situation, first by injuring herself messing about, then by hiding the injury so it looked suspicious, then by lying to Nate just to make sure it looked as suspicious as possible.It's past time people stopped treating her like an innocent little moppet and taught her that doing the wrong thing has consequences. And then she compounds it by going round to Heath's, which she knows is just going to make things worse for him.Heath isn't handling it quite right, letting his heart rule his head, but she's the one pushing all his buttons because she's being self-centred.At least Brax seems to have his head screwed on for once, hopefully he'll make Heath see since.

And then we have Marilyn, dubbing John "childish" in a massive pot-kettle-black moment, and Roo, giving her militant advice without bothering to find out if she's got a good reason for moving out of John's.And somehow he's the one that ends up worst off!

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Brilliant. Although I suspect Zac will suffer in the short term it will be worth it when he's vindicated (and believe me he will be, I'm sure). Hannah is going to look like such a tool. Actually taking Andy's word over his and believing he would stoop so low as to risk absolutely everything just to frame him. Looking forward to seeing her expression when it happens. And I hope she goes grovelling to Zac and he tells her where to go. I actually don't have as much of a problem with Oscar. Admittedly it wasn't pleasant seeing him behave towards his uncle like that but he's young, naive, led quite a sheltered life so it's more understandable

It was good of Zac not to call the police and to tell Brax to come to the school when Heath stupidly went to see Darcy. That's the least he could do after sleeping with Heath's wife. It's harsh of the authorities to take Harley from Heath but he does come across as though he's struggling at the moment and I think he needs Bianca's support.

Unfortunately, I suspect that Andy won't get his hands on Chris as he'll have more important things to worry about. Interesting looking at Andy's phone. They actually have 4G in Summer Bay.

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and poor Hannah, not gifted in the brains department, doh.

Probably the reason she became a nurse and not a doctor.

Why does Oscar want to believe Andy and not his Zach. He's only known Andy for barely 5 minutes and know he's suddenly become this great role model. I can't wait to see how both Oscar and Hannah react if the truth comes and especially Hannah who is so gullible she believe any old story. Then watch her grovel back to Zach.

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Been trying to remember if Zac knew about the drugs before or after they went missing, if the latter how did he manage to take them from Andy and hide them in the barn/shed? Hannah is way out of line to even consider Zac would be capable because of his past and be that stupid to hide them at their own home? Now she has disposed of them it has certainly landed Andy in the poo, I'm guessing he has to sell what he has got then pay the suppliers for whatever price has been agreed between him and them. He certainly doesn't appear to have been splashing any spare cash. I'm more inclined to agree with Slade as regards Oscar believing Andy over Zac, he mentioned last night the advice Andy gave him regards the bully at community service and off and he was being left alone. Be interesting to see what Evelyn's reaction will be seeing as she is kind of torn between two camps, her family on one side and Josh on the other.

Yes Darcy, she's put both her and Heath into an impossible situation by going to see him, but and I'm not making excuses for her, she is too young, even at 12/13, to fully understand the consequences of her actions. DOCS taking Harley off Heath has nothing to do with him not being able to cope which he has been it's related to his alleged knocking Darcy about. They 'think' if he can do it to a young girl he's more than capable of hurting a baby. Ricky was right though he does need to tell Bianca, never mind she is settling into her new job, even if she couldn't come home, she could still support him. Nice scene of Brax holding Harley, seems he's letting himself bond with him. Btw Slade looks like Connie does get her day release! :wink:

While no misunderstanding this time between John and Marilyn, with both of them getting well meaning 'advice' from Alf and Roo and still not getting anywhere as to why Marilyn doesn't want to move back to John's. Marilyn did deny rather quickly she was getting cold feet when Roo suggested it.

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Heath shows sense and does what the rules require him to, rather than listening to Darcy's irresponsible pleas.I'm glad that, despite taking his anger out on him, he apologised to Brax, who really was just looking out for him and gave good advice.I guess it's right that Heath doesn't bear any ill well against Nate, although I think he got off lightly.And Nate then loses what points he's gained by recognising the damage he's done by sparking off a witch hunt, as he breaks the rules to give Connie a heavily slanted account of what he witnessed that just stokes up her paranoia against Heath.I'm glad Darcy told him where to go, shame she then messes up again by telling Connie both too much and too little:First she arouses her suspicions by being evasive instead of saying "I didn't tell Dad I'd hurt my arm until the next day because I was scared they'd blame him", then does exactly what Heath asked her not to and blabs about the custody bid.Connie, who started off relatively sympathetic towards Heath, promptly reverts to type and tries to keep Darcy to herself.She may well be awarded custody if she puts up a fight but it'd only be a temporary victory:She tried to poison Darcy against Heath once and failed, in a few years Darcy will be able to walk out of Connie's house to where she wants to live and not look back.

Good job Sophie was ill, otherwise I doubt Leah would have been able to stop her calling the police.I did wonder if she'd be pregnant but it turns out to be misdirection...only now there's a risk of her sinking back into old habits.Does Sasha really understand Matt so little she expects him to be wetting himself with excitement at a uni prospectus?It's obviously not for him and her attempts to psychoanalyse him were quite painful.

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I was so impressed by Heath realising that Nate was just doing his job and one day he'll do it and truly help a child like someone should have done for them. I think Heath is possibly my favourite character on the show at the moment because he's developed and consistently written.

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Getting fed up with all this Heath and his kids' drama. he is way out of his depth here. Still not ready to be a on-parent father and hold down a job. Good to see Connie at last (has she been on before?). She'll pile it on even more for Heath.

Agree with Hannah being so naive as to believe that Zac planted the drugs. How will the true story be revealed, I wonder? Andy will get into real trouble with his supplier now - good! About time someone sorted him out. Poor Josh though.

Good conversation between Sasha and Matt, with Matt telling her his true life ambitions. She'll have a job talking him round to her way of thinking. Is there a future for them? Is love enough? Liked the bit about "what keps you awake at night?" "You snoring". They must do that regularly!

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Getting fed up with all this Heath and his kids' drama. he is way out of his depth here. Still not ready to be a on-parent father and hold down a job. Good to see Connie at last (has she been on before?). She'll pile it on even more for Heath.

I think it's a great storyline, nice to see something that isn't about guns or drugs, instead it's a storyline that's actually close to Home and Away's roots, child protection and what the best living arrangements for a child would be.

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